I remember our family getting a Quija Board back in the day. We were intrigued by this game that was suppose to answer questions by itself. It first seemed like it would be a lot of fun. However, it did not stay too long in our household. While it was the popular game to have at the time, it was as if we knew something was not right about this thing. We didn’t look at it like a game. It seemed creepy and it soon found its way into the trash. Once it was gone, it stayed gone.
Let’s briefly talk about the origin of this board and what it’s suppose to do. In the late 19th century, advertisements came out touting the Quija Board as being interesting and mysterious. They said it was good as a mystical oracle and as family entertainment. It came about because of the American 19th century obsession with people trying to speak to the dead. You are to ask the board questions and it provides the answers. While people are touching the teardrop-shaped device, it basically moves by itself to provide your requested information. So, it seems that the board was created for Satanic purposes. God clearly warns us against trying to speak to the dead. God specifically says, “No one shall be found among you who makes a son or daughter pass through fire, or who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or one who casts spells,or who consults ghosts or spirits, or who seeks oracles from the dead. For whoever does these things is abhorrent to the LORD …” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
Believe me, there is nothing harmless or entertaining about this board. To the contrary, it is a very dangerous thing to have in your house… anywhere. So, what is the problem with having a Quija Board? After researching this issue, the Quija Board appears to do what they say it does. It appears to move by itself to answer questions presented to it. You know and I know that an inanimate object has no business moving by itself without some kind of mechanics attached that would make it do so. So, what is going on here? Pay close attention & let me tell you. The device is actually being moved by demonic spirits that you cannot see. The Demons use this Quija Board as a way to communicate with you. Only God knows what lies they are telling to people through the board. As stated above, God says that you are not suppose to consult these demonic spirits for answers about anything. Why??? Because they are not Him. They are not God. When you seek advice from demonic spirits you are putting them in the place of our Heavenly Father. You are in essence committing idolatry. What does He say about idolatry??? That’s an easy one. He says in one of His ten commandments, (the 1st one as a matter of fact), that “…you shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)
So, stop looking for advice in all the wrong places. I know… I know… I know… We live in such a fast pace kind of society that everybody is looking for fast this and fast that. I have been there & done that too, with that “want it fast & quick” kind of shit. All it does is lead you to a fast track…straight to hell. Instead of trying to get quick answers to the questions of life, you need to slow it down… and form a relationship with God. Then, he’ll tell you everything you need to know.
You may respond, “Don’t tell me what to do, I’ll play with it if I want to, I’ll play with it if I want to…” Go ahead, He gave you free will. But, I will say this… You are risking your soul & mind. You are risking going to hell. My Father is not playing with you people anymore. He conveyed to me quite clearly that He is tired of being blatantly disobeyed. Second, while you may be waiting to go to Hell (of course not voluntarily), you may become possessed by the Demons you have called up through the Quija board. Demonic possession is a living hell in & of itself. People who are possessed become very different (and not in a good way) from the way they were before “a possession.” A lot of possessed people hurt themselves and their loved ones. Demonic possession can literally kill you. The Demons control your body and it’s like your just going along for the ride. It wreaks havoc on a physical body and this is exactly what the devil wants. He wants to wear you down until you are dead. Once dead…he wants you to join him in hell.
Third, your household could become a playground for demonic spirits. Some people call this “having a haunted house.” I wouldn’t state it that way because you are not dealing with dead people. You are dealing with very alive and kicking demons. You see the devil can’t enter unless you open the gate and let him in. Ooooohhh, but once you do, you literally will have hell to pay. There is a very high probability that all kinds of craziness will break out in your home, With Demons running around, scaring you and your children to death, you literally might lose your mind. And, I’m not kidding. Not at all. There are many households right in your neighborhood, or down the road a bit, where people are fighting demonic spirits daily. And, they are absolutely clueless about how they got there and… how to get rid of them.
You have now been told. So, you can’t say you were not warned. However, you have a freewill to do as you choose. I pray that you use your God sense and get rid of any Quija boards immediately. Then, ask God to forgive you for sinning against him. Pray that He cleanses your home of any evil entities.
Remember, if you let the devil in, all hell will (without a doubt) break loose.
Iris R Whiting ©
Donald Trump: Why other GOP Presidential candidates are being bumped by Trump in the Polls.
