Sexists…Racists…& Elitists Have Stacked The Decks In Their Favor For Hundreds Of Years…In America. So… What The Hell Do These “Trumpian” Mindsets Have To Be So “ANGRY” About??? President Barack Obama Says… “Each time we painstakingly pull ourselves closer to our founding ideals, that all of us are created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights…the status quo pushes back.” You Got Damn Right!!!

… “Each time we painstakingly pull ourselves closer to our founding ideals, that all of us are created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, the ideals that say every child should have opportunity and every man and woman in this country who’s willing to work hard should be able to find a job and support a family and pursue their small peace of the American dream, ideals that say we have a collective responsibility to care for the sick and the and we have a responsibility to conserve the amazing bounty, the natural resources of this country and of this planet for future generations — each time we’ve gotten closer to those ideals, somebody somewhere has pushed back. (above photo courtesy of

The status quo pushes back. Sometimes the backlash comes from people who are genuinely, if wrongly, fearful of change. More often it’s manufactured by the powerful and the privileged who want to keep us divided and keep us angry and keep us cynical because it helps them maintain the status quo and keep their power and keep their privilege. And you happen to be coming of age during one of those moments.  It did not start with Donald Trump. He is a symptom, not the cause. He’s just capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years, a fear and anger that’s rooted in our past but it’s also born out of the enormous upheavals that have taken place in your brief lifetimes.

Mmmmhhh…  “Somebody somewhere has pushed back.”  “Somebody somewhere has pushed back.”   “Somebody somewhere has pushed back.”

I’ve been meditating on these words…spoken by President Barack Obama…on September 7, 2018…when he spoke at the University of Illinois.   As I watched him…I heard Charlie Brown saying… “GOOD GRIEF!!!”   Yes…

GOOD GRIEF!!!…that it is 2018 and the people who have been historically victimized by sexism…racism…& anti-helping poor people…sentiments in this country…are the ones still being victimized & marginalized.   Meaning???  Meaning…that the folks who have been historically treated like shit…are STILL having arrows of hate & apathy…shot at them.  Why??? Because they are kicking back…against centuries of White Supremacy mindsets…& are calling racists out…by name.    Because they are kicking back…against decades of being sexually assaulted…& are calling rapists out…by name.   Because they are kicking back…against decades of being collectively disenfranchised…& are calling the greedy bastards out…by name.  So…

President Obama correctly states that this nation…is one where many of those who have benefited from the “status quo”…resent that others are so boldly demanding humane treatment…demanding equality.   And, he correctly states that Donald Trump is capitalizing on “resentments” that are rooted in our past.  And, no…  Even though Trump is wicked as hell…he did not “start” these resentments.  He is just stoking the fires & encouraging this resentment.  Now…

What is this “status quo” that we are speaking of???  Merriam-Webster defines “status quo” as… “the current situation : the way things are now.”  Now… In order to understand “the current situation” in our “present day” society…we have to take a peep…back into our history.    We need to check out how things were…back in the day.  O.k…

Nothing happens by “accident.”  Meaning???  Meaning…    Things don’t just come into being…without someone taking some kind of action….first.   So, in order for something to “be set up” in a certain way…someone chose to “set it up”…that way.  To understand, the dynamics behind…their choice to “set up” something the way they did…you need to examine the who…the what…& the why of the “set up.”   Now… reports that Alexander Keyssar, a Duke University professor, wrote in The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States:  At its birth, the United States was not a democratic nation—far from it. The very word “democracy” had pejorative overtones, summoning up images of disorder, government by the unfit, even mob rule. In practice, moreover, relatively few of the nation’s inhabitants were able to participate in elections: among the excluded were most African Americans, Native Americans, women, men who had not attained their majority, and white males who did not own land.” (above photo courtesy of U.S. Library of Congress, John L. Magee)

So…  If African-Americans, Native Americans, women, White men under the age of majority, & White men who weren’t land owners…did not have the power to vote…who did???   That only leaves White men, who had attained the age of majority and who owned property.  So…   These White men were the ones who had the power to “set up” this country’s political…& socio-economic structure.  Meaning???  These White men were the ones who chose the legislators who made the laws.  These White men were the ones who chose the judges who interpreted the laws.  These White men were the ones who chose the folks who would enforce the laws of this country.   Now…

It doesn’t take a rocket-scientist to figure out that these White men…had a lot of power.  In other words, they were running shit.   Hands down!  Now…

With all of this power, did these White men set up a societal structure…that would risk them losing their power??? HELL NO!  With all of this power, did these White men set up a societal structure…that was not going to benefit them, financially??? HELL NO!  With all of this power, did these White men set up a societal structure…that would hold them accountable for most of the evil actions they engaged in???  HELL NO!    O.k…

The words to the song…played as the Cops tv series theme…says… “Bad boys…bad boys…whatcha gonna do?  Whatcha gonna do when they come for you???”   Well…

Know this…  These White men didn’t lose one second of sleep worrying about any “cop” coming for them.   Why???  Because they WERE the cops.  Because they CONTROLLED the cops. So…

As hard as it might be to swallow…the truth is that the majority of these White men…had a “Trumpian” mindset.   A what???  Their actions evidence the same type of sexist, racist & elitist attitude as Donald Trump.   (picture to right, courtesy of U.S. Library of Congress) Under the political…societal system that they set up…these White men were able to enslave Black folk…rape women (Black, Native & White)…murder Black folk…murder Native American folk…steal Native American land…disenfranchise White women…disenfranchise poorer White men…oppress & work to death poorer White children…unchecked.  You see…  They rigged the system to benefit themselves…& their families.   And, these same White men…sold their rotten souls to the Devil…to hold onto these benefits.  The atrocities committed by these empowered White men…are enough to make a decent human being sob a lifetime…of tears. Now…

For these cold-hearted bastards…it was all about the power.   And, for many, many White men who weren’t in this elite group…it became a life-long aim…to get into the group.  And…  They were willing to do WHATEVER was needed to obtain that goal.  So, by hook & by crook…they would get the money (to buy land)…so, they…too, could get the power. When “Lil’ Kim” rapped… “First You get the money. Then you get the muthafuckin, power.  After you get the fuckin’ power muthafuckas will respect you” …she was speaking the “creed” of this elite group of White men.   Now…

I am forbidden by God…to sugarcoat any of this shit.  So, let’s get into it.

This elite group of White men…were Presidents of the United States.    This elite group of White men…were Justices on the United States Supreme Court.   This elite group of White men were Congressman and Senators in the United States Congress.   These racists…these rapists…these sexists…these murderers…these elitists…were running shit…                  single-handedly…in America.  Now…  Because Jesus had already walked this earth…as man…& laid out plainly for us, how God expected us to treat one another…these White men should have done better…because they knew better.

Jesus tells us… “20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘Servants[g] are not greater than their master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. 21 But they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would not have sin. But now they have seen and hated both me and my Father. 25 It was to fulfill the word that is written in their law, ‘They hated me without a cause.”  (John 15:20-25)

So, You see…

Our God in heaven…gives no pass…no cover…to such blatant evil…so, neither can I.   Their sins must be uncovered & revealed.

President, George Washington…who is revered…to this day…by millions of White folk in America.  Yes…  He is held in high esteem…as a national hero…in classrooms…all across America.  However, at the time of George Washington’s death on December 14, 1799, there were 317 enslaved Black folk at his Mount Vernon estate.  In total, George Washington enslaved Black folk for 56 years of his life.  Now…  George Washington was President of the United States from to 1789 to 1797.  So…   He was enslaving these Black folk…even as President of the United States of America.    So…

George Washington is no hero to me.  How could he be???  He was a part of this group of elite White men who enslaved Black folk…because he could…not, because he should.   So, don’t tell me how great this man is! Talk that crazy shit…to someone who doesn’t know truth.  To someone…who doesn’t know God.  Because…that is not me.   For me…George Washington is a no good racist…who savored the things of man…not the things of God!!!   O.k…

Let’s keep going…

For a long time, these White men benefited substantially…from the free labor of Black folk. These folk mercilessly worked Black folk…while they sat on their lazy asses and reaped the rewards.   They made laws that allowed them to split up Black family members without the need to give any explanation…to anyone.  These White folk murdered Black people…at whim…without any reprisals from law enforcement.  So…don’t you see…   In their minds…in their hearts… they be damned before they gave all of this control up…without a fight.   Hence…the Civil War.   O.k…

The White folk who enslaved Black folk…resented the fact that people were telling them that they should no longer enslave people.   They hated, that those they deemed as outsiders, were telling them that slavery was wrong.   Know that…in this country, the truth cuts deep.  This is especially so when we are talking dollars and cents.   It’s sometimes easier for folk to give up…a kidney (so to speak)…then, to give up a dollar.   And, on top of that…  These White folk thought it was their God given right…to be able to do whatever they wanted to another human being…without any accountability.   Yes…they twisted the Bible to the nth degree to try & make it complicit in their evil doings.  But…  Thank God He is God!!!  Because if not…He would have not been unscathed…in the midst of their madness.


Slavery ended.   Now…  When slavery ended, did these White folk repent for slavery & now do right by Black folk???  HELL NO!!!  That would have been the godly thing to do.   How can devilish hearts…do right???  So, here comes…the KKK.  The local grocer was a KKK member.  Farmer John was a KKK member.  Police officers were KKK members.   Lawmakers were KKK members.   Judges were KKK.  So, despite Black folk being emancipated by the laws of man…the folks who swore to uphold…enforce & interpret those laws…were the same devilish asses wearing sheets, burning crosses & STILL murdering Black folk…all over the place.   Why???  I’ll say again…these White folk “resented” the fact that Black folk had the audacity to carry themselves as “free”…& “equal” in the sight of God.   The thought pattern went something like… “How dare you niggers…think you are too good to allow us good White folk to enslave you…to work you…to rape you…to starve you…to murder you…at our pleasure!!!”   (above photo courtesy of U.S. Library of Congress, John L. Magee)


Here we are…in 2018.   As President Obama says, these “past” resentments…remain to today.  Black people are still being resented for simply being Black & free…in this country…by “Trumpian” mindsets.  Remember…  Donald Trump showed nothing but resentment…towards President Barack Obama.  Yes!!!  First, Trump resented that this Black man had the audacity to run for President of the United States.  And, then Obama WON!   Trump’s heart shouted… “WHAT THE HELL!!!  HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???”  So, what did he do???  He started a campaign of lies… saying that President Obama was not an American citizen.   Trump persistently dogged Obama about his birth certificate…even though he knew damn well President Obama was legit.  Why???  Because President Obama is Black.  That’s it & that’s all.  It’s no more complicated than that.  O.k…

Women have not been left unscathed…in this country.   Women…in America…have historically been put down…stepped over…& stepped on.  In other words, treated as less than.  In other words, used & abused.   Historically, women came through a… “speak when you are spoken to”… “do as I say” …kind of world.  Yes…  They too had no man-made rights that a White man…had to even acknowledge, let alone…accept.   And…  Don’t think for one moment that…even today…every man…is happy about having to share power & decision making with a woman.  This is true…whether it be at home…at play…at the workplace…including, the U. S. Congress.   Many men STILL in this day & age…resent that women have opinions that should be considered…dreams that should be encouraged.  O.k…

RIGHT NOW!  RIGHT NOW!  What are we talking about???  We have a United States Supreme Court Justice…by the name of Brett Kavanaugh…who has been accused of sexually assaulting a female teenager when they were in high school.  Dr. Christine Blasey Ford…says, at a house party…back in the day (1980s)…she was pushed in a room…where Brett Kavanaugh climbed on top of her…groped her…tried to take her swimsuit off…& put his hand over her mouth to prevent anyone from hearing her scream…when she DID scream.  Dr. Blasey Ford said that she thought Kavanaugh might inadvertently kill her…because it was hard for her to breathe when he put his hand over her mouth.  Then…

Another woman, by the name of Deborah Ramirez…came forward.   On September 23, 2018, TMZ…reports… “Deborah Ramirez claims Kavanaugh put his exposed penis in her face at a dorm party during their freshman year at Yale sometime between 1983 and ’84. …she says she was on the floor, foggy and slurring her words … when she says she remembers seeing a real penis smack dab in her face. She tells the New Yorker she recalls other students telling her to kiss it. Ramirez says she pushed the person away, touching the penis in the process, and then saw Kavanaugh standing next to her, pulling his pants up and laughing.” O.k…  Brett Kavanaugh denies these allegations.

So…  What did the Republican Senators and Democratic Senator, Joe Manchin (W.V.) …say about these allegations???   They wholeheartedly confirmed this man to the U.S. Supreme Court even though there are very credible allegations of sexual assault…made against him.   In addition, some of these Republican Senators maligned these women with comments that were just downright insensitive…& heartless.   Before Dr. Blasey Ford even testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee…Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) had already prejudged her allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.  On September 17, 2018…The Hill reports… “Hatch told reporters that Kavanaugh denied being at the party during a phone call the two men had on Monday afternoon. Hatch added that he believed Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, is “mixed up.””

SERIOUSLY???  How dare these folks…who are suppose  (“suppose” is the operative term) to represent ALL people in America…think, feel & believe “females” …are less believable…less credible than…males.   Senator Hatch was not there the night that Dr. Blasey Ford said Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her.  He was not!   But, he angrily said…she was “mixed up” about WHAT HAPPENED…to her.   In other words, he’s saying that “she” DOES NOT know…WHAT HAPPENED…to her.    You know…

Bad things have happened…& will happen to all of us…if we live long enough.   O.k…  How dare some stranger…without just cause…declare to any of us…that these bad things HAVE NOT happened to us?   Just think about that…for a moment.   Where is the compassion??? Where’s the sensitivity???

Because Dr. Blasey Ford is a female…who is not near & dear to Senator Hatch’s heart…he makes stupid ass prejudgments about her allegations.   OUTRAGEOUS!  And, this man…is almost 200 years old! (You know I’m exaggerating. He’s only about 180.)  But, seriously…   How long do you have to live before you can show…grace & mercy…to a fellow soul?  The grace & mercy that would allow you to at least hear her out fully…before you so boldly & contemptuously condemn her as being… “mixed up.”


