It was many, many, moons ago, when I heard someone say, God has the answer for everything and you can find it in the Bible. I’m going to keep it real with you…I thought the person was nuts, …really I did. I thought to myself…”What are you talking about…telling me I can find the answer to every single problem I have or ever will have in the Bible. I don’t believe it. Nope, nope, nope.”
I thought that this was impossible. It just couldn’t be. How could one book contain all the answers to the questions in life?? But, even with those thoughts, I was still curious.
A smaller, much smaller, voice said, “But what if it’s true. What would you say about that.?” I thought, “Oh my, if it’s true, that would be something. Really something! I would have to tell somebody… somebody like the ‘whole world.'” Now, even with this burst of enthusiasm, there was still the nagging attitude of…it just can’t be, that would be too much… just too much.
Do you see how our thought patterns can be when something huge, absolutely huge, is presented before us? It’s like we can’t process it properly. Humans are so use to emphasizing the negative, that it’s hard to believe something truly great could be possible. And… this is what initially happened to me. I thank God everyday that the negative side of my human self did not stop me from being curious. Sooooo, my curiosity got the best of me and I went and got the Bible. At that time in my life, I was pretty familiar with the Bible…but still, I couldn’t grasp that it could contain the answer to every single problem in life. Nevertheless, I started re-reading it in a new way. I thought about some problems I was having along with those of some people I knew. So, I was now looking to the Bible for answers to the practical problems in life. I was using it as a research tool. This may seem boring to some, but not to me. I guess it’s in part due to the fact that I am a researcher by nature (I really am, some family members call me “the librarian”). I love trying to find the answers to things. It’s like life is a puzzle, and it needs to be figured out. I just had never used the bible as one of my research tools. However, now…I was doing it. And, all based on that person saying, “God has the answer for everything and you can find it in the Bible.” I probably was more led by the urge, to prove it was not true, then any motivation to prove it was true. Isn’t that a shame???
So, I had my life problems and I had the Bible in hand. I wrote down some key words about the problems and used the index of the Bible to find a starting point. I have a Bible concordance but I can’t remember if I used that or not back then. As I was perusing through the Bible, a voice started talking to me audibly (and no, I’m not crazy) and telling me where to go to in the Bible. Truly, I was being led to places I hadn’t previously paid any attention to. I wrote down these directions and followed the voice’s instructions.
The kicker is, I was absolutely amazed, that I was finding solutions to these life problems. I was astounded. So, I wrote down the Bible scripture that applied to the problems and kept reading them over and over again. I meditated on them for weeks. It was like the more I knew, the more I wanted to know. And, it all happened at a very fast pace. My head was spinning (and no, not like in the Exorcist). This was a good, figuratively speaking, God motivated type of spinning going on. It was exhilarating. Truly. Jesus says, “Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and everyone who knocks, the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7-8).” I was searching, and I was definitely finding.
That is how my journey started on the road of understanding the truth that God does have the answer to every problem in life and it is found in the Bible. A book that can be right at your fingertips. You just need to seek so you too, can find. I pray with all of my heart that God touches you and gives you a craving to read His word, His truth, that is Jesus, contained in the Bible. I pray that when you seek you will find the truth that God wants you to find.
© Iris R Whiting