Right now their are many news commentators, political strategists, and journalists scratching their heads while debating the “How?” and “Why?” of Donald Trump being the leading Republican candidate in the national polls. They are perplexed about him being in the number one spot, let alone, staying in the number one spot. Why? Because Donald Trump literally began his Presidential candidacy by unapologetically calling Mexicans, who are illegally crossing the U.S. border, rapists and murderers. There is so much talk going on about these racist comments & how his comments seem to be catapulting him in the polls.
I got a story to tell you about somethings my daddy told us along time ago that can shed some light on this Trump “head scratching” dilemma. O.k. My daddy (a Native American) grew up in the South in the early 1900’s, like 1905 & on up. In his early 30’s he spent a lot of time in New York City, gambling, bootlegging & engaging in other forms of illegalities (that will remain un-named to protect “the guilty”). Anyway… In dealing with folks…he use to tell us this, “I’ll take the white folks in the South above the white folks in the North any day.” Now, back then, when daddy told us this, I didn’t know a whole lot about lynching…racism…slavery, etc..etc…etc… but I had heard (through old folk talking) about a 14 year old black boy named Emmett Till. You see… in 1955, in Mississippi, Emmett Till was brutally beaten with one eye gouged out, shot in the head & then thrown into the Tallahatchie River for allegedly flirting with a white woman. With hearing that story… back then, I thought to myself (being in Maryland), “I don’t need to be going no farther South than I already am. They can keep it!”
Well, back then… I also knew a little bit about the North. I knew that the North had fought the South in the Civil War & that the North seemed to be (to some degree) on the side of ending slavery. So…back then, I thought that the Northern white folk probably treated black folk better than the Southern white folk. So…I said all of that to say this…It was hard for me to understand why daddy said what he said. At first, it seemed as though he had it backwards. Yeah…it seemed that way…until he explained. He went on further to say this, “I can deal with Southern white folk because if they don’t like you because your black or brown, they will tell you to your face. However, I have found that the Northern white racist tend to smile in your face…while they are stabbing you in your back. I prefer to see the knife coming.” So, in other words, while not condoning any racist behaviors, my daddy had more respect for those who were straight up about how they felt (racist or not).
My contention is that one reason a lot of people are supporting Donald Trump is because he is saying what he really feels… be it “politically correct” or not. And, he just doesn’t give a damn. He feels that he has enough money to do what he wants. So what?…if he pisses people off. Now, let me continue. Another reason people are supporting him is this. What these commentators & others are either failing to understand or pretending not to understand is that Donald Trump is saying what many people would like to say “out loud.” You see…with all of this political correctness crap being shoved down our throats, it is not “cool” to be an open racist. Let me explain. How would it look for Mrs. So & So, the President of some Women’s league to publicly state that she…too, thinks that the Mexicans who are illegally crossing the U.S. border are rapists & murderers? You see…the rule is this…you say that shit privately & have someone like “loud mouth ass” Donald Trump say it for you publicly. That’s how that ball bounces.
This is not rocket science people. This ain’t complicated if you know who you are dealing with. A devil is a devil…is a devil…all day long. This is how it goes down. If you don’t want to get your hands dirty…you have a front man do your dirty work for you. Meaning…You support his work but you stay behind the scenes. Meaning…You let “Trump” spout out the hateful, racist comments that you are too damn cowardly to say publicly yourself. You see…bottom line… you don’t have to publicly wear a KKK robe or be a card carrying member in order to sympathize with the cause.
Trump is bumping the other GOP candidates from the top spot because, while they may privately agree with Trump, they ain’t saying that shit he’s saying publicly. Why? Because they do give a damn. They care about their reputation…their job…their image….etc… They don’t have the money like Donald Trump has and that makes them have to give a damn.
And, another thing…Trump’s bumping the other GOP candidates from the top spot shows there are more racist hearts out their beating than people want to acknowledge. And, as for my daddy, while he wouldn’t condone Trump’s behavior, he too would appreciate knowing exactly where this man stands. If you want to defeat your enemy, you must first know your enemy. When the devil tried to tempt Jesus to go against our Heavenly Father, Jesus was able to beat the devil at his own game because Jesus knew his enemy. Knowing that Jesus was in human form, the devil tempted Jesus with the riches of the world by saying to him, “All these things I will give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Jesus knew that the devil had already been kicked out of heaven because he wanted to be God. Jesus knew that the devil was not God and therefore was not suppose to be worshiped. So, Jesus responded, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” (Matthew 4:9-10)
Iris R. Whiting ©