The times we are now in…are the times that we are in…NOW.  Meaning???  Donald Trump has helped to embolden racists…sexists…& classists…to just let it all hang out…unabashedly.   And, don’t think that this is just a phase.   NO! NO! NO! Remember, what President Obama said.   Donald Trump is not the cause…he is a symptom.   Donald Trump did not elect himself into the office of the Presidency.   Millions of folks…whose hateful hearts beat just like Trump’s…elected him.  Why?  Because they & Trump…speak the same damn language. (photo to right – official portrait of Donald Trump in oval office -taken by chief White House photographer, Shealah Craighead)

A language which speaks things like…


Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!

8:37 PM – 3 Aug 2018

  • 48,230Retweets
  • 178,347Likes

***end of tweet***

Here, you can see that Trump’s dumb ass is trying to depict these two Black men…as being not intelligent.

Let’s keep going…

A language which speaks things like…


Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!

10:11 AM – 25 Jun 2018

  • 40,908Retweets
  • 143,986Likes

***end of tweet***

Here, you can see that Trump is trying to depict this Black Congresswoman…as being dumb.

Let’s keep going…

A language which speaks things like…

“White lives matter!” “You will not replace us!” and “Jews will not replace us!”

White Supremacists shouted out these statements as they carried torches…marching in a parade through the University of Virginia campus, in August 2017.


What does the Heavenly Father say about such things???  First…   He wants us to remember that He does not see things…in the way…that humans do.   1 Samuel 16:7 says… “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.””  You see…   God does not judge someone based on skin color.   God does not judge someone based on whether that person is male or female.  God does not judge someone based on how much money is in that person’s bank account.  O.k…

God knew what He was doing when He created man.  If He did not want us to be male & female…He would not have made it so.  If He did not want us to be a rainbow of colors…He would not have made it so.  I said that to say…this…  God’s children are Hispanic folk…Asian folk…Native American folk…Black folk…White folk…& so forth.   His children are a rainbow of children.  This is the beauty of it all.  So, you know damn well…He hates it when some hate others… because of skin color.  So, you know damn well…He hates it when some look down on others…because the others…are female.   And, you know what???

Many of these people, who view women like Senator Orrin Hatch does…have the audacity to call themselves…Christians.   If you say you are a Christian…your saying that you follow the ways of Christ.   It is not “Christ-like” …when you elevate men to thrones…while at the same time…you try to bury women…in the dirt.   And, that is done why??? Simply because God made them female.   Well… Well…  Well…

Let me tell you this…

When God says you will reap what you sow…He meant it.  (Galatians 6:7)  So…   The White males in this country…who are holding onto archaic…evil-ass notions of White supremacy & male supremacy…NEED TO WAKE THE *%$# UP!

If you think…it is something…that Bill Cosby’s rapist ass…is now in jail as I’m speaking to you…THAT AIN’T NOTHING!   If you think…it is something… that Martin Shkreli’s greedy/heartless ass is on lock down…THAT SHIT AIN’T NOTHING!    If you think…it is something…that Donald Trump’s “pussy grabbing” ass…is being exposed daily for the corrupt, no good bastard that he is…THAT AIN’T NOTHING!  OH, MY GOODNESS!

The Heavenly Father says…in no uncertain terms… “VENGEANCE IS MINE!” (Romans 12:19)   When the Israelites…grumbled against & disobeyed God as they wandered through the wilderness…He had poisonous snakes kill them…He opened the earth & let them fall to their deaths…& He dropped countless, right where their stood.  (Numbers) In other words, the Father is no got damn joke.  HE IS GOD!!!  HE DOES NOT PLAY!!! And…  He says, not only will He punish the evil-doer…He will punish their children to the third & fourth generation of those who reject him.   If you got any God sense…these truths will make you tremble in your shoes.  Sooo…

Fret not loved ones…    God knew what these racist asses…sexist asses…& elitist asses…were going to do before they even did it.  So…  He’s got this matter locked down.   All I can say is this…  Put on your seat belts…& hold on tight…because the reckoning…is in motion.  The storms are approaching.  We humans can’t even fathom…the vengeance that God has in store for evil ass devils…who step on & step over…His children.  And…

The Heavenly Father is pulling back the rug…on the evil shit that has been swept under the rug…by those in powerful positions.   He is fulfilling His word that says… “17 For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything secret that will not become known and come to light.” (Luke 8:17)  He is trying to hip us to the fact…that nothing is new under the sun.  Again, the evil ass hearts that oppress…steal & kill…existed, then…& EXIST NOW!  So…

Don’t get caught napping.  We don’t have time for that shit…either.  Be aware & alert.  Be prayerful…24/7.  Resist the Devil…his demons…& human workers as God reveals these devilish asses to you.   Resist them…24/7…& they will have no choice but to…flee.  (James 4:7) PRAISE GOD!!!

Iris R. Whiting ©

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If We All Took Just One Page Out Of The Book…Called…Senator John Sidney McCain III.’s Life Of Public Service…We Would Touch A Piece Of Heaven.  Meaning???  Meaning…A Life Of Serving Your Fellowman For The Sake of Serving Them = Putting Others Before Yourself = Doing The Will Of God.

First of all, let me say this…   In the U.S. Congress…there are many selfish & corrupt bastards…supposedly “working” as House Representatives and Senators who LITERALLY don’t give a damn about serving the needs of “the people.”  They got into the rat race of politics…for the sole purpose…of serving their selfish ass selves.  That’s it and that’s all.   Humanitarianism (the promotion of human welfare)…doesn’t even come into the equation…let alone, their hearts and minds.   But…

There are those…who do get into it for the right reasons.   And, stay in it for the right reasons.   Now, don’t misunderstand…   I’m not saying that the Congressional offices in D.C. is loaded down with these types.  HELL NO!   In actuality…these kind of “hearts” are few and far between in the political arena.  So, don’t let anybody fool you about that.  (above photo courtesy of PBS)  The writer, Mark Twain, who gave us the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn…puts it like this… “The government of my country snubs honest simplicity but fondles artistic villainy, and I think I might have developed into a very capable pickpocket if I had remained in the public service a year or two. ― Mark Twain”  


Last Saturday, I watched the funeral Of Senator John McCain, III.  As I watched the Senator’s funeral…there was a theme that ran through all of the memories…reflected upon about Senator McCain.  And, that theme was this…   An imperfect…sometimes, contrary man…who was humble enough to admit…to the whole world…when (above photo courtesy of CNN) he was wrong.  A man wise enough to understand that God does REALLY exist.  A man who reached out to everyday folk…despite any privileged aspects of his life due to his name…titles…etc…   Back in April 2008, while he was campaigning for the 2008 Presidential election…Senator McCain…went to an economically depressed coal mining town in Inez, Kentucky.   The New York Times reports McCain’s interactions with these folk as follows… “Mr. McCain told an exuberant crowd… “I’m not the son of a coal miner. I wasn’t raised by a family that made its living from the land or toiled in a mill or worked in the local schools or health clinic. I was raised in the United States Navy, and after my own naval career, I became a politician. My work isn’t as hard as yours.”  But Mr. McCain told the crowd that “you are my compatriots,” and added, “that means more to me than almost any other association.””

Speakers at McCain’s funeral viewed him as a man who tried to build bridges among folk.  One who spent a lifetime of choosing to serve his fellow man…as opposed to just serving himself.  President Barack Obama remarked in part… “John understood, as JFK understood, as Ronald Reagan understood, that part of what makes our country great is that our membership is based not on our bloodline, not on what we look like, what our last names are, it’s not based on where our parents or grandparents came from, or how recently they arrived, but on adherence to a common creed: that all of us are created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights.   And finally, while John and I disagreed on all kinds of foreign-policy issues, we stood together on America’s role as the one indispensible nation, believing that with great power and great blessings comes great responsibility. That burden is borne most heavily by our men and women in uniform, service members like Doug, Jimmy, and Jack who followed their father’s footsteps, as well as the families who serve alongside our troops. But John understood that our security and our influence was won not just by our military might, not just by our wealth, not just by our ability to bend others to our will, but from our capacity to inspire others with our adherence to a set of universal values, like rule of law and human rights, and an insistence on the God-given dignity of every human being.

As I listened, I thought… “Mmmmmhhhh…that’s a rare bird.”   You see…the operative term here is “choosing.”  Senator McCain chose…for a lifetime…to serve his fellowman.  O.k…

God gave us all freewill.   And, with that freewill…we can choose to be selfless…or…we can choose to be selfish.   Sadly, anymore…day in & day out…what I see…what I hear…is a bunch of selfish whining going on…all over the place.   And, I’m not talking about just from toddlers.   Hell No!   I’m talking about grown ass folk…who have held on to the “me…me….me” phase…even into adulthood.   You know…

The phase where you “choose” to step over a homeless person (who may be a veteran)…as your face contorts in disgust…because this homeless person had the audacity to be present in your walking path…on a public street.    You know…  The phase where you “choose” to walk the path of… “I’ve got mine…& you got yours to get.”   You know…   The phase where you “choose” to turn a blind eye to all the suffering/hurt/pain…that is ALL around you.  Why??? Because it does not exist within the confines of the brick/mortar/sheetrock walls…where you lay your head.  (above photo courtesy of Veteran Affairs) But, guess what???

For God…   Your brick…your mortar…your sheetrock…YOUR delusional physical separation from other human beings…DOES NOT…excuse you from the destiny that God laid out for you.   Yes, the one that He set down…even before you were in your mother’s womb.  Think about how incredible this is…what I’m telling you.  God laid out your destiny…in Heaven…before you ever existed on this earth.  You know there is somebody who walked this earth…before us…who knew exactly what I’m talking about here.  Who???  That who…would be the prophet Jeremiah…son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin.  The Bible tells us about Jeremiah’s interactions with God, as follows:

Now the word of the Lord came to me saying,

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy.” But the Lord said to me,

“Do not say, ‘I am only a boy’;
for you shall go to all to whom I send you,
and you shall speak whatever I command you.
Do not be afraid of them,
for I am with you to deliver you,
says the Lord.”

Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the Lord said to me,

“Now I have put my words in your mouth.
10 See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms,
to pluck up and to pull down,
to destroy and to overthrow,
to build and to plant.”

11 The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”[a] 12 Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching[b] over my word to perform it.” 13 The word of the Lord came to me a second time, saying, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see a boiling pot, tilted away from the north.”

14 Then the Lord said to me: Out of the north disaster shall break out on all the inhabitants of the land. 15 For now I am calling all the tribes of the kingdoms of the north, says the Lord; and they shall come and all of them shall set their thrones at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, against all its surrounding walls and against all the cities of Judah. 16 And I will utter my judgments against them, for all their wickedness in forsaking me; they have made offerings to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands. 17 But you, gird up your loins; stand up and tell them everything that I command you. Do not break down before them, or I will break you before them. 18 And I for my part have made you today a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall, against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its princes, its priests, and the people of the land. 19 They will fight against you; but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you.”  (Jeremiah 1:4-19)

And, this God given destiny…is ONE…that He is holding you accountable for.   YES!  God is holding all of His children accountable…for the plight of the downtrodden.  YES!  God is holding His children accountable…for the carrying out of “His Holy & Divine Will” on this planet…we call earth.

Jesus, put it like this…

31 When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left.

34 Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’

37 Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’

40 And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family,[g] you did it to me.’ 41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’

44 Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:31-46)

O.k…don’t you see???….

Serving your fellowman…righteously…is serving God.  It is carrying out the will of God on this earth.  Today, USA Today reported Senator McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain, as saying the following about her husband… “Whether it was to demand the best possible leadership and support for our armed forces, or to empower freedom fighters against dictators around the world, or to demand that perpetrators of torture and human rights abuses be punished, or to make sure our native American communities are treated with dignity and respect. John McCain fought for others every day of his life, whether he was wearing a uniform or standing on the floor of the U.S. Senate.”

So, for all the times that Senator John McCain, III. righteously served his fellowman…I am so so grateful.   In our present times of “ME! ME! ME!”…screaming out from the hearts of so many, the McCain’s of this world…keep my heart “hopeful”…that man will allow God to use them to show His light & love…even in the darkest of times.

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in Jesus, National News, Politics, President Obama | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1,374 Comments




I read this “headline” across my tv screen…on June 25, 2018 on CNN Tonight…with Don Lemon.   Check this out…

Esteban Guzman and his mother (both Mexican) were doing landscaping work in a yard in Southern California…when a White woman…starts yelling at them…while she approaches.   Guzman and his mom…were minding their own business…but, what did that mean to this woman.  Evidently…nothing. (photo to left courtesy of CNN) The woman walks up to Guzman & sticks her middle finger in his face.  Instead of slapping her hand out of his face…Guzman decides to converse with her.  (God knows!…he was better than me) Guzman asks her… “Why do you hate us?” The woman replies… “Because your Mexicans.”  He, then…says to her… “We are honest people right here.”  She laughs mockingly with… “Yea…rapists.”  Guzman puzzled…responds… “Rapists???”  She says… “Yea…and animals.”  Guzman asks her… “How many people have I raped?”  She says… “And, drug dealers.”  Guzman says… “How many drugs have I dealt?”  She responds with… “Even the President of the United States says you’re a rapist.

Don Lemon invited Guzman, on (click on CNN Tonight below for video)  CNN Tonight…to talk about what happened.   (photo to right courtesy of CNN) Guzman is a 27-year-old systems administrator who also works as a part-time landscaper.   He said before this confrontation…he had never met this White woman before in his life.   The experience that Guzman & his mother endured from this woman…was NOTHING but EVIL…which came from the pits of hell.  This woman’s heart spewed nothing but…PURE EVIL.   PURE EVIL!   The audacity.  The boldness.   No human…but, a worker of the devil…acts like this towards another human being.   Do you see???

