quija board

I remember our family getting a Quija Board back in the day.   We were intrigued by this game that was suppose to answer questions by itself.   It first seemed like it would be a lot of fun.   However, it did not stay too long in our household.   While it was the popular game to have at the time, it was as if we knew something was not right about this thing.   We didn’t look at it like a game.  It seemed creepy and it soon found its way into the trash.   Once it was gone, it stayed gone.

Let’s briefly talk about the origin of this board and what it’s suppose to do.  In the late 19th century, advertisements came out touting the Quija Board as being interesting and mysterious.   They said it was good as a mystical oracle and as family entertainment.   It came about because of the American 19th century obsession  with people trying to speak to the dead.   You are to ask the board questions and it provides the answers.    While people are touching the teardrop-shaped device, it basically moves by itself to provide your requested information.   So, it seems that the board was created for Satanic purposes.   God clearly warns us against trying to speak to the dead.  God specifically says, “No one shall be found among you who makes a son or daughter pass through fire,  or who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or one who casts spells,or who consults ghosts or spirits, or who seeks oracles from the dead. For whoever does these things is abhorrent to the LORD …” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

Believe me, there is nothing harmless or entertaining about this board.   To the contrary, it is a very dangerous thing to have in your house… anywhere.   So, what is the problem with having a Quija Board?  After researching this issue, the Quija Board appears to do what they say it does.   It appears to move by itself to answer questions presented to it.   You know and I know that an inanimate object has no business moving by itself without some kind of mechanics attached that would make it do so.    So, what is going on here? Pay close attention & let me tell you.  The device is actually being moved by demonic spirits that you cannot see.   The Demons use this Quija Board as a way to communicate with you.  Only God knows what lies they are telling to people through the board.   As stated above, God says that you are not suppose to consult these demonic spirits for answers about anything.  Why??? Because they are not Him. They are not God.   When you seek advice from demonic spirits you are putting them in the place of our Heavenly Father.   You are in essence committing idolatry.  What does He say about idolatry??? That’s an easy one.  He says in one of His ten commandments, (the 1st one as a matter of fact), that “…you shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)

So, stop looking for advice in all the wrong places.   I know… I know…  I know…   We live in such a fast pace kind of society that everybody is looking for fast this and fast that. I have been there & done that too, with that “want it fast & quick” kind of shit.  All it does is lead you to a fast track…straight to hell.  Instead of trying to get quick answers to the questions of life, you need to slow it down… and form a relationship with God.  Then, he’ll tell you everything you need to know.

You may respond, “Don’t tell me what to do, I’ll play with it if I want to, I’ll play with it if I want to…”  Go ahead, He gave you free will.  But, I will say this…    You are risking your soul & mind. You are risking going to hell.  My Father is not playing with you people anymore.  He conveyed to me quite clearly that He is tired of being blatantly disobeyed.   Second, while you may be waiting to go to Hell (of course not voluntarily), you may become possessed by the Demons you have called up through the Quija board.   Demonic possession is a living hell in & of itself.   People who are possessed become very different (and not in a good way) from the way they were before “a possession.”   A lot of possessed people hurt themselves and their loved ones.   Demonic possession can literally kill you.  The Demons control your body and it’s like your just going along for the ride.   It wreaks havoc on a physical body and this is exactly what the devil wants.   He wants to wear you down until you are dead.  Once dead…he wants you to join him in hell.

Third, your household could become a playground for demonic spirits.   Some people call this “having a haunted house.”  I wouldn’t state it that way because you are not dealing with dead people.   You are dealing with very alive and kicking demons. You see the devil can’t enter unless you open the gate and let him in.   Ooooohhh, but once you do, you literally will have hell to pay.    There is a very high probability that all kinds of craziness will break out in your home,    With Demons running around, scaring you and your children to death,  you literally might lose your mind.  And, I’m not kidding.  Not at all.   There are many households right in your neighborhood, or down the road a bit, where people are fighting demonic spirits daily.  And, they are absolutely clueless about  how they got there and… how to get rid of them.

You have now been told.   So, you can’t say you were not warned.  However, you have a freewill to do as you choose.  I pray that you use your God sense and get rid of any Quija boards immediately.   Then, ask God to forgive you for sinning against him. Pray that He cleanses your home of any evil entities.
Remember, if you let the devil in, all hell will  (without a doubt) break loose.


Iris R Whiting  ©

Posted in DEVIL & DEMONS, Satan, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , | 1,795 Comments

Donald Trump: Why other GOP Presidential candidates are being bumped by Trump in the Polls.


Right now their are many news commentators, political strategists, and journalists scratching their heads while debating the “How?” and “Why?” of Donald Trump being the leading Republican candidate in the national polls.   They are perplexed about him being in the number one spot, let alone, staying in the number one spot.   Why?  Because Donald Trump literally began his Presidential candidacy by unapologetically calling Mexicans, who are illegally crossing the U.S. border, rapists and murderers.  There is so much talk going on about these racist comments & how his comments seem to be catapulting him in the polls.

