holybible WHEN YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO…                                                                         GOD DOES,

It was many, many, moons ago, when I heard someone say, God has the answer for everything and you can find it in the Bible.  I’m going to keep it real with you…I thought the person was nuts, …really I did. I thought to myself…”What are you talking about…telling me I can find the answer to every single problem I have or ever will have in the Bible.   I don’t believe it.   Nope, nope, nope.”   

I thought that this was impossible.  It just couldn’t be.   How could one book contain all the answers to the questions in life??                But, even with those thoughts, I was still curious.  curiousgeorge1
A smaller, much smaller, voice said, “But what if it’s true.  What would you say about that.?”  I thought, “Oh my, if it’s true, that would be something.  Really something!  I would have to tell somebody… somebody like the ‘whole world.'”  Now, even with this burst of enthusiasm, there was still the nagging attitude of…it just can’t be, that would be too much… just too much.

Do you see how our thought patterns can be when something huge, absolutely huge, is presented before us?  It’s like we can’t process it properly.  Humans are so use to emphasizing the negative, that it’s hard to believe something truly great could be possible.   And… this is what initially happened to me.    I thank God everyday that the negative side of my human self did not stop me from being curious.   Sooooo, my curiosity got the best of me and I went and got the Bible. At that time in my life, I was pretty familiar with the Bible…but still, I couldn’t grasp that it could contain the answer to every single problem in life.   Nevertheless, I started re-reading it in a new way.   I thought about some problems I was having along with those of some people I knew.    So, I was now looking to the Bible for answers to the practical problems in life.   I was using it as a research tool.    This may seem boring to some, but not to me.   I guess it’s in part due to the fact that I am a researcher by nature (I really am, some family members call me  “the librarian”).   I love trying to find the answers to things.   It’s like life is a puzzle, and it needs to be figured out.   I just had never used the bible as one of my research tools.   However, now…I was doing it.   And, all based on that person saying, “God has the answer for everything and you can find it in the Bible.”   I probably was more led by the urge, to prove it was not true, then any motivation to prove it was true.  Isn’t that a shame???  

So, I had my life problems and I had the Bible in hand.   I wrote down some key words about the problems and used the index of the Bible to find a starting point.   I have a Bible concordance but I can’t remember if I used that or not back then.    As I was perusing through the Bible, a voice started talking to me audibly (and no, I’m not crazy)  and telling me where to go to in the Bible.  Truly, I was being led to places I hadn’t previously paid any attention to.    I wrote down these directions and followed the voice’s instructions.
The kicker is, I was absolutely amazed, that I was finding solutions to these life problems.   I was astounded.   So, I wrote down the Bible scripture that applied to the problems and kept reading them over and over again.  I meditated on them for weeks.    It was like the more I knew, the more I wanted to know.  And, it all happened at a very fast pace.   My head was spinning (and no, not like in the Exorcist). This was a good, figuratively speaking, God motivated type of spinning going on.   It was exhilarating.  Truly.    Jesus says, “Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and everyone who knocks, the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7-8).”   I was searching, and I was definitely finding.  

That is how my journey started on the road of understanding the truth that God does have the answer to every problem in life and it is found in the Bible.   A book that can be right at your fingertips.  You just need to seek so you too, can find.  I pray with all of my heart that God touches you and gives you a craving to read His word, His truth, that is Jesus, contained in the Bible.    I pray that when you seek you will find the truth that God wants you to find.

© Iris R Whiting

Posted in Christians, God, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , | 205 Comments

Christians & the U.S. Stock Market Plunge: God told me to remind you that He’s here & He never falls


With all the craziness in this world, sometimes we forget to look to God for our sanity.   In reality, that is the only place you will find it & keep it.  For sure.    You see…God taught me a long time ago to stop trusting in the world & to trust only in him.    He said, “child, stop thinking that you know…what you know not.”   That was a hard one.  We are taught from little children to lean on the world (including ourselves) for survival.   However, from God’s perspective, this type of thinking is completely flipped & turned upside down .   He specifically says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6) In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

Over the past few days, the Stock Market has plunged dramatically & people are worried to death about their finances.   Today, NBC news reports that at the opening of the U.S. Stock Market this morning, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 1000 points within seconds. While,  it has since recovered some of it’s losses, it is still way down.  So, what is going on? You see…China recently devalued it’s currency & is having a hell of a time with it’s economy.   The economy has slowed way down in terms of growth.  Things are very bad over there right now financially.  So, what does China have to do with what is happening here?  Let me tell you.   The global economies are so intertwined that it’s not funny.  Basically, if China’s Stock Market sneezes, we too have to blow our nose.  No joke. It is that intertwined.    The United States started borrowing a lot of money from China a long time ago (to the tune of about 1.252 trillion Treasury debt (Oct. 2014)  & whatever happens in their economy is going to impact heavily on what happens in ours.

Well, this is what happens when people lean on man & the world about anything.  It might sound harsh what I am saying, but God knows, I’m telling you the truth.   Anytime, you put your trust in the world, you have built your foundation on sand.   And…when the storm comes, your foundation will fall.  How can it not???    I was watching Pat Robertson (700 Club) this morning & when asked about what happened this past Friday & today, with the U.S. Stock Market plunging…you could clearly see that he was also shaken by this.   He basically said this is not good…not good at all.   He mentioned a couple of stocks that normally were stable from his view, but now…they are even in trouble.   Now…you know & I know that the majority of people running the Stock Market & handling people’s finances, are not too steeped in God.  How do I know?  To explain, let me ask you this question.  Why do you think there is so much corruption on Wall Street & in that arena period?   You see…people who are steeped in God, don’t act like that.  Why? Because they fear God.  They know his power & his wrath.   They understand…He is not to be played with.  So, you try to do right by people.   You understand that God says, “Thou shalt not steal” in one of his 10 commandments (Exodus 20:15 ) & He means it.