No provocation WHATSOEVER was needed by Guzman or his mom…to set this woman off.   Why???  Because the %$#^# was already off.   But, in a very, very EVIL way.  She exuded…PURE HATE!  And, she had no problems telling Guzman that she hated them. When people have this level of hate…it’s not a stretch for them to get to the killing phase.  That’s why her behavior is soooooo troubling.  Jesus equates this type of “hate” with “murder.” Jesus says this… “21 You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister,you will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Matthew 5:21-22)

Far too many people think that just because they can turn on a tv…& peek into the lives of reality tv personalities…that they NOW…have the right to meddle with & harass others.  NO!  Wake the ^%$# up from the daydream…& let’s get real.   O.K…

You know it’s hard enough to have to go to the Motor Vehicle Administration to start with.  Why???  Oooooh, where do I start?…  Long ass lines…hostile MVA workers & ignorant people who seem to be clueless about why they even came to the MVA…to start with.    TIP!!!!  Stay your asses home  U-N-T-I-L you have F-I-R-S-T figured out why you need to go to the MVA…& then…take another day…to make sure that what you F-I-R-S-T figured out…is still SO!   Then…maybe…just maybe…the lines won’t be so damn long & the MVA workers won’t be so damn hostile, to the rest of us…who KNOW why we came to the MVA!   Just a thought.   O.k…

I had to go to the MVA to pick up a driving record for a client of mine.   Well, I meandered over to the right “starting” line…& I thought… “o.k. good.”  And, of course…it was a long ass line that had so many bends…I felt like I was in a maze.  You know… Where the people that are in front of you…are…ALSO…standing beside you, at some point.  Anyway…there were 2 young ladies behind me about…5 folk back.  Well, they were SO LOUD in talking…you couldn’t HELP but hear the whole conversation.   One of them decided that she wanted to interact with other folk in the line.  YES!  And, God knows she didn’t know those people from Adam.  But, why should that stop her???  And, I did mention she was LOUD…right???  So…

She was bothering one man…asking him what he was doing at the MVA???  Bless his heart…he responded…telling her why he was there.   Well, as she was talking to this dude…she observed the person behind the desk…calling for the next person in our line to come forward.   The person who was next WAS a bit delayed in moving forward…so she “SHOUTED” (I’m not kidding…she did)… “SHOUTED” to him… “HEY! Wake up before I come up there & take your spot!”   Poor thing…  He turned around…slowly in her direction…with this puzzled look on his face…like… “What???”   She had startled him.   And, then she “SHOUTED” to the rest of us… “LOOK ALIVE PEOPLE!  LOOK ALIVE! I’M TELLING YOU…I’LL TAKE YOUR DAMN SPOT…IF I CATCH YOU NAPPING!!!”   Then…

I thought… “What was I thinking…thinking I could catch a quick “standing nap” at the MVA???”  NOT GONNA HAPPEN…PEOPLE!  NOT GONNA HAPPEN!   Anyway…

We have entered an age…of “REALITY TV” thinking…where people think that everybody else’s business is theirs.   IT’S ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!  It could be anywhere…anytime…& strangers just start meddling with others.  STRANGERS…start harassing others.


Maybe it’s me.  Maybe I HAVE been shacked up with Bigfoot in a cave…for years…suffering from amnesia & black-outs…so, I haven’t kept up with all the changes in societal norms…BUT…   BUT! BUT! BUT!   Since, when does seeing someone in public…give a STRANGER carte blanche to meddle in that person’s business???  Since when does it give a STRANGER…the right to harass a person???  It does not!  Not at all.  O.k…

I recently went to a UPS store…to return a hair styling tool that I got from Amazon.   Before, I went to UPS, I printed out my little return label…stuck it on the box…& was on my way.   I used the same box…to return the item…that Amazon shipped the item to me in.   There was nothing special about the box.  It was a box.  One that was about 14 inches long, 4 inches wide & about 2 inches high.  So, I go into the store.  There are 2 people ahead of me.  I mind my own business…waiting for my turn.  So, I get up to the counter, & hand the woman my box.  She asked, “What is in the box???”  That was a legit question.  It could’ve been something dangerous…that they needed to know about…but, it wasn’t.  I responded with… “A hair curler.”  She then, says…with a hostile tone… “Awfully big box for a hair curler.”  Without missing a beat…I snapped back with the same nasty ass tone she had kicked out & said… “Look.  I returned the item in the same box…that the shipper sent to me.  If you got a problem with the size of the box, then you need to take THAT UP with your client…Amazon.”  She immediately calmed herself down & said… “Oh, I was just saying.  Because some people come in here with very small items and these gigantic boxes.”  I responded with… “Mmm…hhmmm.”   O.k…

First of all…   What the hell is she doing meddling about the size of the box???  Here’s my thought…  “If you are an UPS store & your business is shipping packages…even if the box I sent the curling iron in…touched the got damn UPS ceiling…as long as it’s paid for…shut the ^%$# up…& send the got damn box back to Amazon.   I do not need your unsolicited personal commentary…about the size of the box.”   Now…

TIME-OUT!  TIME-OUT!  TIME-OUT!   GOT DAMN IT…TIME-OUT!   People have become too damn comfortable meddling…with other folk.   In this age of Trump…people have become more emboldened to confront people…without justification.  People feel that they can just…come into your space…into your face…& say whatever they think they are big enough to say.   This shit IS NOT acceptable!   God tells us… “10 and indeed you do love all the brothers and sisters throughout Macedonia. But we urge you, beloved, to do so more and more, 11 to aspire to live quietly, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we directed you, 12 so that you may behave properly toward outsiders and be dependent on no one.”  (1 Thessalonians 4:10-12)  And…

I’ve come to understand all too clearly…that if people paid attention to the matters…needing tending to in their own lives…God knows…they wouldn’t have time to be messing with others.  So…

Don’t feel like you have to tolerate being harassed by others.  If someone steps to you wrong…& begins to harass you…you tell them to get away from you.  If they persist, call the police.   Assert your rights!  As I said earlier, Guzman…was better than me.  Because, God as my witness…if that woman had come yelling at me & then, stuck her middle finger in my face…I would have considered it a threat.   I would have defended myself & smacked her hand away from me as hard as I could.  Then, I would have called the police.   And…

Don’t feed into any meddlesome spirits.  Do not think that just because someone ask you something about your private business…that you are obliged to answer them.  YOUR NOT! If they ask you something they have no business asking…you can ask them this…  “Why are you asking???  Why do you want to know???”  That’s right…  Ask a question with a question.   Every time they ask you a question…ask them a question.    In this way…you are telling them…                       “STAY IN YOUR GOT DAMN LANE!”  And…

PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!  And, PRAY some more.

Father…Please command your Angels concerning your children.  Give them charge to hold us in their hands…so we don’t even dash our foot against a stone.   Give your children the courage to resist against the devil, his demons and human workers.  Guide us Father in what we should do when confronted with any meddlesome spirit or spirit hell bent on harassing us.  Bless us with the peace and wisdom needed…so that we don’t over react to any meddling or harassment situation while we are resisting the ways of the wicked.   Bless us never to do anything that is out of accord with your holy and divine will.  I pray these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in Jesus, Motivational, National News, President Donald Trump, Racism, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , | 986 Comments



I was standing on the street…in a big city…waiting to cross over.   There were 2 young women…standing a few feet away.   They spotted this other woman crossing the street in our direction…& one of them said… “Oh, my God…if she ain’t fat!”  Then, they started laughing so hard.  Well…   When I glanced in this other woman’s direction…I did a ScoobyHuh???”  Now, the woman they were laughing at…did seem a bit over weight.  However…  That IS NOT…what struck me.  NO!  NO! NO!   What struck me…was this…   Those 2 hussies that were laughing their asses off…were each a whole lot “FATTER”…than the woman…they were laughing at.   I looked up to Heaven…& said… “Are you kidding me???  The pot calling the kettle…black.  But, they JUST couldn’t help themselves.”  O.k.  Let’s keep going…

In a telephone conversation…I received information about one of my god children.  Now, the person who gave me this info spends at least 90% of their time…gossiping.  She gained the formation she gave me…from somebody who was suppose to be a friend of my god child.  After I got off the phone, I sat down with my god child and I asked her…  “Did you tell so & so…about your personal business…involving such & such?”   She said, “Yes.”  I then, asked… “Did you think that was a private conversation  just between you two?”  She said… “Yes.”  I responded… “Well, as you can see, it ain’t that damn private because that nosy ass so & so…just dropped your business right in my lap.”  She said… “Yes, I see.”  I went on to tell her that she needs to be more careful about who she tells her business to.   I explained that everybody who smiles in your face IS NOT your friend.   Then, I said to her… “The person that you told your private business to,  then…told it to a person they KNOW to be… one of the biggest damn gossipers on the planet.  So, she knew this gossiper was, more likely than not, going to… “go…run…tell…that.”  And, that…she did.”   Now…

As a child, I use to love hanging out with my mother.  Yes, I would be right on her coat tail…going “to & fro.”  So…   In doing that, I would hear all kinds of conversations that she would have with other “grown” folk.   If I heard her once…I heard her a thousand times…say… “They are so damn busy meddling in everybody else’s business…they can’t keep their own houses clean.”   And…  I must say, that my mother was not the type of spirit…that was into a bunch of gossiping.  She just wasn’t.  I would see her face frown up…over & over again, when people around her would do it.  I never heard her say much, other than… “Mmmhh” …and she’d usually walk away.   Now…  Not being a gossiping type spirit…did cause her to be left out of many social loops.  And, for her…that was JUST fine.

Now…there were times, when people would press her on an issue  & say something like…  “Rose, did you hear me?  I just said that Mary Jane was caught in the bed with Shirley’s husband…last night.”   My mom would respond with… “Yeah, I heard you the first time.  But, I don’t care about that shit.  I’m not sleeping with Mary Jane or Shirley or either one of their husbands so…what business is that of mine. And, why do you care?”  I would see the person she was talking to…roll their eyes & walk a way from her.   My mom would respond, a bit disgusted, with… “Good riddance.  Come on baby let’s go.”  And, we would keep it rolling.  You know…

I really admired that about her.   But, the sad thing is this…   Spirits like her, are few and far between.  Meaning???  Meaning…  Far too many folk…gossip…their asses off.  I put it like this… “ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT SOMEBODY!!!”   At home…at work…at a child’s soccer game…at the grocery store…at a barbeque…at the bar…at a restaurant…at a store…& so on & so on & so on.  In other words, they do this shit…any where they breathe. YES!   Now…

I was in a grocery store & I ran into one of these gossiping spirits.  First, it wasn’t by choice.   I think she saw me before I saw her.  Anyway…  She called my name, I turned around to see her hooked up to these tubes.   She was carrying an oxygen tank.   O.k…  We barely got pass the “hello’s & how are you’s” before she started gossiping about someone we both knew.   I thought to myself… “DAMN!!!  You barely got enough air to breathe…but, you expend the little you do have…on bad-mouthing somebody else.  Really???”  O.k…

Let me tell you how different I am then, my mother.   I don’t just say… “mmmhhh” …even though I hate gossiping.   I might say that too, but…I add a little more.    I like to ask questions to the person doing the gossiping.  And, not the type of questions that you might think.  Nooooooooo.   I put on my attorney hat…& start interrogating their asses.

For example…   If they say something like… “Girl, Tammy (a grown woman who lives by herself) came home a couple of months ago & Regina (Tammy’s cousin) told me that she ain’t even stopped by to see her mother.”  So, with hearing that…I might chime in with…  “Do you know if she gets along with her mother?  Does her mother mistreat her?”   Well…  This normally catches the gossiper off guard…because they were waiting for me to respond with something like… “Whaaaat!  Ain’t she something.  You mean to tell me that she can’t make the time to see her mother for 2 minutes.  You know that girl ain’t never been right in the head.”    You know what I’m saying…  But, no.

I didn’t respond in that way.   First of all…most of the time when people bring this gossiping shit to me…I don’t have a clue about the backdrop.  In other words, I don’t know if there is a valid, justifiable reason for Tammy not to go to her mother’s house.   I don’t presume that her mother is a decent person.  I don’t presume to know about these other folks lives.

Again, remember I asked… “Do you know if she gets along with her mother?  Does her mother mistreat her?”  And, the gossiper…looks at me like I got 10 horns on my head.  She responds, “Oh, I don’t know about all that.”  I then, think to myself… “Yeah, you don’t know about all of that, but…that didn’t stop your damn mouth from running.”  Then, I changed the subject and started asking her about herself.   I remember saying, “What’s going on with you with this oxygen tank?”  That was the first time I had seen her carrying around this tank.  Then, all of that excitement that she 1st had…when she thought I was going to gossip right along with her…left.    A little aggravated…she didn’t have much more to say.   And, that was JUST fine with me.  You see…  What I did was turn the tables on her ass.    I flipped it from her bad mouthing somebody else…to us…talking about her.   And…

That is not how she wanted this conversation to break out.  NOT AT ALL!  But, I’ve come to understand this about gossipers…    They never want the sun to be shown on them.  They love talking about everybody else…but, they NEVER want to be talked about.  I think to myself… “NO!…NO!…NO!  Your gossiping ass ain’t getting away that easy.”   I have peeped through that con…& I insist on talking about the gossiper…right to their face.  And, they hate it!  THEY ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!   And…

When I respond the way I do…they get the picture.  They do.  They see that I’m not going to skip down that gossiping road…with them.  HELL NO!  You see…   God tells us this…  “29 Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were marked with a seal for the day of redemption. 31 Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, 32 and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.(Ephesians 4:29-32)

Now…   I am amazed at how MUCH people like…meddling in other folks lives…for the SOLE PURPOSE…of gossiping about it.   Honest to God…   I think… “How in the hell do they find the time?   It’s hard for me to make time…to eat…to go pee (it’s true).”  But, these running their damn mouth rascals…can run down other people’s business to you…as easy as they breathe.   They sing more than a canary.  These folk…start out a lot of their conversations…with… “Did you see??? Did you know??? Did you hear???”  Now…

Don’t misunderstand…   Not all conversations, talking about someone else… is gossip.  No.  It’s all about the motivation of the conversation.   It’s all about the heart.  Is the conversation being had…to uplift…to motivate…to teach…to warn??? OR…  Is the conversation being had…to degrade…to belittle…to put down???  And…sadly enough…   The majority of the conversations about somebody else’s life…is ALL about “gossiping.”  And, it doesn’t matter the age…or sex of the gossiper.   Shi-i-i-i-i-t.   I’ve heard 5 & 6 year-old children…gossiping…just like grown folk.   And, don’t let them fool you…   Men gossip…their asses off…too.   Now…