I got a story to tell you about somethings my daddy told us along time ago that can shed some light on this Trump “head scratching” dilemma.  O.k.  My daddy (a Native American) grew up in the South in the early 1900’s, like 1905 & on up.   In his early 30’s he spent a lot of time in New York City, gambling, bootlegging &  engaging in other forms of  illegalities (that will remain un-named to protect “the guilty”).  Anyway… In dealing with folks…he use to tell us this,  “I’ll take the white folks in the South above the white folks in the North any day.”  Now, back then, when daddy told us this, I didn’t know a whole lot about lynching…racism…slavery, etc..etc…etc… but I had heard (through old folk talking) about a 14 year old black boy named Emmett Till.  You see… in 1955, in Mississippi, Emmett Till was brutally beaten with one eye gouged out,  shot in the head & then thrown into the Tallahatchie River for allegedly flirting with a white woman.  With hearing that story… back then, I thought to myself (being in Maryland), “I don’t need to be going no farther South than I already am.  They can keep it!”

Well, back then… I also knew a little bit about the North.   I knew that the North had fought the South in the Civil War & that the North seemed to be (to some degree) on the side of ending slavery.  So…back then, I thought that the Northern white folk probably treated black folk better than the Southern white folk.  So…I said all of that to say this…It was hard for me to understand why daddy said what he said.  At first, it seemed as though he had it backwards.   Yeah…it seemed that way…until he explained.  He went on further to say this, “I can deal with Southern white folk because if they don’t like you because your black or brown, they will tell you to your face.    However, I have found that the Northern white racist tend to smile in your face…while they are stabbing you in your back.  I prefer to see the knife coming.”  So, in other words, while not condoning any racist behaviors, my daddy had more respect for those who were straight up about how they felt (racist or not).

My contention is that one reason a lot of people are supporting Donald Trump is because he is saying what he really feels… be it “politically correct” or not.  And, he just doesn’t give a damn.   He feels that he has enough money to do what he wants.  So what?…if he pisses people off.  Now, let me continue.  Another reason people are supporting him is this.  What these commentators & others are either failing to understand or pretending not to understand is that Donald Trump is saying what many people would like to say “out loud.”  You see…with all of this political correctness crap being shoved down our throats, it is not “cool” to be an open racist.  Let me explain.   How would it look for Mrs. So & So, the President of some Women’s league to publicly state that she…too, thinks that the Mexicans who are illegally crossing the U.S. border are rapists & murderers?   You see…the rule is this…you say that shit privately & have someone like “loud mouth ass” Donald Trump say it for you publicly.   That’s how that ball bounces.

This is not rocket science people.  This ain’t complicated if you know who you are dealing with.  A devil is a devil…is a devil…all day long.  This is how it goes down.   If you don’t want to get your hands dirty…you have a front man do your dirty work for you.  Meaning…You support his work but you stay behind the scenes.  Meaning…You let “Trump” spout out the hateful, racist comments that you are too damn cowardly to say publicly yourself.    You see…bottom line… you don’t have to publicly wear a KKK robe or be a card carrying member in order to sympathize with the cause.

Trump is bumping the other GOP candidates from the top spot because, while they may privately agree with Trump, they ain’t saying that shit he’s saying publicly.  Why?  Because they do give a damn.  They care about their reputation…their job…their image….etc…   They don’t have the money like Donald Trump has and that makes them have to give a damn.

And, another thing…Trump’s bumping the other GOP candidates from the top spot shows there are more racist hearts out their beating than people want to acknowledge.   And, as for my daddy, while he wouldn’t condone Trump’s behavior, he too would appreciate knowing exactly where this man stands.   If you want to defeat your enemy, you must first know your enemy.   When the devil tried to tempt Jesus to go against our Heavenly Father, Jesus was able to beat the devil at his own game because Jesus knew his enemy.  Knowing that Jesus was in human form, the devil tempted Jesus with the riches of the world by saying to him,  “All these things I will give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Jesus knew that the devil had already been kicked out of heaven because he wanted to be God.  Jesus knew that the devil was not God and therefore was not suppose to be worshiped.   So, Jesus responded, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” (Matthew 4:9-10)

Iris R. Whiting ©



Posted in Donald Trump, Politics, Race Relations | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1,891 Comments

Satanic Science: Egyptian Mummies on View at Smithsonian National Museum

Smithsonian Museum

Earlier this year, I went to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.   I had not been to that place for decades.  You see…the last time I had been there was on a school trip… & I had vaguely any recollection of my experience from back then.   Anyway,  it was a rainy Saturday afternoon…but the place was packed. Literally, people were shoulder to shoulder & my “3 feet rule” went right out of the window.

So…not knowing where anything was inside the museum, I just meandered around going to and fro.  I remember turning a corner, making a right…& going into a darkened area.   I looked in front of me…& there was a glass enclosure, containing what looked to be a mummified body.  It kind of took me back for a second.  I can’t even really explain what I was thinking…I just didn’t feel right.   It was like a “Whoooooaaaa!!!” kind of feeling.   Like, “What the hell!!!”  I felt like I had stumbled upon something that was out of place…something that I had no business seeing.   As I think about it now…it may be similar (& God knows I don’t mean any disrespect) to stumbling upon a dead body on the side of the road or something.   Again…it would give you that “Whoooooaaaa!!! What the hell!!!” kind of feeling.  Why??? Because you know damn well that a “dead body” should not be on the side of a road. Period.