So, what is God saying in the midst of this present Stock Market madness.   He is telling his children to hold onto him.  God wants us to come to him with all our fears, concerns, & upset and talk to him about it.   It’s easy.  It really is.  Come to him humbly & first, ask for forgiveness for any sins you have committed.  Then, just start talking about any of this financial mess that is going on in your life right now or anything else you want to talk about.   He is here with us…waiting to help & assist us.  And, don’t get it twisted.  You see… it is never him that strays from us…it is always us who stray away from him.

So…stop trusting the world & stop letting your finances be controlled by the world.   Let God direct what you should do & watch him work.   Remember, He is God… who never falls or fails… no matter what any other country’s Stock Market is doing.

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in Christians, God, Spiritual, U.S. Economy | Tagged , , , , , , , | 34 Comments

Ashley Madison Married Cheaters Website: Hacked & Now…Cheaters are literally Crying the Blues


O.k. guys.  Ashley Madison is a website whose purpose, in part,  is to facilitate cheating by married people.  Yes…let me say it again.  Ashley Madison is a website whose purpose is to facilitate cheating by married people.   Now, it has been reported that hackers, calling themselves the “Impact Team,” hacked the website last month.  USA Today reports that this past Tuesday, 8/18/15, the “Impact Team” posted customer data files from Ashley Madison customer’s… online.   Then, did it again on Thursday, 8/20/15.   Meaning what???  Meaning that married people… who were using the Ashley Madison website to find other people to have affairs with… have had their personal information (including their names, e-mail addresses) exposed online for the whole world to see. Meaning what??? Meaning all Hell is literally breaking loose in households all over the friggin place, even as I am writing this post.

CNN Money reported yesterday that many of Ashley Madison’s customers have contacted them saying that the hacking, “Has ruined my life.”   O.k… here we go & let’s break this down, bit by bit.    First of all, the hacking of the Ashley Madison website did not ruin anybody’s life.   Nobody put a gun to anybody’s head & made them sign up on the Ashley Madison website.   They did this freely & voluntarily because they wanted to cheat on their spouse. That’s right.   For whatever reason, these people wanted to have sexual relations with someone other than the person they made their wedding vows to.   So with that said, if any life was ruined… it was caused by the cheater, not the hacker.   If the person was not using the site, there would be nothing to hack in the first place.  Secondly, with all the hacking going on (throughout the world… let alone this country), what would make anybody think that anything is secure on the web.   Really…we need to stop being so damn naive about life.

So…what do we have here?  We have a mess…an absolute mess!  You see…while this information has been recently exposed to the public… God knew what was going on all along with these cheating ass people.  That’s right. Nothing is hidden from him even when you think you are doing your dirt in the dark.  Why? Because He is God.  He sees all & knows all & is everywhere all the time.  So, while these people are concerned about what their spouses are going to do…they need to be more concerned about what God is going to do.   So, while these people may be trying to reconcile with their spouses, they better be trying to reconcile with God.  So, while these people may be asking their spouses for forgiveness, they better be asking God for forgiveness.  You see…He is not happy about this…He is not happy at all.   He does not condone adultery.  It is so important to him that He even prohibited it in his 10 Commandments.   You remember, don’t you?…”Thou shall not commit adultery.”  (Exodus 20:14 )

Why should a cheater be concerned about what God thinks?  Because God is always in control of every living being.  God can either kill the cheater or allow the devil to do so. This is all within his control.   And, if you don’t know this already…may God help you. Any way, if God kills the cheater or allows the devil to do so…you can bet your butt that He is not allowing that person to enter into his kingdom.  “Hell No.”  So, what is the alternative?  Hell is the alternative & there is no coming back from that. You all better wake up and start smelling the coffee & whatever else it’s gonna take to make you listen. Literally, this stuff I’m putting down is no laughing matter.  As his Ambassador, God sent me here to tell you these things.

Jesus even tells us that we need to be concerned about what God thinks.   In Luke 12: 4-5, Jesus specifically says, “4) And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.  5) But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear:  Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell: yea, I say unto you, Fear him.”  Now…this is Jesus talking.  Not Iris…o.k.

The Ashley Madison website has a quote which says, “Life is short…Have an Affair.”   What this tells me is this… that while “you cheaters” think these Ashley Madison people are helping you by helping you find some ass…they really could care less about you.   You see…in all of their cuteness, they missed a piece.  They left out a critical warning for those of you who are predisposed to cheat.   So, if they are bent on helping you cheat & if they are bent on keeping their quote, say it like this, “Life is short… Have an Affair…Then, Go to Hell.”  I say this because that is exactly what is going to happen if people don’t get it together.

So…let’s stop all the crying & boo hooing unless, you are repenting to God about the wickedness of your cheating ways.      If you are married & love the one your with…you should not be subscribing to Ashley Madison type websites any way.

Iris R. Whiting ©





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Black Folk Stumping for Trump: Are you smoking crack -or- Are you just crazy as Hell ???


I recently saw these two Black women on CNN, with Don Lemon, talking excitingly about how they were stumping for Trump.  They call themselves the “Stump for Trump – Girls.”   They have a website set-up & everything…praising & loving on Donald Trump.   My first thought was, “You’ve got to be kidding.  Are they on crack or just crazy as Hell?”   For me…how could these two Black women be pushing for a “racist” to be President of the United States?   I say this to them, “Have you looked in the mirror, lately?  Did you forget that your Black?”  Seriously, what Black person in their right mind, advocates for a “racist” to be their President?    You know… before the Holocaust in Germany, there was another group of minorities in Germany who was being discriminated against.  Guess Who???  Black folk.  And, I haven’t heard about any other groups of people (including Jewish people)  standing up for these Black Germans during those times.  Why? Because they were not the immediate target.  Many times, people will stand idly by & keep quiet while other people are being oppressed.  Why?  Because, they think it doesn’t apply to them…so, they think to themselves, “Oh well.”   Oh, my, my, my…but how things changed in Germany… & how quickly.   These other groups also became targets for Hitler.  To the tune of millions being slaughtered.