If people spent more time…doing what God expects them to be doing…they wouldn’t have TIME to be running around like little *&^%$#*…gossiping.   It is an awful…ugly…habit…that for sure…needs to be broken.  Gossiping is nothing but, spewing “evil” out into the world.  And, anything evil is the work of the devil.  That’s how God sees it.   Think about it…   What good comes from gossiping???   Tell me.  What godly purpose is carried out by gossiping???   Now…I’ll tell you what I have seen come from it.   I’ve seen people become so traumatized by hateful gossip…that they kill themselves.   I’ve seen people become so enraged when they found out, through gossip, that a loved one was cheating on them…they killed that loved-one and then…himself or herself.   Since…

NO ONE is perfect…we need to think twice before jumping…feet 1st…into “gossiping.”  There is a saying… “Those who live in glass houses…shouldn’t throw stones.”  I’ll do you one better & tell you how God puts it.  He says… “21 But now, apart from law, the righteousness of God has been disclosed, and is attested by the law and the prophets, 22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction, 23 since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; 24 they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,…”  (Romans 3:21-24)

And, God also says… “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye.” (Matthew 7:1-5)

Meaning???  Meaning…  Every time someone runs their mouth…gossiping…about someone else…God considers that person to be “judging” another.   And, if God finds that “judging” not to be a “righteous judgment” …He for sure…will hold that “gossiper” accountable.  Meaning???  Meaning…   He didn’t stutter.   He said every sin…you have committed…will receive every bit of punishment He can put forth.  He will not forgive those sins.  He will show no mercy!   Why??? Because a “gossiper” shows no mercy…& is unforgiving.  A “gossiper” maliciously vilifies the person they  gossip about.  So…

Let us lay down the stones…that we intend to throw at another.  Let us swallow the hate… we intend to spew out in to the world.  Let us show the love and mercy of God.  For, Hebrews tell us… “30 For we know the one who said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:30-31)

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in Devil, God, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , | 721 Comments

EXTRA! EXTRA!: U.S. UPSET…WORLD CONFUSED!!! At Helsinki, Finland Summit With Russian President Vladimir Putin…Donald Trump Chooses His Heart Over His Country. What The Hell Did You Expect When You Made Gomer The President Of The United States???


This was the headline I read, when I started writing this post last night.   Well…

Is it true???   Yes.  It happened when Donald Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin…in Helsinki, Finland on Monday, 7/16/18, at some so-called Summit.   (photo to right- courtesy of NBC News) When reporters asked Trump about whether he believed Russia used cyber-attacks to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election…Trump basically said that since Vladimir Putin strongly says Russia didn’t do it…he didn’t see why Russia would do it.  And, Trump said this despite the fact that the U.S. intelligence agencies concluded, with high degrees of certainty that the Russian government definitely used cyber-attacks to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  And, when we say “Russian Government” …we are talking about Vladimir Putin since his ass runs everything in Russia.    Now…

Folks on the right & the left…the top & the bottom (I’m sorry…I digressed. There is no top & bottom…here) …came into agreement about this shit.

Former CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) Director, John Brennan,  was “hot as hell” about this.  He tweeted, the following:

John O. Brennan 


Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

11:52 AM – Jul 16, 2018

***end of tweet***

On Monday, The Hill reported that Fox News Reporter, John Roberts, commented on Trump’s Helsinki statements as follows… “Now, he is taking it on the chin, not just from Democrats but Republicans as well, and from literally every state across the nation” Roberts continued. “…But there is a growing consensus across the land that tonight the president threw the United States under the bus.” (photo – courtesy of BBC News)

Yesterday, CNN reported that in response to Trump’s comments in Helsinki, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R.– Ky) said… “I’ve said a number of times and I say it again, the Russians are not our friends and I entirely believe the assessment of our intelligence community.”

First, could Trump be called a traitor???   Yes.   Does he give a damn about this??? No.   He doesn’t care what you call him when it comes to Vladimir Putin.   He would tell you… “Just call me…Mr. Tibbs.”  You see…  In Trump’s mind…Putin is his…BFF!  O.k…

You know I’ve said…before…he would sell his own mother…to Gypsies…for 5 cents.  But, for Putin…he wouldn’t even have to pay the 5 cents charge.  HE WOULDN’T!   If Trump’s mother was living & Vladimir wanted to pimp her out…Trump would give her right to him.   HE WOULD!  He’d sling her ass towards Putin & say… “Git…on over there.”   And, he would mean it.  No amount of tears…begging…& pleading would save her.  All Donald Trump would do is say, “Shut up! Didn’t I tell you to get your old ass over there.”  So…

If he would do that to his own mother (& HE WOULD!)…what the hell does he care about selling out this country???  Some folks are saying… “But, when he took the oath, he pledged to uphold the U.S. Constitution.”   When Trump was up there taking the Presidential oath…his raggedy ass wasn’t thinking about no U.S. Constitution.   If the truth be told, when Trump repeated the words read by Chief Justice Roberts, he was probably thinking about getting his two Big Macs, two Filet-o-Fish sandwiches, and a large chocolate shake — malted, from McDonald’s.  You know he don’t have a long attention span.  But…

What do you expect???  What do you expect when you put…a cross between Gomer Pyle and Adolf Hitler into the White House???  Well, if you didn’t know…now you know.  PEOPLE!…elections have consequences!!!  And, DONALD TRUMP is what popped out of the gumball machine…after we voted in 2016.    You know…

Americans & others would save themselves a lot of heartache…& grief…if they REALLY understood the nature of the beast.   And, this should not be difficult.  Why??? BECAUSE!!!…his dumb-ass hasn’t changed.   I’m hearing all kinds of folk…so upset…saying… “What happened?  Why would he defend Russia?  I’m sure his staff gave him a written report on what to say…& not to say regarding Putin.”  So…

I’m thinking… “What???  You know…T-R-U-M-P…D-O-N’-T…R-E-A-D.”   Shit…

That’s why poor Melania still struggles with English…even after, being married to him since 2005.    I saw it when she announced her campaign to help kids with…social, emotional and physical health.


And, the name of the campaign is… “Be Best.”  Mmmmhhh, I thought… “I can’t quite put my finger on it…but I think something is missing.”  Now, I’m quite sure Melania asked Trump…what he thought.  Sure!…  You know she was excited about this campaign.  And, you know what??? To get her off his back, when she asked him about naming the campaign… “Be Best” …he probably said, as he hurried past her… “Sounds good to me!”  It’s a damn shame!  All he had to do…was tell her…to add one simple word.   J-u-s-t…o-n-e…l-i-t-t-l-e…word.  And, that word…is???  Call me crazy but, shouldn’t it be something like… “Be The Best???”  Hell…even “Be Your Best???”  I’m just asking.   (photo courtesy of ABC News)

Now…   Donald Trump didn’t read before he was President.  So, why would he start now???  What the hell does he care about them putting this “report”  in front of him…that “report” in front him…because he’s suppose to meet with Putin???  He looks at that shit…like its pieces of trash.   You see…   Being illiterate didn’t stop him from becoming President.   Remember…  He got the job.  That dummy obtained the highest political position in the land…reading like a 3rd grader.   To me…it says more about the people who elected him…than it does about him.   In essence… Donald Trump…pulled off one of the biggest con jobs…in modern history.    He conned millions (many who think their so damn smart)…into putting his dumb ass…into the office of the U. S. Presidency.  And…

Those millions did it, with the EXPECTATION…that the same dummy…would not be a “Benedict Arnold” …kind of dummy.  Well…  You know what the Rolling Stones say…  “No, you can’t always get what you want.”

So, unless those who have always strenuously objected to Donald Trump…continue to do so & vote against that numskull…& his Republican Congressional minions in November 2018, Americans will wake-up with the “Red Army” on our front steps.  Yes!!!  If you leave Donald Trump’s treasonous ass to his own devices, Russia will own your shit…& my shit.   And, after they have confiscated our homes & thrown our asses …head first, into the streets…they will leave us with… “Be Best!”  Yeah…

Iris R. Whiting  ©



Posted in Cyber spying & hacking, Global Affairs, International News, National News, Politics, President Donald Trump, Robert Mueller Investigation, Vladimir Putin | Tagged , , , | 617 Comments

Former U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, Warns Us… “Don’t Let Fascism Go ‘Unnoticed Until It’s Too Late!’” Secretary Albright Is Sounding The Alarm While We Debate How Civil We Are To Trump’s Administration. Are We Really Wasting Time…Debating This Shit…As Donald Trump’s Evil-Ass Is Burning Down The House???

Merriam-Webster defines “civil” as… “adequate in courtesy and politeness.”

Let me ask you this…  Do you think that the Heavenly Father has ever said to His Angels… “Well, remember…to make sure you are “adequately courteous & polite” to the Devil & his demons…you know…when YOUR KICKING THEIR ASSES!!!”   OF COURSE NOT!

You know…

We can be REALLY…REALLY silly when we want to be.  This country was built on robbing, stealing, raping, killing, kidnapping & every other got damn EVIL you can imagine.  And, we know this.  However, there is this tendency…by many…to put forth the “illusion”…the “delusion” that most of the people who have lived here…& are living here…are SOOOO damn “civilized.”

Well, I say…

Civilized MY ASS!!!   O.k…

Now, I’m not going to recite every crazy ass thing that man has done…from the time of Methuselah up to the present.  So, don’t get caught up on that.  But, for the record… There was absolutely nothing civilized about White folk…kidnapping Africans, packing them like sardines on ships, chaining & restraining them like wild animals & enslaving them.  There was nothing civilized about White folk…passing laws to try & civilize…holding humans in bondage.  There was nothing civilized about White folk castrating & hanging Black men from trees…like Nina Simone sang about…as a kind of “strange fruit.”  There was nothing civilized about White folk…sitting around…having picnics…with their children…as they watched these Black men hang from trees.   O.k…

Not only was this shit… “NOT CIVILIZED” …it was just plain… “EVIL AS HELL.”  And, while the physical restraints have long been removed from the victims…the same kind of evil hearts that did this shit…REMAINS.   Oh, ye-e-e-e-e-es.  And, I’m not talking about a few hearts…here & there.  HELL NO!  The same kind of evil hearts that kept slavery in existence for hundreds of years…STILL EXIST…by the millions…in this country.  The same kind of hearts that supported the killing of millions in Germany during the Holocaust…are sure enough beating…by the millions…here.

And, surely…   The Devil is laughing his ass off.   Why??? Because he knows these folks LOVE to do his bidding.  When he says jump…they gleefully ask… “How high?”

So, you see…   I understand that the times we are living in…are treacherous & very dangerous ones.   These are times when Neo-Nazis & millions of Donald Trump’s supporters are plotting & scheming their asses off… 24/7…on how to make America the “NEW” …Nazi Germany.   You Got Damn Right!  That’s what I said.  O.k…

A few short weeks ago, I watched…retired four-star General Michael Hayden, on CNN Tonight with Don LemonGeneral Michael Hayden was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2006-2009) and the Director of the National Security Agency (1999-2005).  He is an EXPERT in the area of assessing dangers & threats to this country.  The General said he is sending us a WARNING flare…that this country under Donald Trump…is heading into the direction of Nazi Germany.  O.k…

On April 3, 2018…NPR wrote an article titled… “Madeleine Albright Warns: Don’t Let Fascism Go ‘Unnoticed Until It’s Too Late.”  Madeleine Albright served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1993–97) and was the first woman to hold the cabinet post of U.S. Secretary of State (1997–2001).  On February 4, 1997, The Washington Post reported… “Madeleine Korbel Albright was almost 2 years old when her parents whisked her out of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, less than two weeks after the Nazi occupation, giving up their life as a prominent Czech diplomatic family and saying goodbye to many relatives. Captured Nazi documents now in the possession of Holocaust researchers show that close relatives of Albright’s who remained behind in Czechoslovakia during World War II – including the grandparents, her uncle and aunt, and a first cousin – died in Nazi concentration camps.

In speaking about “Facism”…NPR reports…Albright as saying… “Part of the reason for writing [the book] is to say that, in fact, this can happen in countries that have democratic systems, that have a population that’s interested in what’s going on, that is supportive. … That’s what’s so worrisome, is that fascism can come in a way that it is one step at a time, and in many ways, goes unnoticed until it’s too late.”

On April 24, 2018, the New Yorker reports on Albright’s thoughts about Donald Trump & says… “The elephant rampaging through these pages is, of course, Donald Trump,” she writes. He won the Presidency “because he convinced enough voters in the right states that he was a teller of blunt truths, a masterful negotiator, and an effective champion of American interests. That he is none of those things should disturb our sleep, but there is a larger cause for unease. Trump is the first antidemocratic president in modern U.S. history.”

Now…  This push to move this country in the direction of Nazi Germany…is intentional & deliberate.  And, these racistanti-Semiticanti-Immigrantanti-Muslimanti-disabledanti-homosexual…folks are becoming BOLDER…in how they carry it.  They are pulling off their hoods (so to speak) when they step out.  Let’s look back at Charlottesville, Virginia…last summer with the “Unite the Right” rallyThe Washington Post reported… “Tensions began Friday night, as several hundred white supremacists chanted “White lives matter!” “You will not replace us!” and “Jews will not replace us!” as they carried torches marched in a parade through the University of Virginia campus.” (above photo…courtesy of CNN- protest in Charlottesville, Va.)

And, don’t kid yourself…

For those who have so much hate in their heart… “killing”… their perceived “enemy”… is “par for the course.”  Remember James Alex Fields, Jr.???  He has been charged with driving his car into counter-protesters…during the Charlottesville rally…last August.  It is alleged that Fields killed Heather Heyer and injured 28 others.  Last Wednesday, NBC reported… “The U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday, June 27 that a grand jury had indicted 21-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. on a total of 30 charges: one count of a hate crime act resulting in the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, one count of racially motivated violent interference with a federally protected activity, and 28 counts of hate crime acts causing bodily injury and involving an attempt to kill.