Anyway…So, I walked very slowly in the direction of the enclosure.  I wasn’t afraid of it…but, I approached it… shaking my head “no,” with a torn up face.  I was thinking, “NO! NO!…NO! This shit ain’t right.”   I even had a very sickening feeling in my stomach.  It was just awful.  I don’t know how else to put it.  For me…seeing this…(I don’t even know what to call it) in front of me, was not good.  I just knew this wasn’t good.  Not at all.  It was like I was walking on a space…I had no business walking on.   Meaning what? Meaning…I was being disrespectful.  This was real…up close…& and to damn personal for me.   It was as if God was saying to me, “Child, what on earth are you doing participating in this unholiness?  Why, are you here? Get out… and get out now!!!”   And, that is what I did.  I asked God for forgiveness & moved out of that area so damn fast it’s a wander I didn’t give myself whiplash.

O.k.   So, what was the problem with all of this?  Why should I have not been there looking at this mummy at the Smithsonian Museum?  First of all, not only should I have not been there looking at this mummy…the mummy should not have been there for me to be able to look at.   I can’t put it delicately so I’m just going to say it.   What kind of sick ass people are digging up buried bodies to put them on display for human pleasure???  It does not make any difference that they were inside of a tomb.   These so called “archaeologist” went into a space & dug through ground to get to these tombs.   Who does this?  And…more importantly…who goes to see it and enjoys it?  What kind of people are we?

Think about it… it is no different then if I went to Mount Vernon to George Washington’s family tomb, pulled him out, put him in my car, drove him to D.C. and put him on display in a glass case at the Smithsonian Museum.  How many people would be down with that shit? Maybe one or two…but not many.  You know…and I know…they would lock my ass up and bury the key (probably somewhere at Mount Vernon) so I would never get out.   O.k…with that said…again I ask the question, “What is the difference?”

What in Satan’s Hell gives anybody the right to take these buried Egyptian people in Africa from their tombs and put them on display… anywhere???  Have we no decency and respect in our hearts? Since when is grave robbing considered a good thing?  Oh sure, they try and justify it by saying some nonsense like… “It is for educational purposes.”  And, I respond, “What??? Has somebody burnt up all the textbooks?”   To those who agree with this insanity, I say this: “Well, I tell you what.   Let me dig up your ancestors and put them on display.   Then…we’ll see if you feel the same way when you see your dead ancestors propped up on a bench in a local park. Oh yeah…& I won’t forget to pin a name card on them so you’ll know… who is who. How about that???”

The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them: ‘A priest must not make himself ceremonially unclean for any of his people who die,” (Leviticus 21: 1) 

The Bible further states, “Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD.” (Isaiah 52:11). 

Bottom line, the Smithsonian institute has no business displaying Egyptian mummies in their museum.  It is unholy and unclean.  And, we have no business participating in this unholiness by going to see these despicable exhibitions.  Both are offenses unto God.

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in Education, Satan, Science | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Race in America – In Black & White: Why Martin O’Malley struck a nerve with black folk when he said “All Lives Matter” at Netroots Nation Conference


(above photograph – Ross D. Franklin/AP)

Over the weekend at the Netroots Nation Conference ( a Progressive event), Martin O’Malley, who is a candidate running to win the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States, was being interviewed by the host, Jose Antonio Vargas.    O’Malley’s interview was interrupted when Black Activists came on stage.  This is how part of it went down.

One Black Activist, Patrice, spoke saying, “We are in a state of emergency. If you don’t know that emergency, you are not human.  I want to hear concrete actions (question directed at O’Malley) and I want to hear an action plan.”

O’Malley responded with, “Let me say a couple of things.  All of us as Americans have a responsibility to recognize the pain and the grief throughout our country for all of the lives that have been lost to violence, whether at the hands of police or civilians.”

His response was met with heckling.

O’Malley tried to respond, saying: “This is … let me … sure. I’ll just share with you … I’m trying to respond as best I can. No … hey. Look … I know, I know.”

O’Malley continued with: “Every life matters and that is why this issue is important. Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter.”

With this, they literally “booed” his ass right off the stage.

I have been listening to people talk about this all day long with many scratching their heads saying, “What was wrong with O’Malley saying ‘all lives matter’ ?”  They do not understand and are literally perplexed by the “backlash” Martin O’Malley is receiving. They do not understand why his comments are being perceived by many folk as being racially insensitive to black people.

I will humbly attempt to sum up in a few paragraphs what could literally take a lifetime to try and make others understand.     Here we go…  The “Black Lives Matter” movement is not something new in America.  Black people have been trying to convince white folk of this truth for eons…but to little or no avail.   It was even hard to convince Abraham Lincoln of this truth.  Yes…even Abraham Lincoln.  Let me explain.    While Abraham Lincoln did not think that black folk should be held in slavery, he did not (and, I repeat), he did not think black folk to be his equal.