O.k.  The Boston Globe reported on August 19, 2015,  that two brothers (white dudes) ambushed and beat-up a 58 year old Hispanic homeless man a few days ago.   It is said that they woke the man up by first, pissing in his face. (“You disgusting bastards”) As if that was not enough, they proceeded to punch him in his face, arms and chest.  According to the Police, “He remembers being punched several times and hit with the metal pole.”  They also broke his nose.   When the police arrived on the scene, the man was lying on the ground… shaking.  (“God…please help heal this man”)  So, why did this happen to this Hispanic man?  Why did these two brothers (30 & 38 years old) feel that they needed to beat the hell out of him?    Was it because the homeless man had wronged these two men in some way… at any point in time?  No…No…NO.   You see…that would make too much sense.

The brothers, Scott Leader & Steve Leader, told the police why they did this.   One of the brothers said he was inspired in part by the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.   The police said Scott Leader, 38, told them it was OK to assault the man because he was Hispanic and homeless.  He added, “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported.”  So…now we are getting somewhere.  The REASON for the assault of this man is that he is Hispanic & homeless.   Translating this into plain english…it appears that this homeless man’s status made them think that he is here illegally.   Sooooo…Racism is the reason for the assault.   Sooooo…The fact that he may be here illegally is the reason for the assault.  Again, who inspired all of this???  Donald Trump… that is who.

You see…Trump might be openly talking racist about Hispanics today but, tomorrow…he may be openly talking racist about another group.  Mmmmhhh…& who might that group be???  Oh, it’s not a stretch.  Tomorrow, could be “Black Folk.”   So, as you Black folk feel soooo compelled to “Stump for Trump,” praising & loving on him… please remember this… a racist does not… & will not… love you.

Iris R. Whiting  ©


Posted in Donald Trump, Politics, Race Relations | Tagged , , , , , , | 604 Comments


Don’t believe the hype… People are under some illusion that God doesn’t talk to His       children today like He did in olden times.   This lie is even told by Pastors, Priests, Reverends, Chaplains, & whatever else they call themselves these days.    I think they do it because they have not experienced interacting with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit on this level.   Still…even if He doesn’t talk to them audibly…they have no right to try to make others believe their lies.

God does in fact speak audibly to us today as he did with Moses.   If I am lying, I am flying….and, seriously,… I am sitting down right now.    Let me tell you a little bit about my story in this regard.   The first time that I really remember God speaking to me out loud was when I was living at Cannery Square Apartments… many moons ago.   I was home alone & had just come into the apartment.   I remember that I was fussing about something.  Really, really, fussing.  While I can’t recall what had upset me, I know I was reeeeeally upset.   I was saying something like, “I am so sick of this place and these crazy a– people.  People just keep doing crazy s— and they just don’t care about each other.”  ( I told you I was upset)  As I was talking out loud, (I thought just to myself)  I bent down to pick something up from the floor and a voice said, just as plain as day, ” I know.”   It scared me so bad, I stood straight up, shut up and immediately sat down in a nearby chair.   I thought to myself, “Now, I know there is nobody in here but me…but,  somebody just said, “I know.”

There was noooooo doubt in my head about what I had heard.   To say the least… I was not upset anymore.  I was just scared to death.  At that point, I was too scared to get up and too scared to stay sitting in the chair.     After about ten minutes, I got up from the chair and started doing things around the apartment.    The fear slowly started to dissipate. As it did…I started talking again, but, this time to God.  I said something like, “I think you just answered me when I was fussing.  So, you do listen to us.”   Then, there was this overwhelming sense within me that God was right there with me.  I can’t explain all that I was feeling but the next thing I knew was…I was crying.   Through tears, I said, “You are listening and you do talk to us.  I knew you did…I just knew you did!!!”   At this point, I was sooooo happy.   This event was a breakthrough in my relationship with my Father.   Let me explain.  While I knew in my heart He was real, it was a whole other thing to have such an outward experience which REEEEAAALLY let’s you know just how real He is.   The kind of “I want to talk to my children” real.

Well, that episode let me know that my Heavenly Father was not only listening to me, but…. that He also wanted to communicate with me audibly.   You see… I now knew that He could interact with me…not just through the Bible, or in my head,  or in dreams, or in visions, or someone else relaying a message to me, etc…  He could interact with me by talking to me AUDIBLY.   I thought,  “How cool is this?  Oh, my God… I just love you, love you, love you!”   And, it’s been history ever since.   The more I talked to Him, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the more they talked back audibly to me.   Now, we talk all the time, daily.    I don’t think anymore that I am having a conversation with God,…we just talk.  It’s as normal as me talking to anybody else…EXCEPT, He is God!!!

God does not change.  He said He is the same today, yesterday and forever.  (Malachi 3:6) (Hebrews 13:8)  If He talked to Moses, Jeremiah, the Prophet Samuel, and the disciples back then,…why wouldn’t He talk to me today?  Why wouldn’t He talk to you today?  Listen to me people…He will and He does talk to us audibly.   Oh… let me tell you this.  The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have distinct voices…just like we all do.   I know whose talking when they talk to me.  Sometimes, I will be talking with the Holy Spirit (let’s say I’m asking Him a question because I didn’t want to bother the Father) and my Father interjects himself into the conversation and answers my question.   His power is off the chart.   Sometimes, I literally jump in my seat when He first starts talking to me.  The Father can come across like a thunderous, mighty sound.  It is sooooo powerful that it shakes the soul.  I have said things to him like, ” Oh Father, it’s you, I know your busy and I didn’t want to bother you.”   Then, all three of us start talking.