WTOP reported… “Authorities have said Fields, described by a former teacher as having a keen interest in Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler…    As he prepared to leave to travel to Charlottesville, a family member sent him a text message urging him to be careful, the indictment said. Fields replied, “We’re not the ones who need to be careful,” and attached an image of Hitler, according to the indictment, which also says Fields used social media to promote racist views.”

Do you see???…   Driving a car into a crowd of pedestrians…IS…the mindset of hate!

And, remember…why they hate??? Oh, because of skin color…  Because of ethnicity… Because of religion…  Because of sexual orientation…  Because Snoopy is a snob…and so forth.  There is no valid precursor…that has taken place to justify their evil actions. None is needed.  In other words…  There is no rhyme…or…reason to this type of EVIL…ASS INSANITY.  Jesus would call them “evil lunatics.”  They hate because they are of their father…the Devil…& that’s what he’s an expert at doing.  And…

Fighting against the Devil…his demons…& his human workers…is no small feat. Fighting EVIL…is not child’s play.  Remember…  It is not your battle that your fighting.  It is GOD’S battle.  You are just a vessel to be used by Him.  To resist & fight against EVIL…requires a courage & strength that only comes from…God…our Heavenly Father.  He must fill you with His supernatural power…if you want to be effective.  And… In order for God’s power to fill you…you MUST be aligned with Him.  Even in battling against the Devil…how you fight & resist…MUST be in accord with the will of God.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tells us… “3 Indeed, we live as human beings, but we do not wage war according to human standards; 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments 5 and every proud obstacle raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ.” Then… Ephesians 6:11-12 says… “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

So, what is this “whole armor of God” that we must put on…so we are equipped to fight against the Devil???  I’ll explain…

1. Live truthfully. God tells us to fasten “the belt of truth” around our waist.
STOP lying! And, there is no white lie, black lie, pink lie. All that shit is lying & God hates it.

2. Live righteously. God tells us to put on the “breastplate of righteousness.” Follow God’s ten commandments. Follow what Jesus tells us to do. Pay attention to dreams, visions, omens that God gives you. Listen and He will also speak to you audibly. YES!… Just like He talked to Moses. He changes not & what He did…back then, He continues to do today.

3. Live peace-filled. God tells us to put the “gospel of peace” on your feet. Even in the midst of a “hellish” world…God wants His children to walk with peace in our hearts. He wants us to have the “peace” that only He can give us. It’s the kind that He says… “passes all human understanding.” (Philippians:4-7) By loving God & following God’s will…we can have this kind of “peace” …even if bombs are literally exploding all around us.

4. Live faithfully. God tells us to take up “the shield of faith.” He says this will put out the “flaming arrows of the evil one.” In other words… BELIEVE! BELIEVE! BELIEVE!…in God. Believe that the Heavenly Father IS who He says He is. Believe that He will do what He says He will do. Believe that there IS a Heaven & a Hell. Believe in God & trust Him with every aspect of your life. Lean not unto your own understanding about things but, rather…trust Him to direct you in the ways that you must go.

5. Live believing that Christ died for our salvation. God tells us to put on “the helmet of salvation.” He wants us to acknowledge, accept & appreciate that His only son, Jesus…gave His life so that we can be reconciled to the Father. He wants us to live a life that 24/7…gives Jesus His props…gives Jesus all our love …for doing what He did. So, you must be…what we call… “saved.”

6. Live eating the word of God. God tells us to take up “the sword of the spirit.” He wants us to meditate on His word…day & night. His word is the food that will sustain us in these…dark…dark times.

7. Live prayerfully. God tells us to “pray in the Spirit at all times.” Worry does no good. Prayers to God do nothing but…good. Our prayers to Him…is what moves God into action. (Ephesians 6:11-18)

General Michael Hayden did not send a warning flare to us…about Nazism…for nothing.  He sent it because…Donald Trump’s hateful ass administration…is clearly marching forth…in that direction.  And, just like Adolf Hitler…Trump has millions…who agree with the direction he is trying to take us.  So…

As children of God…we need to be vigilant…watchful & ready…for any evil…Trump’s ass tries to put down. God’s warriors must not just be ready…we must stay ready.  And, while we should always pray…24/7…for “peace” to be throughout the world, we must also understand…that a physical war…may be imminent.  And, we must be ready for that also.  And…


While God…uses His prophets of “peace” …to calm & soothe His people…He also uses His warriors to bring His “wrath” …& shred His enemies to pieces.  And, that’s exactly what God’s warriors do.  King David, Joshua & Gideon are only a sprinkling of God’s warriors.  1 Samuel 30: 1-20…tells us what happened when David avenged the destruction of Ziklag…

 Now when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had made a raid on the Negeb and on Ziklag. They had attacked Ziklag, burned it down, 2 and taken captive the women and all who were in it, both small and great; they killed none of them, but carried them off, and went their way. 3 When David and his men came to the city, they found it burned down, and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive. 4 Then David and the people who were with him raised their voices and wept, until they had no more strength to weep. 5 David’s two wives also had been taken captive, Ahinoam of Jezreel, and Abigail the widow of Nabal of Carmel. 6 David was in great danger; for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in spirit for their sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.  

7 David said to the priest Abiathar son of Ahimelech, “Bring me the ephod.” So Abiathar brought the ephod to David. 8 David inquired of the LORD, “Shall I pursue this band? Shall I overtake them?” He answered him, “Pursue; for you shall surely overtake and shall surely rescue.” 9 So David set out, he and the six hundred men who were with him. They came to the Wadi Besor, where those stayed who were left behind. 10 But David went on with the pursuit, he and four hundred men; two hundred stayed behind, too exhausted to cross the Wadi Besor.

11 In the open country they found an Egyptian, and brought him to David. They gave him bread and he ate; they gave him water to drink; 12 they also gave him a piece of fig cake and two clusters of raisins. When he had eaten, his spirit revived; for he had not eaten bread or drunk water for three days and three nights. 13 Then David said to him, “To whom do you belong? Where are you from?” He said, “I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite. My master left me behind because I fell sick three days ago. 14 We had made a raid on the Negeb of the Cherethites and on that which belongs to Judah and on the Negeb of Caleb; and we burned Ziklag down.” 15 David said to him, “Will you take me down to this raiding party?” He said, “Swear to me by God that you will not kill me, or hand me over to my master, and I will take you down to them.”

16 When he had taken him down, they were spread out all over the ground, eating and drinking and dancing, because of the great amount of spoil they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from the land of Judah. 17 David attacked them from twilight until the evening of the next day. Not one of them escaped, except four hundred young men, who mounted camels and fled. 18 David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken; and David rescued his two wives. 19 Nothing was missing, whether small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything that had been taken; David brought back everything. 20 David also captured all the flocks and herds, which were driven ahead of the other cattle; people said, “This is David’s spoil.

You see…  No man’s hands…are big enough to box with God.   David was successful because he asked God what to do before he did it.  God gave David permission to fight the Amalekites & that’s why David found success.   So…

Whether you are being “civil” or not… is NOT the question…that needs to concern you. The question that needs to concern you IS…whether-or-not, you are following the will of God…when you do anything.  If I know…that the Heavenly Father has told me to do…A, B, C or D…being civil is not my concern.  Why???  Because if God told me to do it…then, He has also told me how to do it.  And, not all times are alike.

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Devil, Facism, God's Children, National News, Politics, President Donald Trump, Racism, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6,308 Comments

“BOO..HOO…HOO…” Tweets Out…White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders…After Being Kicked Out Of A Virginia Restaurant.   God Responds… “Your Tweet Evidences Your Need For Sympathy.  But…What Sympathy Have You Shown…For The Parents Who’ve Been Kicked Out Of The U.S…Without Their Children?”

Friday night…Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary, was asked to leave the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.  In other words, she was told to “GIT!!!” You know…in that down home…southern kind a way.  (photo to right, courtesy of CNN) Mmmmhhh…   Well…   Was it because she called the owner an “ignorant Progressive whore” who reminded her of CNN’s Jim Acosta???  Nooooooo.  Nothing, so genteel…as that.   Well, then…   Was it because she was raising a ruckus by dirty dancing on their tables???  Nooooooo.   Nothing, so tame.     It appears that Ms. Huckabee Sanders was tossed-out just because…she is…who she is.  And, that “IS” …being who???  Being the who…that is Donald Trump’s Press Secretary…at the White House.   Being the who…that is his mouth-piece to the Press &…to the world…on a daily basis.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted out Saturday morning…

Sarah Sanders


Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

10:53 AM – Jun 23, 2018

****end of tweet****

Now, this was not the first time…that one of Donald Trump’s White House staff members…got booted out or harassed while being at a restaurant.   Sh-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-t…  This was the 3rd time…in JUST the past week.  DAMN!!!  In speaking about Ms. Huckabee Sanders’ ouster…the New York Times reported yesterday…. “The encounter is the third time this past week in which a Trump administration official was confronted over his or her political stance.”

O.k…   On Tuesday, June 19, 2018…Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, dined at a high end Mexican restaurant…MXDC Cocina Mexicana Restaurant, in Washington, D.C.   The Democratic Socialists of America group received a tip that she was there & approached Nielsen while she was eating.  CNN reports… “With chants of “shame” and “end family separation,” protesters shouted… “Aren’t you a mother, too?” “How do you sleep at night?” “Do you hear the babies crying?” “If kids don’t eat in peace, you don’t eat in peace,” they chanted.   “No borders! No walls! Sanctuary for all!” After about 10 minutes, Nielsen left the restaurant and got into an SUV.”   The New York Post reports…  “In a Mexican restaurant of all places,” one protester yells. “The fu–ing gall.”  At another point, a second member of the group plays recent audio of children crying at a detention center in Texas.  “How does it make you feel?” a protester yells.” (above photo courtesy of CNN)


It appears that on Sunday, June 17, 2018…Stephen Miller, Trump’s White House Adviser, chose to dine at Espita Mezcaleria, a Mexican restaurant in a DC neighborhood.  While there, Miller was confronted by another patron.   On June 20, 2018, The New York Post reported… ““Hey look guys, whoever thought we’d be in a restaurant with a real-life fascist begging [for] money for new cages?” a customer at the Mezcal joint snarled at Miller, according to a source who saw the encounterMiller didn’t respond and scurried away, the witness said. But he didn’t leave the restaurant…” (photo courtesy of CNN)  Now…

I’m not saying that he didn’t have the “legal” right to go there.  But…D-A-A-A-M-N!!!…that’s some bold shit.  So, I say to Stephen Miller… “You are one of the MAIN folks…in the White House…who is AGGRESSIVELY (and that’s putting it mildly) advising the President to mercilessly TOSS Mexican folk…out of this country.  You are one of the MAIN folks…in the White House…who is RESPONSIBLE for the “zero-tolerance policy” that has separated over 2000 Hispanic children from their parents.    And, you decided to go to a “Mexican” restaurant???   But…I get it.  I do.  Your stomach, over your vehement objections…pulled you over to the wild…criminal side…of the border…so to speak.”  Well…

You should know…   There have been grumblings going on about this…from both sides of the fence.   Sho’Nuff!   According to Newsweek, in responding to Sarah Huckabee Sanders being thrown out of the restaurant…Comedian Michelle Wolf tweets:

No shirt, no morals, no service. _

Michelle Wolf (@michelleisawolf) June 23, 2018

(above photo courtesy of C-SPAN)

****end of tweet****

Mike Huckabee, Sarah’s dad…kicked back at the Red Hen, tweeting:

Gov. Mike Huckabee


Bigotry. On the menu at Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington VA. Or you can ask for the “Hate Plate”. And appetizers are “small plates for small minds”

****end of tweet****

So, should I feel sorry for Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she was asked to leave a restaurant???  Should my head hang low…about Kristjen Nielsen being chased out of MXDC???  Should I shudder at Stephen Miller being heckled as a fascist???

Let’s see what the Heavenly Father says about such things.   O.k…

Sarah Huckabee SandersKristjen Nielsen & Stephen Miller are “extensions” of Donald Trump.  In other words, they rigorously work to implement & back his policies.  And, this includes the “zero tolerance policy” where Hispanic children have been separated from their immigrating parentsat the southwest border. The Guardian reports that on Thursday, June 14, 2018…at a White House press conference…Sarah Huckabee Sanders… “…invoked the Bible to defend the Trump administration’s immigration policy of separating mothers from their children.”  Here’s how it came about…

At the press conference, CNN’s Jim Acosta…addressed Sarah Sanders by saying… “The attorney general earlier today said that somehow there’s a justification for this in the Bible.  Where does it say in the Bible that it’s moral to take children away from their mothers?”  Sanders responded by saying that she didn’t know what Sessions had said but added… “that it is very biblical to enforce the law.”  Jim Acosta, replied…“Where in the Bible does it say it’s okay to take children away from their parents?”   In response, Sanders snapped at Acosta saying… “That’s not what I said. I know it’s hard for you to understand even short sentences, I guess, but please don’t take my words out of context.”  (above photo courtesy of CNN)


In responding to Jim Acosta’s questions, Ms. Sanders tried to belittle & humiliate him by saying, “I know it’s hard for you to understand even short sentences…” She attacked him personally.     O.k…

Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen…  Oh, my…  Where do I begin??? I’ll start with a tweet from her on June 17, 2018 regarding Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy:

Well, she told a got damn lie.   She lied…  How do I know this???  Because the very next day, June 18, 2018…Secretary Nielsen…speaks about the care the separated children are receiving while in government care.   (photo to right courtesy of C-SPAN) On June 18, 2018, The Hill reports… “It is important to note that these minors are very well taken care of — don’t believe the press,” Nielsen said to the National Sheriff’s Association while addressing reports of substandard treatment of minors. “They are very well taken care of — you know this, as many of you have detention facilities of your own,” she added.”  So… The day before there was “no” policy…BUT…now there is…& by the way…the children are being “well taken care of.”  Let’s keep going…

Stephen Miller…  Stephen Miller…  Stephen Miller…  Stephen Miller has been the “we don’t want no more of their Hispanic asses in our country — whisperer”…to Donald Trump.   Hands down!  On June 21, 2018, Politico reports about Stephen Miller… “He urged the president to pull out of DACA, and now he’s done this immigration policy,” said one former administration official.””