In a speech at Peoria, Illinois, on October 16, 1854, Abraham Lincoln said:

Free them, and make them politically and socially, our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this; and if mine would, we well know that those of the great mass of white people will not. Whether this feeling accords with justice and sound judgment, is not the sole question, if indeed, it is any part of it. A universal feeling, whether well or ill-founded, can not be safely disregarded. We can not, then, make them equals.

In attacking slavery, he went on to say further:

Let it not be said I am contending for establishment of political and social equality between whites and blacks.  I have already said the contrary.”

So, if someone does not view you as their equal, how could they view your life…to be as valuable as their life?  They couldn’t.   They wouldn’t.    God says, there is nothing new under the sun.   As in the times of yesterday (slavery),  many…far too many… hearts of white folk have the same view, today, that Abraham Lincoln held back then.   “Black folk don’t need to be held in bondage, but they sure as hell better not try to put their feet under my table.”    Stay with me now…  O.k.

These kind of views have been smacking black folk in the face for a very long time.   It has occurred…even after slavery ended, when black folk were lynched just because some white folk felt like doing that…that day.  It has occurred when black children were killed during the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.   It has occurred when the black person didn’t get the job (“your over qualified” type of bullshit) even when they were the best applicant.  It has occurred when the white student was given extra classes (secretly) in high school so they could beat the black student out for Valedictorian when the black student had the better GPA at the beginning of the high school senior year. It has occurred when citizens like Eric Garner were murdered, in broad daylight, by the people who are paid by taxpayers to protect all citizens.   It has occurred when the killers have not been charged and convicted for the crime of murdering Eric Garner.  It has occurred when 9 black folk were shot to death, during bible study, in Charleston, South Carolina in the year of our Lord, 2015.   Can you hear me people?   Do you understand… yet???  Let me continue.

O.k…  White folk ain’t never been through what black folk have been through in this country we call the “United States of America.”   We may say that the states are united…but I know for damn sure…that it’s people are not.    How can a people truly unite if one group refuses to acknowledge and understand the degree of the unjustified suffering,  pain, horrors, oppression, cruelty, disrespect that the other group has experienced & continues to experience in this country?  How can a people unite if one group refuses to apologize for their part & the part of their ancestors in the other group’s most miserable plights?

So, you see… How could the Black Activists at the Netroots Convention unite with Martin O’Malley when he refuses to see the unique plight of injustices that black folk are going through, still, in this country?   How could the Black Activists at the Netroots Convention unite with Martin O’Malley when he refuses to see that even God, is not a respecter of persons?

When Martin O’Malley said, “Every life matters and that is why this issue is important. Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter” in the context of what the Black Activists were trying to explain to him,  O’Malley was basically saying to black folk,  “I don’t give a shit about what’s happening in your lives that make you think white folk don’t value your lives as much as they value their own.”   Martin O’Malley expressed the same view, in his own way, that Abraham Lincoln held.    Again, that view is, “black folk are not my equal.”

Iris R. Whiting ©

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CATHOLICS: PRIEST & PHEDOPHILIA – You All Have A Special Place In Hell…Reserved


Ex-Archbishop and one time Vatican diplomat, Jozef Wesolowski,  is hospitalized right before he is suppose to go on trial, at the Vatican, for child molestation.   The trial was suspended on Saturday, July 11, 2015.  He abused numbers of children while he was placed in the Dominican Republic for a five-year term.  He was recalled to the Vatican in August 2013, defrocked in 2014, and later arrested on charges of molestation.

Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, former nuncio to the Dominican Republic, is pictured during a 2011 ceremony in Santo Domingo. The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith found the archbishop guilty of sexual abuse of minors and has ordered that he be laicized. RNS photo courtesy Orlando Barria/CNS

My question is this? How can a pedophile, perpetrating as a “Man of God” within the Catholic church, get away with it for so long? Really.  What are the other priest doing (besides turning a blind eye) that they don’t see the writing on the wall?  O.k. The priest who is abusing children is working within an organization of many priest.  If any of these men are truly filled with the power of God, then why in Satan’s Hell do they lack the discernment to see the good & evil within someone? Because the power of God pulsates through my veins, He gives me an uncanny ability to know souls.  What I mean is this.  If a stranger crosses my path, God allows me to see the good, bad & in between aspects of that being. It’s as if I have personally known them for years.

Now, these priest are suppose ( I emphasize “suppose”) to be walking with God and in the ways of God.   If they were, they would also be strong in the gift of discernment. Meaning, they too, should be able to know souls.   So, it appears that we have some terrible problems within the Catholic church on several fronts. One, we have devils running around in priest garb molesting children. Two, we have others who know what’s going on but do nothing about it.  Three, we have devils perpetrating as men of God who lack the power & gifts required to do the will of God.  I tell you what…all who molest children & all who allow it to happen will suffer the same fate…HELL.   That’s right & I say this to these folks…  How dare any of you to think that your actions will go unpunished by God.    YOU HYPOCRITES!!!