The only difference between me and someone else, who doesn’t hear Him audibly, is probably the degree of the relationship that I have with Him.   I don’t just say that I will have no other God before me, but Him.    I believe it and act accordingly with every bit of me.  He is everything to me.   He is first in my heart, mind, body and soul.  Shoot, He is my heart & I am not just saying this.  He truly is EVERYTHING to me.   The kicker is…He knows I’m telling the truth.  He reads my heart and knows how much I love Him.   He knows that my greatest desire is be with Him all the time.

So, if you want to hear Him audibly, I would suggest that you start getting closer to Him.   Read the bible and start writing it on your heart (memorizing it).  Get to know what pleases and displeases Him.    Do what He says without any expectation of anything in return.     A good start should include learning the Ten commandments and following them.   We are human and we will make mistakes (no doubt).  He understands this.   Just ask for forgiveness and repent when you mess up.  Then, try to mess up… less and less.
If you come closer to Him, He will come closer to you.  Let me say that one more time.     If you come closer to Him, He will come closer to you.   The Bible says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”  (James 4:8).

© 2014 Iris R Whiting

Posted in God, Spiritual, Supernatural | Tagged , , , | 857 Comments


flying witch

From the courthouse to the whorehouse, witches are in operation all over the place.   Suuuuure, most don’t come right out and tell you that they are practicing witches.   They don’t want you to know that.  They don’t want you to judge them because they are…who they are.  You see…they prefer to do their dirt in the dark… incognito.  Now…you might be saying to yourself…”Why should I care???…What does any of this have to do with me???”  Well…lean over here so I can tell you.   Now…are you really listening?  O.k.  

You should care because… you (or a loved one) may be the one that a witch has targeted, for today.  Why might a witch target you?  Because you have enemies that you don’t even have a clue about.  You are clueless that this person hates you & wishes to take away something or someone you love.  Oh, yes…it is a many a soul who has lost a spouse or significant other to someone else by that force we call “witchcraft.”  The sad part is… people are so damned naive about this aspect of the world that they are, again, clueless about what really happened.  All they know is…their life has fallen apart. 

You see…witches are workers of Satan (the Devil).  His mission and number one aim is to kill, steal and destroy all the good that God creates.   The Devil uses witches to aid and assist him in his evil doings.     In exchange for him giving them power, the witches gladly oblige the Devil.   Soooooo, what does this mean for you?  It means this.   If a witch or witch(es) have set their sites on you…  your physical, mental and spiritual well being could be in grave danger.   Very grave danger.  In other words, you might not be long on this earth.  (I’m not kidding…not at all)

Witches receive all kinds of supernatural powers to do their dirt.    Yes, they can cast spells and curses and you better believe… they do.   I have dealt with many a poor soul that has been afflicted by such curses and spells.  
It is high time that people get their friggin (God won’t let me say the other word) heads out of the sand and start seeing reality for what it is.   Just because you & so & so… and so & so…don’t want to believe (or… are too damned scared to deal with) these things, does not make these things…not so.   Period.

Let me tell you a story.  A true story.   I had a man approach me out of the blue in a very public place that people frequent on a regular basis.  A post office…of all places.   I did not know this man from Adam and he did not know me.  He came over to me and said that he needed help.    I am also an attorney, sooooo, I initially thought he was seeking legal assistance.   No, no, no.   I would soon find out that it was definitely not something that simple.   He proceeded to tell me that he was being controlled by a witch and a warlock.   My immediate response to him was not one of shock or surprise.  Not at all.  I did not look at him like he had ten horns on his head and needed to be in some kind of nuthouse.   And, I thank God for that.  You see, I believe that God sent that man to me because I do know that witches are operating in full force and effect… everywhere.   I do believe that the man supernaturally perceived that I would understand that he was telling the truth.  He knew I would have understanding about his situation.  Think about it.   It is not everyday that someone approaches a stranger (in the natural) and tells them that he desperately needs their help because he is being physically attacked & controlled by a witch and a warlock. 

Now, this is what they were doing to this man.   The witch and warlock are husband and wife.   The husband is impotent, in and of himself.   In order to make him potent, they cast spells over other males ( who are not covered and protected by the power of God) and transfer the males’ abilities (sexually speaking) over to the husband.  It worked like this.   The man who approached me (let’s call him Mr. X) would be in his home at night, by himself.   The witch and warlock would be in a different place (miles away from Mr. X) but they were able to supernaturally speak to him in his home (without using any communication device)  and physically manipulate his private area (without naturally physically touching him) and transfer his ability to have an erection and orgasm to the warlock husband.  How did Mr. X know this?  Because… while they were engaging in the witchcraft activities of manipulating his body, they told him.   According to Mr. X, this had been going on for years.   Why and how did they pick him?  Well, he is kind of a loner and the witch and warlock work with him at their workplace (a government agency).  