In addition, Miller co-authored the “Muslim ban” that Trump implemented last year.  And, in case you didn’t know…   Stephen Miller used to work for the then…Senator Jeff Sessions.  On June 17, 2018, the Business Insider reports… “In 2009 he began working for Jeff Sessions, the senator who would later become attorney general, as a policy adviser and communications director.” (above photo courtesy of C-SPAN)

Politico reports on June 21, 2018… “For years, he’s been pushing to drive down the number of immigrants entering the country — legally as well as illegally — dating back to his days as a top adviser to then-Sen. Jeff Sessions, now Trump’s attorney general.”    On June 18, 2018, the New York Times put it like this… “Jeff Sessions and Stephen Miller spent years on the political fringe in the nation’s capital as high-decibel immigration hard-liners, always warning about the dangers of open borders but rarely in a position to affect law or policy.”

So…for the record…Miller…didn’t just start down this merry road of “walling out Brown people”…YESTERDAY!  This has been on his agenda…for a long got damn time.


The Heavenly Father tells us…

“7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” (Galatians 6:7-8)

When Sarah Huckabee Sanders inferred that the Bible…God’s word…supported separating Hispanic children from their parents…she mocked God.   Any of man’s laws are only to be supported, by others, IF…& ONLY IF…those laws are in conformity with God’s laws.  GOD “TRUMPS” ALL!!!  This devilish evil…of ripping children from the arms of their parents…comes straight from the depths of hell.  Not God.  So…

Proverbs 30:5-6 says… “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.  Do not add to his words, or else he will rebuke you, and you will be found a liar.”   When Ms. Sanders put forth that lie…misconstruing the word of God…she was trying to lend credence to evil.    And, in doing so… Sarah Sanders…sinned against God…in a might way.  And, no sin goes unpunished.  NONE!    In addition…

To uphold & support the evil…that Donald Trump has been spreading around…is also sin in the sight of God.   You see…  When you fail to speak against “evil doings” & choose to, instead…give evil full reign to spread…you are just as guilty as the evildoer.   No doubt!   You have become complicit in the doing of the evil.  By supporting and upholding Donald Trump’s racist…cruel…& inhumane policies…Sarah Huckabee Sanders has become a willing pawn. (above photo courtesy of CNN)

Romans 1:28-32 says… “28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind and to things that should not be done. 29 They were filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, covetousness, malice. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, craftiness, they are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters,[f] insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, rebellious toward parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 They know God’s decree, that those who practice such things deserve to die—yet they not only do them but even applaud others who practice them.”  When Sarah Huckabee Sanders has stood behind the podium in the White House press conference room…over & over again…she has supported and applauded all kinds of “wickedness” put forth by Donald Trump’s administration.   And, when opposed about her evil assertions, what does she do???  As stated earlier…one of her defense tactics…is to “belittle” & “humiliate” others.   So…

For Sarah Huckabee Sanders…   Getting thrown out of a restaurant is nothing.  The Father tells me…she hasn’t seen anything yet.  To God…Sarah is this kind of one…  One who pretends to follow God while she endorses evil.   And…  One who tries to trick others to also follow the ways of the wicked.  So, for Sarah…God puts it like this…

“3 I myself have commanded my consecrated ones, have summoned my warriors, my proudly exulting ones, to execute my anger. 11 I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity;I will put an end to the pride of the arrogant,  and lay low the insolence of tyrants.” (Isaiah 13: 3,11)


Kirstjen Nielsen…too…for the sake of notoriety & power…has voluntarily walked the way of the wicked.  She has done this despite the fact…that she has known the better way to travel.  She knows “right from wrong.”  In other words, she has chosen the “ways of the world”…over the “ways of God.”  I would liken Kirstjen Nielsen…to one who…goes along to get along.   And, her complicity in what Donald Trump has been doing to immigrant families…makes her just as evil as he.  It makes her a “rotten ass”…too.  And, this spineless thing… blatantly lied to the world, about “this evil” that the Trump administration was up to.   The evil of traumatizing children…by separating them from their parents.  Yes!  She tried to keep this evil…hidden.  Now, if it had stayed hidden like she wanted, their would not be the “outcry”…that has taken place…to STOP it.   So…

%^$ the fact that Nielsen was chased out of a restaurant.   Just like Sarah Huckabee Sanders…our dear Ms. Nielsen hasn’t seen shit, yet.  She will surely reap…all the hurt/damage/pain…she has caused to these Hispanic children & parents.  TEN TIMES OVER!  God cannot lie!   And…

For our Hitleresque friend…Stephen Miller…champion of the downtrodden (NOT!)…what do we say???  God puts this one quite simply… “So, you like caging up children?  I see you want to be like Adolf Hitler and his henchman.  Do you remember how that ended???”

So…  My question is this…   How can one who wrongfully takes “peace” …from another…have peace???  They cannot.   The same “peace” they stole …will be stolen from them.  For, Sarah Huckabee SandersKirstjen Nielsen…& Stephen Miller…   The least of their concerns should be…what man has done & will continue to do to them…for their cruel…& wicked actions.

Thus says the Lord:

Execute justice in the morning,
and deliver from the hand of the oppressor
anyone who has been robbed,
or else my wrath will go forth like fire,
and burn, with no one to quench it,
because of your evil doings.

13 See, I am against you, O inhabitant of the valley,
O rock of the plain,
says the Lord;
you who say, “Who can come down against us,
or who can enter our places of refuge?”
14 I will punish you according to the fruit of your doings,
says the Lord;
I will kindle a fire in its forest,
and it shall devour all that is around it.

(Jeremiah 21:12-14)

Iris R. Whiting ©


Posted in Devil, God, Hispanics, Immigration, National News, Politics, President Donald Trump | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 54 Comments

Donald Trump & Attorney General Jeff Sessions Separate Over 2000 Hispanic Children From Their Parents…For Crossing U.S. Border. To Justify This Evil Shit…Jeff Sessions Says God Condones It…WHILE…Donald Trump Likens These Immigrants To Pest…Parasites.  God Responds… “Donald Trump & Jeff Sessions Are Of Their Father… “The Devil”… & The Truth Ain’t In Them.”

They are looking at these people as objects…not humans.”  I heard John Kasich, Governor of Ohio… say this the other night on MSNBC’s “11th Hour”…with Brian WilliamsGovernor Kasich was referring to how Donald Trump’s administration is treating immigrating Hispanic families…who Trump says…are crossing the U.S. border illegally.    O.k…  In April 2018…Attorney General Jeff Sessions…1st announced what he calls a “zero tolerance” stance on folks crossing the U.S. Southwest border.

The U.S. Department of Justice issued a press release on April 6, 2018 titled…Attorney General Announces Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry.  The press release quotes Attorney General Sessions as saying… “The situation at our Southwest Border is unacceptable. Congress has failed to pass effective legislation that serves the national interest—that closes dangerous loopholes and fully funds a wall along our southern border. As a result, a crisis has erupted at our Southwest Border that necessitates an escalated effort to prosecute those who choose to illegally cross our border.  To those who wish to challenge the Trump Administration’s commitment to public safety, national security, and the rule of law, I warn you: illegally entering this country will not be rewarded, but will instead be met with the full prosecutorial powers of the Department of Justice. To the Department’s prosecutors, I urge you: promoting and enforcing the rule of law is vital to protecting a nation, its borders, and its citizens. You play a critical part in fulfilling these goals, and I thank you for your continued efforts in seeing to it that our laws—and as a result, our nation—are respected.”    O.k…

For the record…   Previous administrations did not treat ALL immigrants who illegally cross the U.S. borders…as criminals.   President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama…allowed immigrant families to proceed through the civil immigration process.   In this way, Bush & Obama kept families intact…together.  Children were not separated from their parents.  O.k…

In implementing this “zero tolerance” policy…which criminally prosecutes ALL immigrants for illegally crossing the border…Trump’s administration has intentionally separated Hispanic immigrating parents…from their children.  The  immigrating parents have been arrested & detained in detention centers.  And…

The children were not allowed to go with them.   How many children are we talking about???  I’m not talking about a couple of kids, here…yall.   On Tuesday, 6/19/18,  The Washington Post reports… “Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents during six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”   So…

How do you think the children responded to being separated from their parents???  I’ll tell you.   Screaming & upset children were literally…pulled from their parents as…the parents were hauled off to jail.   And, what happened to the children???  Oh, let’s see…   (photo to right, courtesy of CNBC) The children were taken to other prison-like facilities.  Jacob Soboroff, a reporter with MSNBCvisited some of the facilities.   Rollingstone reports on Soboroff’s experience… ““I have been inside federal prisons. I have been inside county jails. I’ve been inside detention centers of all kinds and that’s effectively what this is,” Soboroff said Thursday morning on the Today show. “These kids are incarcerated,” he tweeted. “They’re in custody.”


Some facilities are housing children…in steel cages.  YES!  They are literally housing children in “cages”…normally used to cage animals.     And, to add insult to injury…Trump’s administration split up the siblings.   Boys are being housed in one location…while girls go somewhere else.   O.k…

So, we have these children…who have been separated from their parents.  And, when they become upset… “desperately crying” …the staff at the facilities…who are suppose to take care of these children…have been told not to comfort & console these children.  On Tuesday, 6/18/18, the Mirror reports…  “A senior doctor who visited one of the shelters said that staff were not allowed to comfort them, even when in obvious distress. Rules are said to prohibit physical contact, leaving employees unable to pick up screaming and upset infants.” O.k…   Let’s stop here for a minute…

Who in the hell…INTENTIONALLY prevents the people who are suppose to be caring for CHILDREN from comforting screaming and upset children???   Now, don’t misunderstand…  I’m only talking about the “staff” who has been hired to take care of these children at these facilities.   These “staff” members are people who are suppose to be trained in taking care of children.  You know???  I’m talking about people who are suppose to be…at least equivalent in their skills to “daycare” providers.   So…  Again I ask…why in the hell can’t the staff …AT LEAST…comfort them???   As I shake my head…I think… “It’s just cruel…so cruel.”    O.k…

On 6/18/18, reports Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s Americas Directoras saying“This is a spectacularly cruel policy, where frightened children are being ripped from their parent’s arms and taken to overflowing detention centres, which are effectively cages. This is nothing short of torture. The severe mental suffering that officials have intentionally inflicted on these families for coercive purposes, means that these acts meet the definitions of torture under both US and international law.”

On 6/15/18…Esquire reports  Ragan Schriver’s, (PsyD, MSW) director of the Social Work program at the University of Tennessee, take on how separation from parents impacts children and states…There’s all this research that’s been developed more recently that talks about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). It indicates the traumatic effect physiologically—not just to your psyche or emotions, but physiologically traumatic—of removing a child from their parents.  A traumatic incident like this in your childhood leads to public health issues later in life. You have people who have higher levels of anxiety and depression.”

Now…  To justify this shit, Attorney General Sessions…says what???  Oh, that devilish minion…brought God into it.  YES…HE DID!  He has the nerve to invoke the word of God…to defend this cruelty…this inhumane treatment of children.    Last Thursday…in speaking about immigration to law enforcement officers in Fort Wayne, Indiana…Sessions says & I quote…I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes.  Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves. Consistent and fair application of the law is in itself a good and moral thing, and that protects the weak and protects the lawful.”  First, let me say this…    It is only by the grace of God that…that *^%$# didn’t get struck down by lightning…as those words were spewing out of his mouth.    You see…  It is a bad…bad thing…to mock God.  Sessions mocks God by using “Roman 13” …knowing got damn well…he was misstating it.   O.k…

Romans 13: 1-7…says…

13 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you wish to have no fear of the authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive its approval; for it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for the authority[a] does not bear the sword in vain! It is the servant of God to execute wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be subject, not only because of wrath but also because of conscience. For the same reason you also pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, busy with this very thing. Pay to all what is due them—taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.”

Romans 13means this…   It means that you are to follow a governing authority… “IF & ONLY IF” that governing authority… “ITSELF” is following the ways/will of God.  No one is suppose to follow any governing authority who is chasing the devil.  NO WAY!  NO HOW!  Now…

You tell me…   How can this devilish ass man…we call Donald Trump…be following God…when he is so full of hate…when it comes to people of color???   You tell me…  How can this “zero tolerance” policy of Trump & Sessions…be the way & will of God when it treats immigrant families…so cruelly…so inhumanely???  IT’S NOT!!!   IT CAN’T BE!!!  I know the ways/will of my Father, who art in Heaven.  And…  The ways…the will of God is the way of love…the way of compassion.   And…

proverbs 7

His love & compassion would not allow Him to…separate parents from their children.   His love & compassion would not allow Him to…prevent caretakers of the children from comforting & consoling them.  His love & compassion would not allow Him to…house children in steel cages.  How do I know???  Because He tells us so.

Matthew 18:1-5tells us what Jesus says… as follows…

 “At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child, whom he put among them, and said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”


Besides trying to use the Bible to justify his evil heart…Sessions, as stated above…tells his prosecutors…To the Department’s prosecutors, I urge you: promoting and enforcing the rule of law is vital to protecting a nation, its borders, and its citizens.”

Protecting the nation???  Protecting its borders???  Protecting its citizens??? You know…  The way that Sessions talks, you would think that these immigrants are 20 feet tall…300 pound…ravenous vampires…who came here from Transylvania…to suck my blood.   From where I sit…it is his racist ass…that I need to be concerned about.   It is Donald Trump’s Nazi loving ass…that I need to watch.   Not, the people who are fleeing other countries…to come here.  Some…for a better standard of living.  Some…to literally save their lives.  Believe me…   I have not lost one wink of sleep…with thoughts that immigrants are coming here…to kill me.     You see…

I understand the heart of this man we know as Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions III.  I understand that it is NOT because these people are immigrants, in & of itself, that concerns…Jeff Sessions. HELL NO!   It is because these are Hispanic… “brown skinned”…immigrants…that his dander…is raised.   And, you can bet your ass on that.  Now, let’s look back a bit…& see what dear Mr. Sessions has been up to.