You took sacred oaths to do the will of God, not that of the devil.  You have used deception to cover up vile and filthy actions.  You have stood before people proclaiming to speak for God while you have worked for your selfish devilish selves all along.  There is a saying,         “Oh, what tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive.” But, you know…since God knows all, He has seen the wickedness of your ways.  Make no mistake about it.  In all of your trickery, the only one you’ve really fooled is yourselves.  God says that what has been done in the dark will come to light.  Jesus says, “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”(Luke 8:17)   Your actions of molestation, covering it up, & your basic indifference to the safety & well-being of children has not gone unnoticed.  God… is letting the world see what you have tried to seal behind those Vatican doors.

You see…all of you who have been involved in the hurting of these children, in one way or another, you have gotten away with nothing.  You molesters…God has seen you.  You who ignored it…God has seen you.  You who have lack the God sense to even notice it…God has seen you.   You will all be held accountable.  Jesus says this, “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” (Mark 9:42)  So, you see, there is a special place in Hell…reserved for you.

Iris R. Whiting  ©

Posted in Catholics, DEVIL & DEMONS, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 47 Comments

Ariana Grande “I Hate America – I Hate Americans”: Girl, You can’t eat the cookies in the jar, enjoy them… then complain


My Dear Ariana…we need to talk.  It appears you have been really busy girl… pissing people off.   I heard (oh yeah.. & saw on camera) that recently, while you were at Wolfee Donuts in Lake Elsinore, Caliornia,  that you ‘licked’ donuts (then, put them back on the tray) that you didn’t pay for when you thought no one was looking.  In addition, while upset,  you stated that you “Hate America & Hate Americans.”     In the Huffington Post,  I read the apology you wrote.  (To be honest… it seemed very insincere) 

O.k.  I think that we can agree that licking donuts that other people may buy & eat…is nasty…  just plain nasty.     You see… I’m almost certain that you would not want to eat food that some stranger “licked” before you bought it.   Jesus says: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12). So,  don’t do it again.   I warn you about this because the bible also says,  “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)

Now,  as far as you saying, ” I hate America and I hate Americans,” Ariana…that is some awfully strong language you used.   Hate, in and of itself, is a very powerful word.   You just don’t use that word at the drop of a dime.   People, when angry, only use that word when they are really trying to convey  how they feel about something or someone.   So, when you made those statements, you said what you meant & you meant what you said.  The question is… Why?  It sounds like you have a lot of built up frustrations & anger about your experiences with America & Americans.   (I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with those crazy, racist, statements made by Donald Trump & others regarding illegal immigration)  Nevertheless, angry or not…frustrated or not…fed up or not…we all need to be very careful about the words we use and how we use them.   Why?  Because we are held accountable by God for every word we utter.  Jesus says: “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned,” (Matthew 12:36,37).

And, while God understands that this world can make you very, very, veeerrry angry at times, it should not give us cause to sin against Him.   In particular, the bible says, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:” (Ephesians 4:26)  You see…your angry actions can count against you in God’s eyes.  Let me explain. The bible states that hating someone is the same as killing them.  “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” (1 John 3:15)

Thus, if you die with these types of feelings in your heart, it could mean “curtains for you mack” even regarding your soul.  Meaning what?  Meaning that because God says you shall not kill in one of His 10 commandments, if you die without truly repenting for your sin, your soul could end up in Hell…literally.  Now, we don’t want that for you…do we???

Ariana, you are a very popular singer in this country we call “America.”    You make a lot of money doing what you do.   This money comes from your adoring fans (including Americans) who buy your CDs, come to your concerts, etc…   O.k., God gave you freewill to feel anyway you want about anything. That’s your God given right.  With that said…I ask you this…Have you prospered & otherwise benefited from the monies given to you by these “Americans” you hate?  If so, my dear girl, there is a saying that goes something like this, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”   Americans are very patriotic & very protective of this country and you hit them with a double whammy.  Not only did you say that you hate them… you said you hate this country.  Many might say this to you…”If you don’t like it, then leave.”    Many might stop supporting you since your harsh words reveal your lack of support for them or this country.


Remember this…you can’t eat the cookies, enjoy them & then complain.  What do I mean? Simply put, don’t benefit from Americans & their money, get where you think you need to be, & then have the audacity to tell them to kiss your ass (you know…so to speak).   It ain’t godly for one thing…& it damn sure ain’t good for your career. But…what do I know???

Iris R. Whiting ©



Posted in Entertainment - Celebrities | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 48 Comments

God is Concerned… Why??? Because…You Think Your In Charge of Something. And…Your Not.



God is concerned…

The Father says, “My people perish from a lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4: 6)

In other words, it is our ignorance that can cause our downfall.    Our lack of knowledge may lead us away from the Heavenly Father.   The farther we stray away from Him, the harder it becomes to follow Him.   And, if we are not following Him…then, who are we following?    There is only one alternative to God.   And…that is the devil.  In other words, if you are not following God, then, you are following the devil.  And…the devil can only lead you to one place…HELL.

