God says there is nothing new under the sun and this includes racism.   Racism in America is alive & definitely kicking.  And, black America and white America is clearly capitaldivided due to piss poor race relations.  Now for the record,  America has been a racist country as long as white folk have lived here.  I am not saying this to sound mean…not at all.  I am just speaking a truth.   The ideology of “white supremacy” exist throughout the globe.  This is the way it has been… and, this is the way that it continues to be.     You might be saying to yourself, “I don’t know what she is talking about because I am not a racist.”   I would say this to you…Are you sure?  Are you really sure?   Are you saying to yourself, “But I have black friends.”  I would then, say this to you…Are these black folk really your friends?  How do you define friendship and has that friendship been tested?  You really do not know where a “heart” stands until it has been tested.  That is for sure.

Has there been an incident that happened where you and your friend have had to take a stand about an issue involving race?  Let me ask this question, “Does the white friend have a family member or another friend that uses the word “nigger?”  If so, how does this white friend respond to that person that refers to black people as “niggers?”  Are they confronting these family members or friends…or…are they staying silent when they hear them use the word?

racismschoolintegrationThe ideology of “white supremacy” stands for the premise that white folk are superior to black folk in all respects.    While it’s premise is completely false, their are still white folk touting this ideology.  This “special club” of thinkers doesn’t  have to try to be racist…they just are.    For so many different reasons, they think black people are lesser than themselves.  Many believe that a black person is lesser of a human being than a white person.    For them, this justifies their mistreatment of black folk.   For them, this allows them to kill black people without remorse.  This allows them to gun down a black person, without just cause, and still sleep like a baby.

Now, before you start thinking this is far-fetched & sounding crazy…let me remind you of a SWASTIKAname.  That name is…Adolf Hitler.  Yes, Adolf Hitler.   Am I still sounding crazy to you???   Am I still sounding far-fetched???  I didn’t think so.  Millions of Jewish people were slaughtered (literally) because some non-Jewish white people convinced more non-Jewish white people that Jewish people were really less human than they were.

My question now to white folk is this,  “Do you sympathize with Hitler or do you sympathize with the Jewish people?”   Do you secretly wish that black people were still enslaved so that you could be even more privileged in this country? Do you long for those “so called” good old days?   Do you think that black folk are receiving jobs and benefits that white people should have?

Now, don’t be hasty in your responses.  I caution you that God is watching you every second of everyday.  He reads your heart and knows what you really think about black people.   So, please…be truthful with yourself even if you lie to the world.    Why is this man in the mirrorimportant?  It’s important because if white folk can’t even be honest with themselves about their racist hearts, then there is absolutely no hope for healing to take place between white and black folk.     If white folk can’t honestly confront the man in the mirror, this country doesn’t have a snow balls chance in hell of improving race relations.    It’s up to you…you… oh yeah…& you to either move this country forward or send it spiraling backwards into greater darkness.


Iris R. Whiting ©


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JESUS says: “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” (Luke 6:31)

In public places, we share the space regardless of the color of our skin.    This means that due regard needs to be given so that everyone is respected.  So… everyone feels welcome.   The South Carolina State Capitol grounds is a public place where people from all walks of life can roam.    When I walk on those grounds, I should not be made to feel uneasy because overhead there is a flag waving which represents the oppression of black people.   A flag which reminds us, oh so clearly, of a time when black folk were chained and bound. Not because they had committed any crimes.  Just because…they were black.  It kind of flies in the face of the saying…oh yeah…”The land of the free and the home”…(you know the rest).

Maybe we need to be reminded now and again about the horrible aspects of our history. But…not by flying a Southern Cross Confederate battle flag on the State Capitol grounds. If anything, that kind of “Southern Cross Confederate Flag” reminder equates to spitting in the faces of black folk.    Hasn’t there already been enough hurt, pain & insults to last a 100 lifetimes.

Now you know doggone well that it would not be acceptable for any State Capitol grounds in this country to fly flags with Nazi Swastikas on them.  Why?  Because of the atrocities that happened to Jewish people while those Nazi banners waived in Germany in the 30’s and 40’s.     SWASTIKA

Well, the atrocities that happened to black folk happened in this country &  happened for over three hundred (300) years.  That’s a loooooong damn time to suffer.   That’s a long time to be kidnapped, raped, held in bondage, murdered, oppressed, beat, lynched…and so forth and so forth.  You get the picture… & it’s not a pretty one…  is it???                                   And to add insult to injury, the country as a nation, has never, ever…apologized.

This country, which flies that Confederate flag so proudly to preserve white heritage, was built on the backs of those enslaved black people.  In all that building going on… many of those black backs were broken.  What about that?   People are raising Hell to preserve their white racist heritage but I don’t hear much ado about giving black folk reparations for their enslavement. That issue is one that most white folk don’t want to touch with a ten foot pole.

So, I say this to you…Is it really asking too much, to ask that the Southern Confederate Battle flags that waive in any public place be taken down, and taken down…RIGHT NOW?   My Heavenly Father says,  “What does any man proffer by leaving it in place? How does it advance the building of the Kingdom of God?”