O.k. …let me continue.    I asked Mr. X, why had he not asked someone for help sooner in dealing with this?  And, why now?   He said that he had went to his employer and, without giving them the intimate details that he relayed to me, told them that two co-workers were harassing him.   I thought to myself, “that’s an understatement.”   He said he felt compelled to bring his problem to me now because he felt their nightly interactions with him were literally and physically killing him.  You see, this witchcraft curse and spell had taken a toll on Mr. X’s body.   One of his legs and his foot will not stop shaking and moving.  It goes on 24/7.  He is unable to stop the movement even when he physically tries to stop it by holding the leg or foot.  It is so bad that he can’t put his foot down on the ground for any length of time because it is constantly moving.  I was standing there with him for about 15 minutes and it was extremely noticeable.  The leg and foot were shaking and moving uncontrollably, back and forth.   It is a very sad situation.    The fact that it had been going on for years caused a severe deterioration in his body.    Think about it.   Even when he sleeps, his leg and foot never stops shaking and moving.    

To make a long story short… I met with Mr. X about a week later and I prayed over him and I asked God to bind (to stop) the witch and warlock from their actions in using Mr. X’s body for their sexual needs.   When Mr. X was meeting with me, God told me that the witch and warlock would supernaturally show up to try and listen to what I was saying and doing with Mr. X.    And…they did.   I used the opportunity to tell them that they were workers of the Devil and that God would recompense them ten (10) fold for all of the evil and havoc they were reaping on others.    I let them know that they had no power over me because I am my Father’s daughter and He is all powerful.    The warlock told the witch that they should not buck up against me and that he was going to just leave Mr. X alone.   I thought… “smart move, you bastard.”  However, the witch had dug her heels in (at least a foot deep).  From her perspective, who in the hell was I to be interfering with what her and her warlock husband were doing to Mr. X.   Again, I told her who I was.  My Heavenly Father’s daughter.   I warned her in no uncertain terms that if she persisted in the wickedness of her ways that God would make her reap what she had sown.  I told her that she would one day find herself permanently residing with her father, the Devil, in hell.   Well, you should know that pissed her off even more.   I didn’t care and I redirected my attention back to Mr. X and continued to pray for his healing.   I do not know all of what I said because part of the prayer was spoken in tongues (God’s supernatural language).    

About 10 minutes after I had been praying, Mr. X jumped up out of his chair and excitedly exclaimed that his leg and foot were no longer shaking and moving.    I looked at him and indeed it was so.   I observed him for about another 10 to 15 minutes and the leg and foot never shook.  He said that was the first time, in years, that his leg and foot had stopped shaking.  Now, I warned Mr. X. that he must continue walking in the way of God.   I let him know that my Heavenly Father was not a whore to be used just for a healing.   Mr. X knew what I was talking about because he had already accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.   I warned him that if he did not form a close relationship with God that he would continue to be a “sitting duck” for the wiles of the Devil.    I explained that while God had healed him that day,  backsliding and forgetting about God would only cause his plight to be ten (10) times worse if the Devil attacked him again.  I said this would be so because he would no longer be covered by the hands of God.    He said he understood and we parted ways.   Mr. X promised that he would study the word of God and come closer to Him.

Mr. X’s story is his true story of a real life battle between good and evil.   A child of God versus a witch and warlock of the devil.    These battles are going on…day in & day out.  You would be amazed & astounded by just how close these happenings are occurring around you. (if you are not already involved)

God tells us not to lean on our own understanding about anything… but rather… to lean on and trust in Him in all our ways so He can direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).    Do not believe that witches and warlocks are part of some fairy tales that you have seen on tv.   They are not.  They are real.  Their witchcraft is real & very deadly.  They are utterly destroying people’s lives everyday.     Also, know this… They have no power over a God-filled child of God. So…choose this day to trust in and lean on God for you might be the target of a witch tomorrow.   For, if you wait until tomorrow to come to God… tomorrow for you…may never come.     

© 2014 Iris R Whiting

Posted in DEVIL & DEMONS, God, Spiritual, Witches & Warlocks | Tagged , , , , , , , | 202 Comments

Political Correctness: Donald Trump is not the only one who doesn’t care about being PC…Neither does God


politically correct

Political Correctness…Mmmmhhhhh.

If you have a tv & aren’t living in a cave (without electricity), you probably have heard some of the hoopla going on about Donald Trump’s view on women.   The spark that lit this latest fire came when Megyn Kelly (Fox News) asked Donald Trump, at the 1st Republican Debate, how he would respond if asked about his comments calling women he didn’t like,  “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.”  Trump responded, with his index finger in the air,  “only Rosie O’Donnell.”   The crowd roared with laughter.

But…wait a minute…wait a minute.  What is all the hoopla about?  Every time you turn around, somebody is touting about our 1st  Amendment rights under the Constitution that give us the right to “free speech.”    And…that’s cool.   However, my issue is this…  On the one hand you say that people have “freedom of speech,”  but as soon as they say something that offends you…you try to shut them up.   So…  Which way is up???  You can’t have it both ways.   And…it doesn’t matter that the one who is making the outrageous comments is Donald Trump.

He doesn’t fit into a separate category because he is seen by many as sexist… racist & only God knows what other “ist” he fits under.    He has the right to say what he wants. Yes…he does.  And, his right to say what he wants is not diminished because many people think he is obnoxious & derogatory to women.   Now, don’t misunderstand &… remember this.     His right to say, any dumb thing, he wants, 1) doesn’t mean that it’s true, 2) doesn’t mean that he knows what the hell he is talking about, and 3)… it doesn’t mean that you have to listen to him.  (Thank God!)

As I have said before, Trump is gonna be Trump.  O.k.   Do you not expect a sexist to make “sexist” comments?  Do you not expect a racist to make “racist” comments?  There are no surprises here.   Just because people have  been smothering us with the notion that we must be “politically correct,”  doesn’t change anything here.   What does “political correctness” have to do with Donald Trump’s 1st amendment right to say what he wants?  It has nothing to do with this.   And…for the record…it wouldn’t matter even if there was no 1st amendment right to “freedom of speech.”  Say…Whaaaaaaat!  I will tell you what.