Many people are ignorant of the fact that God is always in control of everything that happens in the world.    He is everywhere all the time and knows what is going on every moment.  There is not one thing that happens in this entire world that the Father doesn’t know about.   Don’t think for one moment that what happens to you, at any given time, is accidental.  It is not.   Nothing happens by chance.   Let me break down how this thing works.

You have probably heard about the two fugitives that broke out of prison in New York… Matt and Sweat.  Matt was shot and killed.  This did not happen by chance.   Ultimately, it happened because God allowed it to happen. God allowed the events that happened, to come about, to bring about the result of Richard Matt’s death. Plain and Simple.   Man doesn’t bring about anything that the Father has not allowed.   I hope you are still following me.    If God did not allow the border officers to shoot & kill Richard Matt, it would not have happened.

Now, don’t get confused.  I am not saying that God wanted it to happen or… that He caused it to happen.  This I do not know because I have not asked him about it.  (and…it’s not necessary to know for the point I’m making)  I am only saying this…   He just didn’t stop it…and He could have.  So, what does this mean?   It means that for whatever reason(s),  God decided that he would allow Richard Matt to be shot to death on that day.    Even if the devil wanted Richard Matt to die that day because he felt that Richard Matt may surely go to hell , the devil could not make it happen IF God said, “Oh, no, you are not going to get him yet.” O.k…

Now, what does this have to do with the rest of us?    Everyday that I wake up, I know for sure who is in charge of me.  And…I know for sure… it ain’t me.   I am not in charge of anything that happens to me.  I’m not.  You may say…”Iris…that’s not true.  When you decide to get up and go to the bathroom you are in control of doing that.”  I would respond to you in this way,  “NO, NO, NO…you are Sooooo Wrong!”   If the Father decides… that is not what He wants to me to do, it will not happen.  Remember this…He is in charge of the very breath that I breathe.   And…He can stop my breath at anytime if He so chooses.  I go to the bathroom when I do… because…again…HE ALLOWS IT.   Let’s say it together, “I do what I do because God allows it.  I do what I do because God allows it.”

Understanding that God is in charge is very, veeeery humbling.    You see…     I know that because He is God… & He is in charge, I need to do what He tells me to do.  Not, what Me, Myself & I want to do.   I know that I must follow Him because I don’t like the only alternative.   And, I am not trying to go to Hell for nobody.   But, you know what?  Even more important to me than not going to Hell, is…I LOVE HIM.  I love Him  sooooooooo much & I don’t want to disappoint Him.   I thank God everyday that He brought me out of darkness &… into the light.  I thank God everyday that I am no longer on a fast track to Hell.  I thank God everyday that He loved me enough to be patient with me when I was lost.  (and…that was for a long, long time)  And, I thank God everyday that He did not let me perish in my ignorance.   Apostle Paul says,   “Oh wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” (Romans 7:24)

I’ll tell you… who.   MY HEAVENLY FATHER.  It is only my Father who has freed this child… from this body… of death.  OH YALL… I hope you are listening to me!!!  You see…   I was the real “walking dead.”  And,  I didn’t have sense enough to know it.  At any given time, I was at the gates of Hell & standing on a banana peel.   But…my Father came.   YES!!!  He came & He rescued me from no one…but, myself.  PRAISE GOD!!!   Now, don’t misunderstand.   He didn’t do this because I deserved it.  DEFINITELY NOT.   If I deserved anything from the sense of being a sinful human being…surely, it was death as Apostle Paul says.  My Father came only because HE LOVES ME.  Because HE LOVES ME…in spite of myself.  Now…that’s really something!  PRAISE GOD!!!

Iris R. Whiting  ©



Posted in God, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

Chris Christie: Chris Christie thinks he’ll be President. Now whose the dummy???

thumbs downthumbs downchrischristie

Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey and one who is now running to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States.  I recently watched him give his announcement speech at his high school.    You know…he is not far behind Donald Trump in terms of being absolutely crazy.   Chris Christie will look at you square on & lie to you with the straightest of faces.    He is no damn good & ought to be ashamed of himself.  But…he’s not.  Why? Because he has convinced himself that he can still  win the Republican nomination.    You see Chris Christie has done a job on folks who do not really know him.    And…he is hoping that it is this group of people that will help catapult him higher in the poll standing where he was a couple of years ago.