Let me show you what the Confederate flag represents to me:


EVN-192-3_Negro-lynching-in-Indiana_1930 (1)


So, as you ponder these things…remember, treat your fellowman as you want to be treated. Not my words…but those of Jesus.

Iris R. Whiting  ©



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South Carolina AME Mother Emanuel Church Tragedy: It cuts deeper than we may even realize




Like many other people, I was upset and kind of numb last Thursday morning when I heard what happened at Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina.   I heard a lot of people talking about being surprised and shocked.  I wasn’t numb because of shock.  That wasn’t it.   You see…not much shocks me because I know just how busy the devil and his human workers are.   I spend most of my day praying & working against the wiles of the devil.

I walked around with a kind of heaviness in my spirit.   God revealed a few days later that my numbness was a kind of defense mechanism.   He used “numbness” as a way to give me a few days to properly process the events in my spirit.  The Heavenly Father has given me a very elevated gift of discernment.  He knew that if he had let me process the nine (9) deaths, without tuning down my physical reaction, that I may have blown a gasket.   I struggle, as it is, with controlling my temper when I’m fighting “evil.”  I have such a warrior spirit that I want to crush evil anywhere that I find it.   That’s not always the right or proper initial response.   Why?  Because, sometimes my crushing evil entails my heart wanting to “kill” somebody.  I have to really pray and ask God to take that anger out of my heart.  Sometimes, as I pray that prayer, tears just stream down my face.  It just hurts so, so, so bad when I keep seeing the devil take out my Father’s children ahead of their time.   I know everyone wants to believe that when someone, who believes in God, dies that it is always the exact time God originally intended them to die.   That is simply not the case in most circumstances.   The devil is a thief, and he can also steal away the time that God’s children are suppose to be here on earth doing God’s work.

When the numbness in my spirit started wearing off, it was replaced by a heaviness.   A kind of weighing down like I was carrying 300 lbs on my little back.  I couldn’t shake it.   Over this past weekend, I slept enough so that I was very well rested.  Despite this… I still felt so tired.  I was dragging.   My spirit felt so tired that it transferred into a physical tiredness.   I hope you can understand what I am trying to convey.   I believe that I could have slept 20 hours in a 24 hour period and it would not have made a bit of difference in how I felt.   My spirit was simply weighed down and tired.  Simply weighed down and tired.   A tired that just comes from suffering such a loss that the spirit is trying to acclimate itself to it.

Now… I never physically met any of the people who passed away.  But you see…God had met them.   And, because I am His child, who resides in Him and He in me…He showed me that these people were also His children.  I was crushed…again.   More gone.   You see… in a dark, dark world… every loss of one of my Godly siblings just breaks my heart.    The beautiful smiles that I had seen from their photographs flashed so vividly in my head and my heart.  This was not one…but nine, at one time… of my Christian brothers and sisters.

I truly realized how much of a loss I felt when I woke up this past Sunday morning.   You know how when you first wake up… your a little groggy.   The very first thought was no, no. Then,  I said,  yes.  It did happen & it is real.  It was not a nightmare that I could dismiss.  It was the first thing… that was on my mind when I opened my eyes.   I knew then, how much God had revealed their spirits to me.   You see… I didn’t have to meet them in order to love them.

If you have felt or continue to feel any of the ways I have, then I pray that God brings you peace.   I pray that the Holy Spirit comes and comforts you.    It is only when I recognized, by God’s revelations, how deeply I was impacted by the passing of these children of God, that I was able to receive some peace.   Trying to keep busy doesn’t help.  It just delays and causes a kind of build-up.   We must deal with our anger, our sadness, and our upset.  Please recognize and deal with these kind of feelings.  Carry them and leave them at the feet of God.  In Psalm 55 verse 22, we are told to “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee…”

Iris R. Whiting ©




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President Obama: Why so much upset and anger about President Obama saying the word “nigger?”


You know when I first heard CNN and MSNBC discussing President Obama’s use of the word “nigger,” I thought, he might have called some black person that name and that… was what was causing the uproar.   When I heard the context in which he used the term, I said, “You have got to be kidding. You mean to tell me this is all “the news” you people have to talk about.”

tenlittleniggerbook1First of all, where is the news worthiness in the fact that he did use the term in discussing the issue of race in this country.  It is a word that was used by white people to speak about black people in a very vile & derogatory way.   It was used by these white people because they thought they were better than black people.  Oh yeah,  they thought they were “superior” to black people because to them black people weren’t  reeeeeeally people.  This is the truth… plain and simple.    It’s like President Obama is being chastised for using a word because “white folk” used it in the past to relegate “black folk” to a less than human status.  People please…let’s get real and stay real!  I am tired of this dilly dallying crap being put down by folk who don’t even understand.  Let me tell you what I mean by this.

President Obama is a black man who has experienced racist behavior by white racerelationspbspeople.   While I wasn’t there when it happened, I would dare to say that being the age he is,  he probably had a few white folk call him that name a time or two (at least…what’s your guess?).   Now… with that being said,  what gives anyone the right to tell this grown man when he can use the word “nigger” when talking about race issues?  Simply put, it is very appropriate and otherwise “proper” to use the term “nigger” when talking about race issues in this country.