It is God who ultimately governs the actions of man.  He is the one in charge.  (whether you recognize this truth or not…whether you believe this truth or not…)   Let me say it one more time…  God is in charge.   And…He gives us freewill.   Thus, He gives Donald Trump the freewill to say what he wants.  No matter how ignorant…how crazy…how racist… or how sexist his statements may be.     God is not bound by any “political correctness” notion.   He does not say that we are only to speak what some other “man” has denoted as “politically correct.”   That is not in the bible…anywhere.

Now, with all that said…My Father is concerned with how we treat one another.   Jesus specifically says, that we are to love one another as he has loved us.     As such…the Father reads our hearts to see our motives when we interact with one another.   It appears that Trump’s motives for calling Rosie O’Donnell a dog & a fat pig were not motivated by love. Not at all.  He called her those names to be mean & nasty.   So, it is not hard to see that he was motivated by devilish motives as opposed to godly ones.  Thus, the Father does not condone such behavior.  But again, He will not interfere with Trump’s freewill to say it even when He (as God) disapproves.  So, if God does not interfere with Trump’s right to say what he wants…who in Satan’s hell are we to try to?   Are we greater than God?  Do we know better than God?  I think not.

So, what does all of this mean?  It means that we need to spend more time concerning ourselves with our own hearts & motivations, than spending so much time debating about what Donald Trump is…or…is not saying.   Why?  Because God has got this.  He has his eyes on everything… all the time. When you are sleeping…He is awake.   Believe me…He never misses a beat.   And, in God’s time (not yours & not mine)… God will allow Donald Trump to reap what he has sown.  And…according to what I have seen from Trump…there is a mighty reaping that will be going on.

Iris Whiting ©


Posted in Donald Trump, Politics, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , | 283 Comments


flying witch            

I grew up loving the Wizard of Oz.   And… to tell you the truth…I have it on DVD & I still watch it at least once a month.   Oooohhh..Don’t Judge!…just don’t.  (The Father said for me to move on…FINE)  Anyway…  I actually remember watching it when it was only being shown in Black & White.   But, oh how exciting it was to see it in COLOR.    It truly came to life.   Alright, you know the story…there is the good witch and the bad witch.   The good witch is suppose to represent what is beautiful in life & the bad witch…what is ugly in life.

I am often asked the question, “Iris…Are there good witches?”    Before I get into that…let me give you a little back drop here.   People who know me…or know about me…know that I know WHOLE lot about this area (sometimes…I think too much).   Mostly through experience & God insight.  You see… I use to engage in preparing & reading astrological charts, doing numerology, etc…  (never for money).  At the time, I didn’t know those things were satanic…but they are.  It’s all witchcraft.    As I think back…I use to actually pray to God for guidance & direction (with the bible in hand) when I prepared charts for people.   How crazy is that?  The devil was probably shaking his head, thinking…”What the hell is she doing?  Who does this?  Who practices witchcraft (knowing it or not) citing biblical scripture & praying at the same time?”  But,  it’s the truth.  That’s how I did it.  I was always talking to God & praying while I was doing it.   Despite my actions, that may be why I am still breathing to this day.  My Heavenly Father knew I was seeking him, no matter how misguided I was in the way I was trying to do it.

O.k., now here comes the tricky part.   The reason that I was doing what I was doing,  was because it worked.   I got to a point that I was able to tell people almost, day to day,  what was going to be happening in their lives in any given area.   With God as my witness, I tell you the truth.   You see…that was the hook.   That’s how the devil was able to keep tempting me to do it.  I thought to myself, “Well, God did not put the stars in the sky for no reason, so it must be o.k. to do astrological readings.  This is a way I can help people.”

Now, back to the question of, “Are there good witches?”   NO….NO…NO…there are not.   At least, according to my Heavenly Father.  From his perspective…a witch is a witch…is a witch…& it is all bad.   It is all the same.  Witchcraft practiced in any form…and for any reason is deemed a sin in God’s eyes.   A person has no business casting spells, curses, reading astrological charts, performing seances, reading tarot cards, etc…    It is all witchcraft to the Father and therefore, ungodly.   It does not matter that the person is doing it to help someone win the lottery, know their future, find a man, find a job, get revenge, find their destiny and so forth….   As the saying goes, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  So, you see…even though I thought I was helping people…thought I was doing a good thing…I was not.   I was doing evil, practicing witchcraft,  even though I did not call myself a witch & even though I didn’t know I was sinning against God.

If you are a witch practicing witchcraft… you are doing evil.   There is absolutely no good in what you do.   God forbids witchcraft from being practiced in any form.   And, He tells us that we are to have nothing to do with anyone who practices it.   He forbids us from consulting with witches, warlocks, sorcerers, fortune tellers, diviners, psychics and so on.   The bible specifically says, “No one shall be found among you who makes a son or daughter pass through fire, or who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or one who casts spells, or who consults ghosts or spirits, or who seeks oracles from the dead. For whoever does these things is abhorrent to the LORD; it is because of such abhorrent practices that the Lord your God is driving them out before you.  You must remain completely loyal to  the LORD your God.  Although these nations that  you are about to dispossess do give heed to soothsayers and diviners, as for you, the LORD your God does not permit you to do so.” (Deuteronomy 18: 10-14)

When witchcraft is performed for someone, a curse is released to the person doing the witchcraft and also to the recipient of the witch’s knowledge.   If God forbids the practice of witchcraft and witchcraft is performed, this is blatant disobedience to the will of God. Disobedience to the will of God = SIN.  The curse results from the sin of the witchcraft act. Sin brings about curses,…as opposed to blessings.    God says, “But if you will not obey the LORD your God by diligently observing all his commandments and decrees, which I am commanding you today, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you:
Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the field.  Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.  Cursed shall be the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your ground, the increase of your cattle and the issue of your flock.  Cursed shall you be when you come in, and cursed you shall be when you go out.  The LORD will send upon you disaster, panic and frustration in everything you attempt to do, until you are destroyed and perish quickly, on account of the evil of your deeds, because you have forsaken me.” (Deuteronomy 28: 15-20) 