Let me break it down for you.   A few years ago, Chris Christie saw himself on top of the world.   He was considered to be the top pick for the 2016 Republican Nominee for President at that time.     He had literally snowed a lot of people into believing that he was as honest & truthful as he thought his lying ass self to be.   If he was at some function and someone came & tried to disagree with him about something, the Chris Christie response would be something like, “SIT DOWN & SHUT UP!  Only a dummy would say that.”   And, this type of bullying attitude is what got him all that attention a few years back.  He was viewed by many as this straight talker… who didn’t take “no shit off nobody” kind of guy…& blah, blah, blah.  You get the point.   His approval numbers in New Jersey were high. (65% in 2012 according to the Huffington Post)

Well, the shit hit the fan when Christie along with his staff ( oh yeah…he knew what they were doing) shut down the George Washington bridge (for no valid reason) and caused crazy back-ups just to get back at Mayor Mark Sokolich in Fort Lee, N.J.,  for not supporting Chris Christie in his re-election bid.   And, the mayor is not even a Republican.   You tell me if that shit isn’t crazy.   Why did they do it?  Because those spiteful bastards thought they could get away with it.  They thought they could use their bullying tactics to teach Mayor Sokolich that… “this is what you get when you don’t do what we want.”  Mmmmmhhh…  Sounds a little like mafia style shit…if you ask me.  Oh yeah…that’s right…  We are talking about Jersey.

Anyway, Mayor Sokolich told it.  He told why that busy bridge was shut down & who was responsible for doing it.    Chris Christie & his henchmen didn’t count on that.  To go from bad to worse, the Christie dummies left a trail of e-mails that proved they did it & why they did it.   REVENGE! You see…while Chris Christie was running around calling everybody else a “dummy,” it turns out that he and his gang weren’t to smart their damned selves.     They got caught.  And, when the media found out, OH MY!…they ran with it.    This whole fiasco is now known as “BRIDGEGATE.”

Well, that is the way the ball bounces when you run around trying to bully your way into victories.  Sometimes, that ball bounces right on top of your own…damn head.    At this time, Chris Christie’s approval rating in New Jersey is piss poor.   No joke.   His New Jersey approval rating has dropped to it’s lowest ever.    Only 35% of the people in New Jersey approve of the way he is running things according to a Quinnipiac University poll.

So, what does all of this tell us?  It tells us that no one is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf  big bad wolf

who calls himself, “Chris Christie.”

He will not…& I repeat…he will not win the Republican Party Nomination for U.S. President.

Iris R. Whiting ©

Posted in Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Donald Trump: Trump is gonna be Trump… It’s your foolishness if you want him for President

republican    republicandonaldtrumptwo


Trump is gonna be Trump.   So, it will be your foolishness if you  back him for President of the United States.      You know, when I look at Donald Trump all I see is a “used car salesman.”  All I see, is a liar, a cheat & a fast talking… beat.  It’s the truth.  (I’m sorry if I have offended any honest “used car salesman.”  I’ve just never met any).     Anyway…there is a saying, “What you do the most, you do the best.”    Donald Trump has lied, cheated and     B-s’d his way (probably since he was two…yeah, two) for so long, that he has become an expert at it.  The truth is as foreign to Donald Trump as chastity is to a whore.  Seriously.   He has lied…& lied…& lied for soooooo long,  he doesn’t know anything else.  And, make no mistake about, he is a master at deception.

Oh…he knows how to press the right buttons to get people to go along with his nonsense.    He plays to the worst & most ugly side of human beings.    He says…& will continue to say whatever he thinks will get him what he wants.   And, right now, he wants the attention that comes along with being a United States Presidential candidate.  You see… Donald Trump is a narcissist of the worst kind.   No matter how much attention he gets…it’s never enough.  And, it will never be enough.

It’s not surprising to hear Donald Trump generally call Mexican people rapist and murderers.   So, why did he do it?  That’s easy.   Even though he is speaking these lies about this group of people, he meant it.   Oh, yeah.  He meant what he said because he is a racist.   And, black folk should not delude themselves into believing that he thinks any better about them… he doesn’t.  The only saving grace that black folk have in dealing with Donald Trump is that slavery ended a while ago and he didn’t have the opportunity to participate.  That’s the only reason he hasn’t engaged in that activity.  If he would be truthful, ( and, I don’t see that happening) he would lament to you about his disappointment in not having the opportunity to be what’s called a “slave master.”  And, we are talking about free labor where the law says that people are his property to do with as he sees fit.  Oh…Hell yeah.   That’s right up Trump’s alley.  And, it’s a very dark, dark alley.

Donald Trump is not simply chasing the devil…oh no…he is riding his back.   Trump knows that there are many white folk who too believe that Mexican people, generally speaking, are rapist and murderers.   He said what he said about Mexicans knowing that he has a captive audience with those who feel the same way he does.    Sadly…it’s a hell-u-va lot more people than you would think or hope.   But, that’s just the way things are…and it does no good to delude yourself.

O.k.  God gave Trump a free will and he has the free will to feel any way he wants whether it be good…bad…or in between.   With that being said…God also gave the rest of us a brain to use accordingly.     My brain tells me that I don’t want that devilish Donald Trump in the White House.     I don’t want a lying, cheating, arrogant racist to be the President of the United States.    But…that’s just me.   You…will have to decide for yourself.  My point is just this…”If you put  a devil worker in the White House the devil is coming along with him.”  It’s your choice.