On aMeet the Attorney General”…DOJ (Dept. of Justice) web page it says… “Mr. Sessions was born in Selma, Alabama on December 24, 1946, and grew up in Hybart, the son of a country store owner. Growing up in the country, Sessions was instilled with certain core values – honesty, hard work, belief in God and parental respect – that define him today.”    Oh, I guess it wasn’t necessary to tell us… that Mr. Sessions has a history of using the word… “nigger” …in referring to Black folk.    I wonder how he reconciles that with his “belief” in God.    You know…Jesus emphatically tells us…to yeah… “love one another.”   And…   As a Black woman…somebody calling me a “nigger”…just doesn’t even seem “friendly” …let alone…showing “love.”   Anyway…

The Washington Post reported on 1/10/17 … “In 1986, a Senate committee denied Sessions, then a 39-year-old U.S. attorney in Alabama, a federal judgeship. His former colleagues testified Sessions used the n-word and joked about the Ku Klux Klan, saying he thought they were “okay, until he learned that they smoked marijuana.”   You know there is a saying…A lot of truth is spoken in jest.”   Well, that applies here.   Jeff Sessions meant that shit when he said the KKK was o.k. with him.

The former colleague of Sessions, referenced above, is Thomas Figures.  He testified during a hearing before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee after Reagan nominated Sessions, in 1986, to become a federal judge, a lifetime appointment requiring confirmation by the US Senate.  In January 2017, CNN reports about Figures testimony at the U.S. Senate hearing…stating…Thomas Figures, an assistant US Attorney who worked under Sessions in Mobile, testified that he was present when Sessions made the remark and said he did not regard it as a joke.  Figures, who was African-American and passed away last year, also told committee members that Sessions had called him “boy” on several occasions and once cautioned him to “be careful what you say to white folks” after Figures had spoken harshly to a secretary who was white.  Another federal prosecutor, J. Gerald Hebert, testified that Sessions had called the ACLU and NAACP “un-American” and “communist-inspired.” According to Hebert, Sessions said the two groups “forced civil rights down the throats of people.””   Let’s keep going…

During this same Senate hearing, the then…Senator Joe Biden (Obama’s Vice-President) questioned Jeff Sessions about an allegation that, in November 1981… when talking about the first Black man, Douglas Wicks, to be elected as a county commissioner in Mobile, Alabama…Sessions called Wicks a “nigger.”  The Guardian reports Sessions’ response to Senator Biden…as follows… “…Sessions denied saying it and claimed the alleged timing did not stand up to scrutiny.  “My point is there was not a black county commissioner at that time,” Sessions said, in response to questions from Joe Biden, then a senator for Delaware. “The black was only elected later.””  In reporting that Sessions lied to Senator BidenThe Guardian states… “But this was not true. Public records show Douglas Wicks had become the first black person elected to one of Mobile’s three county commission seats in September 1980 – more than a year before Sessions allegedly referred to him using the racist term.”   


Let us not forget that Attorney General Sessions was put into his position by…Donald Trump.   And, you should already know that there is no love loss in regards to how Donald Trump…views Hispanics…regardless of whether they are immigrants or not.  Donald Trump tweeted out today, as follows:

Do you see???  This evil ass man…refers to these immigrants as…a “possible infestation.”  What is he saying?  He is saying they are some form of pest or parasite.  Donald Trump is using the  same damn type of propaganda & playbook used by Adolf Hitler when he tried to dehumanize the Jewish people.  The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum reports… “Films in particular played an important role in disseminating racial antisemitism, the superiority of German military power, and the intrinsic evil of the enemies as defined by Nazi ideology. Nazi films portrayed Jews as “subhuman” creatures infiltrating Aryan society. For example, The Eternal Jew (1940), directed by Fritz Hippler, portrayed Jews as wandering cultural parasites, consumed by sex and money.”  O.k…

Yesterday, because of the “outcries” over these separated immigrant families…Donald Trump issued an Executive Order which says that while the administration will continue prosecuting “improper entry” as crimes…the administration will “maintain family unity, including by detaining alien families together where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources.”   However, this Executive Order DOES NOT address the 2300 children who are already separated from their parents.    IT SAYS NOTHING ABOUT REUNITING THESE CHILDREN WITH THEIR PARENTS!!!   So, guess what???  These children are STILL separated from their parents.  And…  Many of the parents have been deported from this country while their children are where???  Left behind in this country!   It is being reported that these children may NEVER see their parents again.   I ask…   What the *^%$ is going on???


These 2 buzzards of hate, known as Donald Trump & Jeff Sessions,  are sure enough flocking together to try & devour Hispanic families.  They are literally trying their damnedest  to DESTROY these families.   But, God says these DEVILS are liars!!!


Earlier this week…I watched retired four star General Michael Hayden, on CNN’s show…CNN Tonight with Don Lemon.   General Michael Hayden  was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2006-2009) and the Director of the National Security Agency (1999-2005).   He felt compelled to come out in light of Trump & Sessions actions, in separating immigrating Hispanic families.  The General said he is sending us a WARNING flare…that this country under Donald Trump…is heading into the direction of Nazi Germany.  He said he is afraid…& we are not in normal times.

General Hayden sent the following tweet:

(The picture below is a photo of the Birkenau death camp at Auschwitz, with General Hayden writing, “Other governments have separated mothers and children.”)


PEOPLE…ARE YOU LISTENING???   GOD NEEDS YOU TO WAKE THE %$#* UP!!!   General Hayden has NEVER publicly said something like this EVER BEFORE!   This man’s life is one as an intelligence officer…who is an expert at assessing and gaging DANGER!



Do you think that most of the German people, who were against Adolf Hitler…thought…before Hitler implemented the “final solution” …that the majority of their fellow citizens would end-up participating in & being complicit in the extermination of millions of other human beings???   Probably not.  But…

We must do better & pay attention to the warning signs…the warning flares.  And…

STAND-UP & FIGHT for what is right in the sight of God!!!  


SPEAK OUT AGAINST evil wherever we find it.  

WE MUST!     

Yesterday, Congressman Elijah Cummings (Democrat-MD.) “STOOD-UP & SPOKE OUT” against Trump’s policy of separating immigrant families.   (see video below)

Tonight…as I am writing this post…     I’m in the comfort of my home…not locked up in somebody’s steel cage.   I’m not crying myself to sleep because someone has snatched me out of the arms of my parents.   And…    I’m not a parent who is having another sleepless night because I have NO CLUE what the U.S. government has done with my child.  I’m not…BUT…some of the most vulnerable of God’s children are.   And…

Jesus has warned us…

41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:41-46)

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Hispanics, Immigration, John Kasich, Joseph Biden, National News, President Donald Trump, Racism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 6,400 Comments

Fashion Designer, Kate Brosnahan Spade & CNN Host Anthony Bourdain…Both Died By Suicide Within The Past 7 Days. CHILDREN OF GOD…BE WARNED!!! That DAMNED Devil Is Busy. So, Hold On To God…No Matter What!

On 6/8/18, Friday morning…CNN host of “Parts Unknown,” Anthony Bourdain, 61 years old, was found dead in a hotel room in Kaysersberg, France.   About 3 hours ago, Fox News reports… “Prosecutor Christian de Rocquigny told The Associated Press on Saturday that the famed chef and host of the CNN series “Parts Unknown” used the belt of his hotel bathrobe to commit suicide on Friday.

On Wednesday, 6/6/18, CNN reports… “Kate Brosnahan Spade, who created an iconic, accessible handbag line that bridged Main Street and high-end fashion, hanged herself in an apparent suicide Tuesday at her Manhattan apartment, according to New York Police Department sources.”

First, let me say this…  While I have never met these 2 people in the physical…God knew them…through & through.   And…   Many hearts…& spirits are heavy with these losses.  My spirit is speaking in no uncertain terms… “These deaths were TOO SOON!  WAY TOO SOON!”   O.k…

We have been told by God…& are reminded, on the regular… “there is nothing new under the sun.”  The Bible puts it like this… “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) So, let’s not kid ourselves…one little bit…   Until Jesus returns to rid this place of its wretchedness, EVIL will persist…in “full force & effect.”  The Heavenly Father tells us… “Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) And, the Father DID NOT just say…that this will be happening ONLY on Mondays between 9 a.m. & 2 p.m.  HELL NO!!!  Make no mistake about… “children of God” …the Devil is a determined being…who WILL seek to KILL…STEAL &…DESTROY…everything “good” from God…just as sure as I breathe.


On Thursday, 6/7/18, NBC reports…according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)… “Suicide rates are up by 30 percent across the nation since 1999, federal health officials reported Thursday.”  In a press release, also issued on Thursday, 6/7/18…the CDC says… “Researchers found that more than half of people who died by suicide did not have a known diagnosed mental health condition at the time of death. Relationship problems or loss, substance misuse; physical health problems; and job, money, legal or housing stress often contributed to risk for suicide. Firearms were the most common method of suicide used by those with and without a known diagnosed mental health condition.”

(Map and statistics Courtesy of CDC Vital Signs, 6/2018)


PLE-E-E-E-EASE LISTEN-UP PEOPLE!  God has told me that the Devil is working his ass off to make…suicidal deaths…a new “norm.”  I SHOUT… “THE DEVIL IS A DAMNED…LIAR!!!”   We CANNOT become desensitized to the type of…anguish (excessive grief)helplessnesshopelessness…that our fellow human beings…our loved ones…go through in these situations.   WE CANNOT!!!   While every situation is individual…just as each of us are…a common denominator does exist.  And, that is the Devil.   Meaning???

Meaning…that it is the Devil…& NOT God…that brings about such feelings of anguish, in a person, that brings about suicide.   Sure, if any of us live long enough, we are bound to feel some degree of grief through divorce, death of loved ones, war, etc…   However, God intends these to be to a degree…that is bearable.   He expects His children to live out their designated “lifetime”…until He decides it’s time to go.   He has no desire for any grief to become so unbearable…where “suicide” happens.  1 Corinthians 10:11-13…tells us… “11 These things happened to them to serve as an example, and they were written down to instruct us, on whom the ends of the ages have come. 12 So if you think you are standing, watch out that you do not fall. 13 No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.”  Let’s keep going…

It is Satan…& NOT God…that brings about such feelings of helplessness, in a person, that brings about suicide.   When this, that & the other is happening & it seems like all hell is literally breaking loose…we are never without help…if we JUST believe that God is who He is.   If we JUST believe that God will do what He says.  God has promised to never leave us or forsake us.  Hebrews 13:5-6 tells us…. “ …for he has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”” Psalm 46: 1-3 puts it like this… “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.  And…

It is Satan…& NOT God…that brings about such feelings of hopelessness, in a person, that brings about suicide.   You see…  God is a God of hope.   He has said to me… “Child, no matter what you think you see…at any given time…hope above hope.”   This is not the worldly type of “hope” where you  “wish” for something to happen.   “Hope above hope” …is the godly hope where you “KNOW” …that God is going to do what He says…for His children who love Him & diligently seek Him.

I remember going through some particular trial/tribulation that the Heavenly Father allowed, to tear down the evil within…& build up the godly, where it seemed like I had been turned every which way…but, loose.  I tell you…   It was tryin’ …exhausting…& nerve wracking…to say the least.   After, I felt that the roughest part of the storm…had passed, I remember saying out loud with a smile… “Thank God…I made it through.  Now, I can…breathe.” Well…  It wasn’t even a few seconds after I had spoken those words…when the Heavenly Father…chimed in…as plain as day, with…  “Don’t get so comfortable, child.  Yes, this one…has passed.  But, another is just around the corner.”  O.k…

Upon hearing the Father, my chin seemed to involuntarily…drop to my chest…as the “Thank God” I had just given Him…turned to an… “OH, MY GOD! NO!”  You see… My spirit already knew… “The next storm that was a brewin’…was gonna be worse…than before.”  And, it was.  But, let me also say this…   I have, since…come to understand that every storm…that God allows us to endure…ONLY…serves to make us stronger & wiser.  That is…  If we let it.   Yes, He even gives us the choice to decide if we are going to let the trials…kill us…OR…strengthen us.   And…

As my Father’s daughter…  As the warrior that He placed within my mother’s womb…   I CHOOSE to let the trials/tribulations mold this clay…into the image of Christ.  Why??? Because in order to carry out my God given purpose…for being created…I MUST…be transformed.  God puts it like this… “ Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)   “17 Now this I affirm and insist on in the Lord: you must no longer live as the Gentiles live, in the futility of their minds. 18 They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of their ignorance and hardness of heart. 19 They have lost all sensitivity and have abandoned themselves to licentiousness, greedy to practice every kind of impurity. 20 That is not the way you learned Christ! 21 For surely you have heard about him and were taught in him, as truth is in Jesus. 22 You were taught to put away your former way of life, your old self, corrupt and deluded by its lusts, 23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24 and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” (Ephesians 4: 17-24)  Do you see???…

The trials…the tribulations…the attacks by the Devil…that are meant to DESTROY me…God WILL use to turn me into the very being…NEEDED…to fight against the EVIL…in this world.  He will use every tear…every scar…every moment of pain…to bring out every bit of the warrior…He needs me to be.  BUT….BUT…BUT…   I have to want to be built into this wonderful…godly…machine…that God wants to build up.  Yes!  I HAVE TO WANT IT!  I must choose to be a vessel for the Heavenly Father…to use.   If I don’t choose to be used by Him…He’s not going to use me.  It’s just that simple.  And, my response is some of the words from a Bill Withers song… “Keep on using me…until you use me up.”   Yes!  This is what I tell my Heavenly Father.   I am a willing vessel of God…to be used in any way He sees fit.  And, guess what???