The Father does not like people being a substitute for Him.  If human beings have questions about life, then, the Father wants us to come directly to Him for the answers.   A witch is being used in place of God when someone goes to her for witchcraft services.    In other words, she is playing God, whether she realizes it or not.    This cannot stand.   God will not allow it.  He is a very jealous God and will not tolerate anyone stepping on his toes (so to speak).    Why?  Because it is idolatry when someone tries to perform acts that are only suppose to be performed by God.   It equates to the breaking the 1st  of His Commandments which says, “…you shall have no other gods before me.”  (Exodus 20:3)

You know…all of us wonder at one time or another, why this is happening to us or why that is happening to us.  I’m talking about the things that we don’t see as being good.    Bad things tend to happen to us when we are out of step with the will of God.   If you want to know what is going on with your life, then go directly to the Father and ask him.  He loves for us to come to him & ask him things.   I have learned…in no uncertain terms… that everything I need to know about anything is already known by God.  He knows everything & He wants to guide my every step.  I actually hear him audibly ( &…no I am not crazy…or at least it’s not documented)  & we talk every day.   Yes…He still talks to us today like He talked to Moses back in the day.    I have built such a close relationship with him that there is not anything that I can’t talk to him about.   And,  He provides the answers.  I don’t know if you are hearing me or understanding me.  Listen…more closely.   HE TALKS TO ME AUDIBLY EVERYDAY  JUST LIKE I TALK TO PEOPLE.  WE HAVE CONVERSATIONS.  BELIEVE ME…HE IS OH SO REAL!!!!!!!!

So, stop looking for answers in all the wrong places. Stop seeking witches for advice.   For if you do not,..your fate will be what you have made it.  And…it will not be good.  Oh sure, it may look good for the moment because you temporarily may get what you seek.   But mark my word dear one,…it will not last.  It won’t.   It will be like a puff of smoke that dissipates ever so quickly in thin air.

I  only speak what my Father says and the Father cannot lie.    Remember, there is no such thing as a good witch.

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in DEVIL & DEMONS, Spiritual, Witches & Warlocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 108 Comments

Abraham Lincoln: “No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar”

Pleeeeeeeease…. Will someone tell me why so many people find it difficult to just be straight up.    Why do we find it is easier to fake it…to lie…than to just be real?  No joke. Listen…I am absolutely amazed about the amount of energy we expend to cover up…the cover up lie…that was told to cover up the first lie.  I know you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.   With all of the lying going on…is it not logical to deduce that at some point…yes, at some point…you will forget… what lie you told that started the chain of lying.  Why?  Because you are human.  There is no way you can keep all that shit straight.   Let me explain.  With the first lie…there was a twisting going on…that you couldn’t even see.  That’s right.  Now, keep following me.  When you lie, you create negative reactions in your body.  There is a churning & a turning going on that I call… “twisting.”  It is a spiritual thing.  You see…as a child of God…your spirit repels against lying.  Why?  Because God hates lying.  The spirit part of you (which is him) grates against anything that is not of him.    So, now you might say to yourself, “Well, if that is the case, then why do we lie?”  I’ll tell you.  Because there is another part of you that is the opposite of God.  That is the flesh.  Our flesh is always lusting after ungodly things.   And, oh how we lust.   Lying becomes a means we use… to gain those things we so lust after to satisfy the flesh.

Now, it must be told…lying is not a harmless thing that we do.   There is no such thing as a little white lie.  A lie…is a lie…is a lie.   Even though we do it, to help ourselves in some way,  the lie actually causes the greatest harm to us.  Believe it or not…every time we lie, we create a curse in the atmosphere.  This curse eventually comes back to kick us in the ass.  How?  Because again…God hates lying.  “There are seven things that the Lord hates and cannot tolerate: A proud look,a lying tongue,hands that kill innocent people,a mind that thinks up wicked plans,feet that hurry off to do evil,a witness who tells one lie after another,and someone who stirs up trouble among friends.” (Proverbs 6: 16-19)  So, every time, we lie, we sin against him.  It is this sin, that creates the curse.   The curse brings about “the reaping of what we have sown.”

Let me explain how this works in reality.   Mmmmhhh…let me think.  O.k., I think I got it.  Let’s say, that you didn’t want to go out with somebody again after you slept with them on the first date.  In other words, (as old folk might say) you milked the cow & now you have moved on seeking another source of milk.   O.k….I know…   Whatever….   Let’s move on. 

Any way…

You are trying not to be mean, but, you are tired of this person calling (over & over) asking you to go out again.   Sooooo… instead of telling the truth…that you don’t like them like that (even though you liked them enough, then, to have the most intimate contact any two human beings could possibly have), you lie and say you are working a lot of overtime & you just don’t have time.


Here is what you have created.    God heard the lie…& counted it against you.  He put into effect “the reaping what you have sown” process.   So…because you told a lie to keep someone away from you, God will bring forth a situation where someone you really want to be near you…will be kept away from you.   And…as much hurt…& harm…caused to the person you lied to…your hurt…& your harm…will be a lot more.  A whole lot more. Mark my word. 

My concern about this is that many, many, many people lie most of the time.   I know, I know, I know… you might be thinking, no way…that’s not true.   You think… why would people just lie like that?   My response to you is… because they do.   Why? Because they can.   If no one holds them down and prevents them from speaking, they just do.