Iris R. Whiting ©



Posted in Donald Trump, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 115 Comments




A big thing that is happening right now is all the “Ghost Hunting” that is going on.  This is where people are intentionally going out to look for what some call “Ghost.”   Many find this “Ghost Hunting” to be fun and exciting while they are being scared to death.  There are two tv shows that come to mind that do this ghost hunting stuff, Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures.    My first thoughts are, “Are you all crazy?  So, you probably don’t have enough problems in your life.  Yes, it’s a great idea to go out “looking” for more.” Really???

I say this to you people who call yourself ghost hunters: “It’s a friggin terrible idea but you don’t have the God sense to know it.”  Let me explain.   A “Ghost” is defined by Merriam-Webster as, ” the soul of a dead person thought of as living in an unseen world or as appearing to living people.”   In truth, dead people cannot come back after death to visit the living unless God says it can happen.   He very rarely ever does this and when he does…it is to serve His purpose in some major way.   O.k. so you might ask, “Are you saying that there are no such things as ghost?”  I would say this.  Dead people cannot come back to visit anyone at whim.  They cannot be called up through a seance session conducted by people we call “psychics or mediums.”   Once your physical body has died, the flesh part of you goes back to dust.  Literally.   The only part of you that goes on is the “soul.”   This part of you does not die.   It does not go into an endless sleep.  Not at all.

Who controls the soul?   What happens to it?  God controls what happens to your soul after the physical body dies.  He decides if you go into a “heavenly holding place” or a “hellish holding place,” while we wait for Jesus’ return.    God forbids the living from even trying to speak to any person that has passed on.   In particular God says:
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God. (NIV) Deuteronomy 18:10-13

For God’s sake people and really for the sake of your soul, STOP doing this nonsense.   Why? Because God says so.  That should be enough for you to stop, but…I am not that naive. I know that if you really followed God and knew Him you wouldn’t be doing your “ghost hunting” to start with.  So, with that in mind, I say this…the entities and beings that people are seeing (who they think are dead people coming back) are really demons…yes, demons.   Demons are real and have a great deal of power (supernatural powers).   Remember, demons are fallen angels that God kicked out of Heaven because they became a part of the devil’s gang.  Demons operate under the directive of their leader, the devil.   They exist now, to do his bidding.   And…his bidding is to kill your dumb ass.

The devil and demons can shift their shapes and appear like someone who lived and has passed on.  They can appear to be “Lucky Luciano” who has passed on and now appears at the foot of someone’s bed in the middle of the night.   They can appear to be your grandmother who wants to give you some advice from beyond the grave.   The main point to remember is this… these are not deceased people…these are DEMONS.   

So, what should you do with respect to demons.   YOU SHOULD NOT GO OUT LOOKING FOR THEM.  YOU SHOULD NOT SPEAK TO THEM.  YOU SHOULD NOT ASK THEM TO APPEAR TO YOU.  Why? Because you are asking for Hell to break out all around you & within you.  What does that mean?  This means that you cannot invite the devil in without Hell coming along.  If you invite demons into a certain place, they will come.  Make no mistake about.  They are now laughing their asses off because you were ignorant enough to let them in.   You see, the demons know (even though you don’t) what they are about to do to you and others in that place.  They are going to try and drive you crazy by moving things around, scratching you, pushing you down stairs, killing your animals, sexually molesting your children,  making so much damn noise that no one can sleep, turning people against one another, and so on & so on.  I think you get the picture.  Oh, yeah.   You also could become possessed by the demon and lose your mind.  I am very serious.   If a demon possesses your body you will lose your mind if you do not get help.  If a demon possesses your body, you will become very sick physically and the sickness will kill you unless you get help.   The only way to become un-possessed, is by way of an Exorcism.   It might take one, five, or even ten years of Exorcisms for you to rid yourself of the demons that are now possessing you.    In the meantime, guess what is going on in your life.  I’ll tell you…PURE HELL.

You might ask, “Why would I be susceptible to the demons possessing me just because I am ghost hunting?”   You are susceptible because you have no protection against the demons.  You are an ignorant sitting duck that is waiting to be plucked.  And, plucked you shall be.   You see…God is the only entity that can stop the devil and the demons.   He is the only authority they obey.   He is the only one that can prevent the devil & the demons from harming you.   However,  you have no protection from God.  Why?  Because you have disobeyed God’s command.   He said not to try and seek out the dead and you did not listen.  Remember this if you remember nothing else,  “You reap what you sow.”  The Bible says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7


If you do things to bring forth the devil & his demons & Hell, that is what you shall experience.    God will not protect those who disobey His commands.   Disobedience to God’s commands and His will can also cost you your soul.   Remember, I said earlier, God controls your soul after you die.   Now, do you really think you can willfully disobey Him, not repent & make it into Heaven.   I would guess to say, “Probably Not.”

So…please…please…please…STOP THIS SO CALLED “GHOST HUNTING.”   I don’t want you to wake up one day and find yourself…waking up in Hell.   God may say, “You kept chasing the devil through your ‘ghost hunting’ & now I’ll let you live with him forever.  Tell me how you like it now.  Is it still fun & exciting?”

Iris R. Whiting ©







Posted in DEVIL & DEMONS, Spiritual | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 513 Comments