The more the Father uses me to fight and resist against the evil in this world…the closer I get to Him.  Every trial…every tribulation…every attack by the Devil…that I make it through, takes me to a higher place in my relationship with the Father.   Meaning???  Meaning…He protects me in every way…that is needed.  Meaning…I audibly hear His voice even more louder & clearer than I did before.   Meaning…He reveals even more of Himself to me.  Meaning…He pours His power into me.  Meaning…He allows me to understand things in this world that most people are clueless about.   Meaning…He is physically present with me always.   And, so on & so on…  But…& I think most importantly…  Meaning…He fills my heart with a love for mankind that is literally & figuratively… “OUT OF THIS WORLD.”   A love that…

Makes me speak TRUTH…even when, too many people lie…as easy as they breathe.   A love that…  Makes me seek understanding…even when, too many people judge others…at the drop of a dime.     A love that…  Makes me confront evil head on…even when, too many people have become complicit to the wiles of the Devil.     A love that…  Makes me have the will to fight unto death for God…even when, too many people run…like scared mice.   You see…


It is this UNDERSTANDING about my Heavenly Father, that keeps me & sustains me no matter what storm comes my way.   Why???  Because I have walked through the darkest valleys…in the midst of wolves…AND…it was God who kept me.   Because I have had the breath knocked out of me…by the deaths of ones I loved so dearly…AND…it was God who breathed more life into me.  Because I have been attacked & knocked down by Satan…AND…it was God who picked me up & kissed my bruises.   In other words, He truly has been “the light” that lit my way …despite, the darkness.  Now, don’t misunderstand.  Throughout all of these above-mentioned trials/tribulations…I had loved ones all around.  However…NONE…could bring me “peace” …despite trying.  NONE!  It was only when I called on my Father…who art in Heaven…that the relief I was desperately seeking…came.  And, it came e-v-e-r-y single time.  OH, MY GOD…IT DID!!!


BELOVED…do know this…

There is NOTHING…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that you go through that is too big for God.    NOTHING…is impossible for Him to fix.  Not…your anguish.  Not…your helplessness.  Not…your hopelessness.

Just…humbly submit yourself to the one who KNOWS ALL…& CAN DO ALL…24/7.  Remember…  It IS God’s good pleasure to love & help His children.


Iris R. Whiting    ©


Posted in Devil, Entertainment - Celebrities, God, God's Children, National News, Satan, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 581 Comments

Roseanne Barr Blames Sleep Aid “Ambien” For Her Racist Tweet Calling President Obama’s Top Adviser…Valerie Jarrett…An Ape. YES!…God Gave Us A Freewill…Even To Be Racist. But PLE-E-E-E-A-S-E!!! If You Choose To Be Racist, Then…Own That Shit!!!

O.k…   For decades, I’ve heard the rumor that King Kong REALLY committed suicide by leaping off the Empire State building, after taking the sleep aid “Ambien,”                but…D-A-A-A-M-N!!!…   I didn’t know that taking it… could make you…RACIST???   But…  You live & you learn.  Now, check this out…

A few days ago, Roseanne Barr (who starred in the “Roseanne” show) felt the need to tweet out to the world & reveal, again…her true nature.   This time…her target was, a 61-year old Black woman, Valerie Jarrett (President Obama’s top advisor in the White House).   Roseanne’s tweeted the following:

Barr uses Valerie Jarrett’s initials in the tweet…saying that this Black woman…is an “ape.”  There is no ambiguity here.  Roseanne makes it very plain…what she is saying about Valerie Jarrett.  O.k…

It’s one thing to disagree with someone on politics…but, it’s a whole other thing…when you try to degrade & demean them…based on race.   OH, MY GOODNESS!!!  When you step into that lane…of…EVIL…we are in a whole other realm that MUST be dealt with.  First…

We must understand that when you talk like this…it is not in a vacuum.  Everything must be considered in it’s proper context.  Thus…   Roseanne Barr’s tweet cannot stand “alone.”  It can’t.  When she sent the tweet, this country’s racist-ass history…automatically raised its head.   It raised up & took its place right beside…her tweet.  So, we must…go back a bit.

For centuries, White folk… wrongfully held Black folk in captivity…in bondage. reports… “Though the U.S. Congress outlawed the African slave trade in 1808, the domestic trade flourished, and the slave population in the U.S. nearly tripled over the next 50 years.  By 1860 it had reached nearly 4 million, with more than half living in the cotton-producing states of the South.”  4 million!!!  That’s a helluva lot of Black folk held in captivity. White folk mercilessly worked them…24/7.  Daily…they were ferociously abused by White folk.  And, by “ferocious”…I mean that White folk treated Black folk in a savagely cruel, violent & vicious manner.  These abusive actions entailed White folk…whipping, lynching, mutilating, tar & feathering, shooting, raping women, sodomizing men & starving them…at whim.  Now…

To justify their savagery, White folk decided to come up with some theories about Black folk.  They came up with the notion that Black folk…were more akin to animals, than human.  In this way, the pro-slavery argument would go something like… “Well, because they are sub-human…God created them to be enslaved by White folk.  It is the natural order of things.  They are inferior to White folk. They can’t learn like White folk.  They do not have emotions like White folk.  There is no harm done when their children are sold off…because the parents don’t bond with them, anyway.  By enslaving them, White folk are doing them a favor.   White folk are saving them from themselves.”


On March 6, 1857, Chief Justice Roger Taney, in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dred Scott v. Sanford decision…elaborated on this sentiment that Black folk were inferior to White folk.  In this case…Dred Scott, an enslaved African-American, sued for his freedom.  What a BRAVE…BRAVE…soul to BOLDLY stand-up for his GOD GIVEN right…to be FREE…in the midst of such EVIL!!!  (picture of Dred Scott to the right) Now…

In denying Dred Scott any relief…Chief Justice Taney said… “The words “people of the United States” and “citizens” are synonymous terms, and mean the same thing. They both describe the political body who … form the sovereignty, and who hold the power and conduct the Government through their representatives….

The question before us is, whether the class of persons described in the plea in abatement [people of African ancestry] compose a portion of this people, and are constituent members of this sovereignty? We think they are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word “citizens” in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate  and inferior class of beings, who had been subjugated by the dominant race, and, whether emancipated or not, yet remained subject to their authority, and had no rights or privileges but such as those who held the power and the Government might choose to grant them.”


What gets me is this…  Even with this racist, self-serving rationale…if Black folk were the inferior sub-humans …that White folk tried to make them out to be, then, why???…   Why would you have to make it illegal for them to be educated?  Why the need to figuratively & literally hold them down?  Wouldn’t they naturally (without shackling their bodies & minds) lag behind White folk, intellectually?  I tell you what…  I could put a book in front of a cat all day long…& I’ll bet you money that…that cat will never out read me.  O.k…

These theories about racial inferiority, sub-human qualities…were not just espoused & sprinkled…here & there.  No! No! No!  A whole propaganda campaign…was put into full force & effect.  This shit was disseminated through books, pamphlets, cartoons, newspapers, speeches, etc.    The campaign was designed to reach a large segment of society in hopes that all White folk would could get on board.   In this way, who would be left to shudder at the true barbaric nature of the “White folk” who kidnapped & held other human beings in captivity?  Who would be left to declare the true savage heart of the “White folk” …who treated other human beings so viciously…& so vile?  Who would be left to shout from the mountain… “Slavery is the evil work of  human devils…not, God!”  Now…

Don’t think that just because emancipation laws removed the physical chains…that the hearts of the enslavers…somehow changed overnight.   HELL NO!  Most White folk weren’t sorry about enslaving & oppressing Black folk.   Those devilish asses were only sorry that they LOST…the war!  And…don’t kid yourself.  Vestiges from those wretched hearts…live on today.   Believe it…or not…but, to this day…many White folk don’t see anything wrong with what happened to Black folk…during slavery.  For example…

Roy Moore was the 28th and the 32ndChief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.    This is the highest Judicial position anyone could hold in the state of Alabama.  Moore served as Chief Justice (2001-2003)  & (2013-2016).  He recently ran for the U.S. Senate seat for the state of Alabama but lost to the Democratic candidate,  Doug Jones, on Tuesday, December 12, 2017.   Now…

The Los Angeles Times…reports that… in September 2017, at a campaign rally in Florence, Alabama… “In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last “great” — Moore acknowledged the nation’s history of racial divisions, but said: “I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”” So…

What we had here was a White man…as the top judge of Alabama…making decisions in important cases involving Black folk in Alabama…holding the view that slavery was “GREAT!!!”  Meaning…   He saw NO PROBLEM…with millions of Black folk being denigrated, tortured & held as captives.   His racist…evil ass…had no business EVER being in that position of power!!!  Now…

Despite Roy Moore thinking this country was “Great” during the days of slavery…Donald Trump STILL backed him to be a United States Senator.   Trump Tweets:

Pelosi/Schumer Liberal Puppet [Doug] Jones into office in Alabama would hurt our great Republican Agenda.”


Today, we have people like Roseanne Barr…believing that she is superior to Black folk.  Oh, for sure…this is how she feels.  Think about it.   You don’t use the playbook of slavery…pull the “you look like an ape” trick out of your hat…if you are not being “racist.”  Roseanne Barr could have said fifty, non-racist things about Valerie Jarrett (photo to the right, courtesy of MSNBC)…to show how she disagrees with Jarrett’s politics…BUT…she didn’t.   This wench…used “racism” …to go for Jarrett’s throat.   Roseanne Barr intentionally texted what she texted…& she loved it.  This is a warped, evil & racist ass heart.  And…

Valerie Jarrett is not the first Black woman that Roseanne Barr has talked this “ape” shit about.  In December 2013, Susan Rice, President Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and National Security Adviser…also was on the receiving end of a Roseanne Barr love tweet.   Here’s the tweet:

First, she calls this Black woman a man.  But, a man…with ape balls.  Her racist heart just wouldn’t even let her give Susan Rice…human balls.  Ain’t that a shame??? Anyway…

If you have a heart like Roseanne Barr’s…jealousy rules your day.   She has a hard got damn time processing that these 2 Black women rose so high up in government.   They were in very powerful positions.  One…the top adviser to a President of the United States.  The other…the  National Security Adviser/U.N. Ambassador of the United States.   These truths burn Barr’s ass.   Why??? Because to a racist heart…Jarrett & Rice have stepped out of their place.   Their place is not to ascend to some of the highest positions in the United States government.  For Barr, they should still be in some cotton field somewhere…pickin’ cotton.   And…preferably…for her.   O.k…

In tweeting out…these racist tweets against Susan Rice & Valerie Jarrett…Roseanne Barr is trying to demean & degrade them intellectually.   When Susan Rice & Valerie Jarrett speak, Roseanne wants you to think that you are listening to an ape…speak.  She is using racism as a way to undermine any  political viewpoint either of these woman espouse.   In other words, she is saying… “What human being needs to listen to the opinion of an ape?”  So, if she can convince you that they are less than human…then, maybe she will be successful in getting you to ignore anything they say.   (picture of Susan Rice…above to the left) Now…

What Roseanne Barr didn’t count on was the immediate backlash that she received after tweeting about Valerie Jarrett.   And, the hell that Barr broke loose…fell right on top of her  “trashy-ass” head.   Yes!

Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s show “Morning Joe” …tweeted in response to Barr’s tweet:

Joe Scarborough


Hey @ABC, Roseanne Barr compared Valerie Jarrett to an ape. There is no apology she can make that justifies @ABC turning a blind eye to this bigotry by airing another second of her show.
Even in the Age of Trump, there are red lines that can never be crossed. This is one.

11:04 AM – May 29, 2018

Wanda Sykes, who was an adviser to the “Roseanne” show…tweeted in response to Barr’s tweet:

Wanda Sykes


I will not be returning to @RoseanneOnABC.

12:04 PM – May 29, 2018

Now…   Within hours of the tweet, ABC cancelled her re-booted…hit sitcom… “Roseanne” show.  Kaboom…Kabam…Kapow!!!  That shit was gone.   ABC Entertainment’s President, Channing Dungey, said…in a statement… “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.”   Now…

Before her show was cancelled by ABC, Barr tweeted the following apology:


After, ABC cancelled her show…Roseanne Barr…said it was her Ambien medication which caused her to tweet out the racist rant…towards Valerie Jarrett.   Huh???…  Well…guess what?  The maker of Ambien,  Sanofi, let Barr know,  in no uncertain terms, that they weren’t going to lie down…or sleep…on that shit.

Yesterday, Sanofi tweeted in response to Barr’s tweet:

Sanofi US


People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world. While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.

9:57 AM – May 30, 2018

O.k…   The ONLY reason that Roseanne apologized is that she started feeling the backlash…& got “skeered.”   That’s right!  She was afraid thatABC” would do…just what they ended up doing.  CANCELING HER GOT DAMN SHOW.   CNN reports… “I begged Ben Sherwood at ABC 2 let me apologize & make amends. I begged them not to cancel the show. I told them I was willing to do anything & asked 4 help in making things right. I’d worked doing publicity 4 them 4 free for weeks, traveling, thru bronchitis. I begged 4 ppls jobs,” she wrote.” There is no doubt in my mind that Roseanne meant what she said…& said what she meant.  She meant to perpetuate racial stereotypes about Valerie Jarrett, just as sure as I’m breathing.  And, she did it to discredit & devalue anything that Valerie Jarrett might say.   So….

I say to Roseanne Barr… “Don’t brazenly talk your racist shit…& then, try to hide & cower behind a thousand…“I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.”  If you are BOLD enough to tweet that shit out to the world…in order to degrade a whole race of people…then, got damn it be BOLD enough…to own it.   Stand-up girl!  Be counted as the trashy…crack showing…spitting on the national anthem…racist clown…that you know yourself to be.  You see…  I wouldn’t want someone to mistake you for being something…other than, the devilish ass that you really are.  And, for the record…   Your “sorry” means about as much to me…as that fake ass apology given by Paula Deen.   In other words, it don’t mean shit.  Just like the South was only “sorry” that they lost the war…your ass is only “sorry” that you… lost your show.   I noticed…    It was only when shit got real…that we hear you blaming “the tweet” on… “being a bad joke”… “being the fault of sedative medication.”   Hell…why stop there…Roseanne???  Why not blame it on the… oh, I don’t know… “rain???”   Especially since ABC…has hung your ass out to dry.”

Iris R. Whiting  ©


Posted in Donald Trump, Entertainment - Celebrities, National News, President Obama, Racism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 364 Comments