So, my question then is…Why in Satan’s hell is it so bothersome to people that he used the term in the context in which he used it?   For people who don’t want it ever said, I say this to you…What planet are you living on?   Are you so much in denial about what has happened in this country that you are trying to pretend that the word was never used? Do you think that if it is never used that people will forget that it was ever used?  Think again.

I don’t get this notion that the word is like some “plague”… it is not.  It is simply a “word.” It only has the power that you give it.   It only can hurt you if you let it.   The operative term here is “you.”   Hell,..the youngest I can remember being called the word in a derogatory way was back when I was in elementary school.  We were standing in front of the school doors, waiting to wewanttokeepourschoolswhiteboard the school buses to go home. While some of us black students were waiting in one of the lines, a white boy called us “niggers.”   We told the white teacher who was standing there and she didn’t chastise him at all.  She looked at us and told us to be quiet. Well…the story has a good ending in that, after that day, the white boy did not call the group of us “niggers” anymore.   Why?  Because when I got on the bus, I told my brother what the boy had called us.  Well, as they say, that was all she wrote.   My brother literally and figuratively “beat the hell” out of that white boy.  Now, don’t misunderstand,  I don’t condone that kind of violence…now.  God says the truth is the light so I have to tell it all.   To us… then, that boy needed an attitude adjustment and we thought, “yeah, you got what your hand called for.”

niggers-in-the-White-House2You see…I too… have experienced the ugly use of the word.  And, I survived…with the ability to hear it used by President Obama and not freak out about it.  What are we some kind of wimps that we can’t even tolerate an intellectual discussion on race that includes the use of the word.  He did not call somebody a “nigger” to make them feel that their worth was less than someone else’s.  If you are still reading this at this point of the post,…you see…you survived my intentional use of the word in this post.  And…you didn’t melt and fade away like the “wicked witch” from the Wizard of Oz.   If I can stand having it used against me as a “black woman” in a derogatory way, then, you (whether you are black, white, pink or green) should be able to stand me using it to discuss racism in this country, then and now.

So… please let’s stop with all of this over the top, hyper-sensitivity regarding the word.   Trying to hide it away in a lock box, where you throw away the key is not going to stop the word from beating in the heart of the evil & the racist. Those whose actions will still… kill and destroy.   What we really need to be talking about on the news are ways, through God, to change the hearts of man…from hate to love.

Iris R. Whiting ©







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Donald Trump: Trump for President??? Oh, No, Oh, No…HERE WE GO!

I don’t know if you’ve heard it or not,  but  Donald Trump told us a few days ago that he is running for President.  He wants to be the Republican Party nominee.  I know, I know, I know…  When I first saw it on CNN my question was, “Why in Satan’s Hell on you showing me this mess on television?    Who cares what that crazy, no good ass Donald Trump is doing?  If his family hasn’t had the good sense to lock him up for either intensive psychiatric care or, at least, to get an exorcism,  what am I suppose to say???

But, nevertheless, here we go.    Donald Trump is one of the most lying ass beings you could ever meet.   No joke.  He is absolutely pathological.    And, he doesn’t care.  That nut actually believes the lies that he tells.   They say politics is dirty… and it is.  But, adding him to the pot… makes it down right filthy.  Filthy, Filthy, Filthy!!!  It just makes me tired. See…what I’m thinking about is the future.  You know the selection for the Republican Nominee is a ways off and, in the meantime, that crazy Donald Trump is gonna be in the news all the time.  Telling lie… after lie… after lie.   Here is my real concern.  That I become so upset, listening to that demon called Donald Trump,  that I throw something at my tv and break it.   And, that would not be good.   It just wouldn’t.   I need my tv.

O.k. anyway.   Donald Trump wants to be the President of the United States.   He had the nerve to say this: “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”  I don’t believe that Donald Trump even really believes in God.  You see here is my theory. Anybody who really believes in God, has the fear of God within them.  We know that God doesn’t play and can snuff us out in a hot second.    With that knowledge, we would know that it would not be a good idea to lie allllllll the time.   Why? Because we know that God is listening.  God says that we will be held accountable for every utterance we make.  In other words, he is going to hold us accountable for every word we speak… lie or truth.  Good, bad or in between.    And, God never sleeps.   So…you can’t sneak anything pass him because he’s napping.   O.k.

Here is my question.   Do you really think that Donald Trump will stop lying if he is elected President???  Of course not.   Our Heavenly Father says that He hates a lying tongue. In Proverbs 6:16-17, it states: “(16) These six things doth the  LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination to him (17) A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,…

Oh, don’t let me forget this part.    Donald Trump wanted us to also know that he is “really rich.”   My response is …“WHO CARES you no good, so and so!!!”  See, I told you he gets on my NERVES.   Please, pray for me to have peace  as I journey forward in the midst of  “the madness” known as  “Donald Trump.”   And, I’ll pray that he never becomes President so I don’t have to leave this country I love… and move to Timbuktu. (Yes…It is a real place…I think)

Iris R. Whiting ©

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