Have you not heard the saying, “Only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear?”  There is a reason for this.   It’s because people lie as easy as breathing.    These people lie the way they do because they are not being led by God.  Why would you care about lying if you don’t believe there are any consequences for it.   So, you say…why not? And, it goes… something like this:

So, you lie in your job interview,
So, you lie about being sleeping around because, “for you,” you can’t be a “Ho,”
So, you lie to your spouse or significant other so you can go to sleep,
So, you lie to yourself that your o.k. and a good person when clearly you are not,
So, you lie about what you do in order to impress,
So, you lie about someone to make them look bad because your jealous & your hating,
So, you lie about your drinking because “of course” to you, how could you be a drunk,
So, you lie about how much money you have to avoid paying child support,
So, you lie about being married so you can whore around,
So, you lie about your insecurities because “for you,” it just easier to be nasty,
So, you lie about doing drugs, because “for you,” it’s no one’s damn business.

The bottom line is this… people just do a hell of a lot of lying.  So, what does this mean?  It means that God is shaking his head at the ridiculousness of man.  That’s right.   While you may lie and fool man most of the time… you fool God none of the time.  He sees all and knows all… all of the time.  You see…He never sleeps.  “For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings.” (Proverbs 5:21)

So my question to you is this…Are you crazy???  Seriously.  Do you not know the deadly consequences for lying?   Lying = Sin & Sin = Hell.   Jesus says that we will be held accountable for every utterance (spoken word) we say.  He says“I tell you on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36).

From this time forward, I would strongly urge you to stop telling lies.    From this day forward, try to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  For, it serves no good purpose and definitely not any godly purpose.  So, please repeat after me….”Today, I will not lie about anything, no matter what the consequences are.”   Let’s do it one more time…”Today, I will not lie about anything, no matter what the consequences are.”     I want you to say this every day and every time you feel the urge to lie.

And, I pray that God may have mercy on your lying butt until you stop all that damn lying.

©  Iris R Whiting

Posted in Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , | 199 Comments

Democratic Presidential Nominee: Sorry Hilary Clinton Supporters, Clinton loses no matter whose the Republican Nominee


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, you know…the one who rains on the parade…blah, blah, blah…but,  NEWS ALERT…Hilary Clinton will not be our President no matter who the Republican Presidential Nominee is (unless they die).   And, I am not saying that she will even get the Democratic Nomination. There are many political strategists & news commentators who’ve been saying that Hilary Clinton is a “shoo-in” for President of the United States.   As I scratch my head, I am saying to myself, “Where are these people getting this crap from? What the hell are you talking about?  You cannot be listening to the pulse of the people.”

hilary clinton

O.k., I will be the one who says this.   Many, many, many….everyday people, who are working their asses off… trying to make a  $ out of  fifteen cents, don’t even like Hilary Clinton, let alone…are inclined to vote for her.   I’m telling you the truth.   They can’t relate to her.   It seems like we are here on earth & she is sitting somewhere on the moon…oooohh, I don’t know…eating a banana or something.  She just seems to be out of touch. We can’t reach her & she can’t reach us.  In June 2014, ABC aired Diane Sawyer’s interview with Hilary where our former Secretary of State said this, “When Bill & I left the White House, we were ‘dead broke.’   Mother Jones contradicted that statement by reporting that right before Bill & Hilary Clinton left the White House, Hilary was given an 8 million dollar advance payment for her memoir Living History.  If having 8 million dollars is considered broke, than I would bet… there are a hell of a lot of people out there wanting to be “that kind of broke.”   So…to give her the benefit of the doubt, I will say this, “She is either crazy as hell… a liar, or both (you pick it).”

So…when she does this public speaking stuff (and, it doesn’t matter where…it doesn’t), she comes across to everyday folk as…let me see (God is telling me to be nice)…I’ll say it like this…”PHONY!!!”  (I’m sorry…I tried)  PHONY! PHONY! PHONY!

The gist of it is…people don’t believe what she says.  There has been recent polling done where voters in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia think Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy or honest.  A recent Quinnipiac poll, shows that only 34 percent of Colorado voters think she can be trusted; 62 percent do not.   In Iowa,  only 33 percent of the voters think she can be trusted with 59 percent saying she can’t.  In Virginia, only 39 percent of voters said she can be trusted with 55 percent saying she can’t be trusted.  Those poll numbers are pretty bleak.   And, it seems the harder she tries to convince people that she believes what she is saying…it just makes it worse.  You want have a “Peter Piper picked a pepper moment” with her.  You want to say something like this to her, “I don’t believe that you even believe… that you believe what you are saying.”

Hilary Clinton wants that Presidency soooooo bad…she will say anything she thinks she needs to… to make it happen.   But, it doesn’t matter what she says.   Why?  Because the truth of her comes through no matter what she says.   The truth is… she is cold & distant when it comes to the multitude.  And, no manner of coaching (or sun warmth) is going to change that.    She is what she is.   Sooooooo, I said that to say this, “Democratic people, if you all want a shot at keeping the White House in Democratic hands, then you better be looking at somebody else as your nominee for President.”

Joseph Biden’s name has been floating around a lot over the last couple of days.  Will he run…will he not???   I don’t know what he will do…but, I do know this.   Joe Biden, is the one who could give the Republicans a run for their money for the White House in 2016.   Simply put,  people love & trust him.  Joe Biden is not just some ‘Joe Blow,’ (no pun intended)…he is our Vice President.

If you pick Hilary as your nominee, the only way she will get the Presidency is if the Republican nominee, dies during the presidential run against the Democratic nominee. Outside that happening…(not trying to sound like Donald Trump) but, Hilary will be a loser.

Iris R. Whiting  ©




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